- Manufactured Enemiesby Spiritual Echo
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When did we disengage from reality?
Manufactured Enemies by Spiritual Echo

Do you suppose, in the absence of a real threat, we manufacture obstacles to give meaning to our lives? Do we go out of our way to find something to hate?

I've had reason to reflect and ask myself why I expend so much time justifying my dislike for a person. Hate is too strong a word for me, and at any rate, I have never met this person, but from what I know, I find every thought that springs to the keyboard offensive. Worse, I don't know why.

At heart, I am a natural born philosopher. I don't agonize over the sound a tree makes when it falls in the forest--whether there is a witness or not. I do spend an inordinate amount of time on the human condition. Though I consciously banned the question 'WHY' from my dialogue, but I don't think I ever stopped trying to answer the question.

Why? Why? Why?

Is my thought process normal and everyone else is insane? Or is it the other way around? And, if either one of those statements are correct, what is common sense?

Yet, I am offended by self-proclaimed Christians who trash people because they don't carry a crucifix as their moral compass, devout friends who began wearing nails on chains after forcing themselves to sit through a Mel Gibson movie. The arrogance of a writer who believes his/her words merit dismissal of simple grammar rules. Perhaps these personal sensibilities are the same reason I am infuriated with politics lately.

If anyone has dropped into the forum, they'd know I have little respect for Trump, but that doesn't mean I disagree with everything this administration has done: Most of it, but who is keeping score? The point is not about supporters and haters, it's about the loss--the barn raising, the unity, and now... the divisiveness. The prevailing mood is to talk about the man--issues be damned.

It's not just an American thing. Empathy is shedding, respect is diluted and manners have all but disappeared.

Korea is launching another missile this weekend while Americans defend their second amendment rights. How is that so different, I ask myself, but get no answer. Kim Jong-Un is meeting with Putin this week. WHY? Or maybe the answer is why not?

Author Notes
Or, in case of the tree in the witness-free forest, who cares? In most people's minds, if they didn't hear the death throes, it doesn't matter or count.


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