- Dear Sidby Heather Knight
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An epistolary one.
Dear Sid by Heather Knight

Dear Sid,

When I first saw you, I thought you were the handsomest man in the world. Now, looking back on that day, I realize I was too young and shallow.

You courted me relentlessly and I was an easy prey. I had never had a serious boyfriend and didn't have a very high opinion of myself.

On our third date, you suggested sex and I was too scared to say no. I thought if I did, you'd probably leave me.

After nine months, our daughter, Ruby, was born.

We got married soon after, but it was not the princess tale I had always dreamt of.

And that's when the nightmare started. You changed so completely, it was like living with a stranger.

But I still loved you.

(I'm not going to give you this letter, but it feels good to write it).



Dear Sid,

Remember when I told you I wanted to find a job? You flew into a rage and told me my place was at home looking after Ruby and getting dinner ready.

You shouted at me when I wore make up and accused me of flirting with other men.

You stopped me from going out with my friends and, after a while, you started doing the shopping yourself so I had no excuses to leave the house.

I felt like a prisoner. The garden was my only escape.

However, when you noticed how much I loved it, you told me I was wasting time and should do more cleaning instead.

I only had one outlet left. My books. When you were not at home I devoured stories and for a while I felt happy.

Why did you have to crush all my dreams?


Dear Sid,

You managed to destroy my love of reading too. One day, I was so absorbed in one of my stories that I didn't hear you coming.

You told me books were the devil's tools. You emptied my shelves and burned all my novels.
I still remember how much I cried.

Now I wonder why I didn't leave you. But I guess I was scared. I thought I wouldn't find a job. I thought nobody would love me.

How should I end this letter?



Dear Sid,

This time you've gone too far. Yesterday, Ruby displeased you when she got dirty while playing with her friends.

You were going to slap her, but I stopped you. I got punished, of course. You slapped me instead. Hard.

And that was the wake up call I needed. I've packed my cases and Ruby and I are leaving. You'll never see us again.

I don't hate you, but I don't love you either. For your own good, I do hope you get the help you need.

Your soon to be ex-wife,




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