- Even though I May Now Be Dead?by Ricky1024
This work has reached the exceptional level
Jason Speaks from the grave!
Puncturing Reality
: Even though I May Now Be Dead? by Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.
"Even though I May Now Be Dead?"
Written on April 5th, 2019
By Jason from Heavrn
Copyright C.FanStory 2019
"All Rights Reserved"
"Within the Portal of Man. "Lies an Unending Need to Succeed."
(Theology 45.99)
"And, Welcome now to this place below but above for Me?"
"It's cold but quote the Raven by Poe...
"Comfy you ask?"
"Yes, a little cold and dark below though...
"Oxygen ran away a long time ago...
"The reason I invited you all there?"
"Is too learn a little bit more about first...
"Then Death...
"Please, Don't be scared by what happens Next."
"Once Upon A Time when...
"Even Though I Now Must Walk Through The Valley of Death!"
"I fear not a FUC**** Damned Thing!"


"Surly, The Grace of God Shalleth Now And Forever...
"Comfort Me?"
"And, Even though I may or may not be remembered...
"This you all will!"
"Time hath elapsed as I was Grasped and thrown...
"Like a piece of Used Garbage into this Stacked and Damned Shit Hole you see in my dad Richard's picture!"
"Yes, cast away to live on but another of Day?"
"As for comfort?"
"Howie the FUC* Mandal
do you think it feels?"
"Come on after more than...
"Sixteen, FUC***** YEARS!"
"Rotting away?"
"Well you answer a Stupid Question with another stupid Question!"
"I lost the Stars...
"I lost the Moon...
"I lost the Sun and Fun...
"And, Yes."
"I came undone?"
"It first started with an accident...
"A series of unfortunate events...
"A Crazy Driver whom had depression and was intent...
"To commit Suicide!"
"And, yes I was stupid and went along for the Ride!"
"But, then again, wouldn't it hath happened to you?"
"At only Eighteen and needed and had nothing or something better to Do?"
"So, if I may be now boring and snoring you?"
"I'll make it now short and neat as you can just smell my smelly pair of rotting feet!"
"I was suddenly wished away but not on a Magic Carpet or Santa's Reindeer or Sleigh?"
"And, yes it was as if leading...
'A Lamb to a Slaughter!'
"No need to Beg, Borrow, or Steal?"
"Come on reviewers your getting off the track and maybe after all this FUC****
"I can get My Organs *Back?"
Approximate Word Count: 426.

Author Notes
adj. rear, end, behind.
"Yes, Me again here in Dads Editors Notes."
"The kids name is Brian Cole and I knew him from a long, time ago."
""And, yes he was a little crazy and I tried...
(God knows I did try)
"But, I was in over My head."
"And, to learn more about...
'Organ-Tissue Donations.'
"You know, like from Me the Lamb?"
"Then simply contact My Dad Richard's dear friend Lara S. Moretti the L. S. W. with...
"The Gift of Life!"
Philadelphia, PA. at...
1-800-DONORS -1.
(My favorite Number!)
"Got her in my Heavenly Facebook!"
"And, thanks for putting up with Me a second time in one day!"
again, as always to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ "
"Fan Story and Tom the Administrator."
"Fan Art Review, the Talented Artist and Amazing Writer...
'Doctor Ricky 1024'
"And, his Incredible but Eerie picture... "Graveyard Church"


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