- Widow's Tableauby Chrissy710
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A Tableau contest entry
Widow's Tableau by Chrissy710
    Tableau poetry Contest Winner 

I stand by your grave
And whisper your name
A single tear flows
Again my heart breaks
Another year gone
Alone I remain.

Writing Prompt
Write a tableau. It consists of one or more verses, each line having six lines, each line should be five beats. For this contest the verse count is one.
There is no set rhyme scheme although rhyme may be present.
The title should contain the word tableau.
Since the dictionary states that the word tableau means picture or representation, the poem should reflect this. A picture should come to mind as the poem is read.


Winter tableau

Not a sign of wind -
A single snowflake
Descends into view;
I search the bleak sky
For just a few more
And breath in winter.

Margaret R. Smith
Tableau poetry
Contest Winner

Author Notes
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