- Fever Dreaming by QC Poet
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Pappa's Memories and Ramblings
: Fever Dreaming by QC Poet



I had a dream,
it came through as in a film stream,
it made me deem that I couldn't scream,
for I was outta my Being,
It's quite a weird thing.

It was a mental trip,
where my thoughts did roam and flip,
the scenes I saw tried to rip,
my hold on my mortal grip,
when my fever finally broke,
it seemed like a big mental joke.

The things I saw soon fell away,
that I can recall without any sway,
clown puppets happily having a ball,
to be seen laughing and heard by all,
from the tall to the very small.

No evil killer clowns,
with those big goofy frowns,
nor evil sounds covering our towns,
although there was some noise,
I held and kept my solace and my poise.

Some suppressed thoughts?
or my mind tied up in knots? 
Clown like bright smiling faces,
may help hide our hurting spaces,
and the constant miseries,
we feel of life's unknown mysteries.

When I smile now to cry later,
it doesn't mean I'm some kind of strife negator,
I take my life straight on my chin,
while maintaining my big goofy grin,
when knocked down I get back up again,
willing and ready to give my life another spin.

Author Notes
Fever Dreaming
By; George Martinez
Free Verse Dream Entry

Recently when hospitalized I had a fever driven clown dream that was like an acid trip in it's nature.

Sometimes a feverish dream is just a feverish dream, I suppose.


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