- Timed Releaseby Ricky1024
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted
A Short Message from the President.
Puncturing Reality
: Timed Release by Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.
"Times Release"
(To Carry the Big Stick)
Written on March 26th, 2528.
By Bill Donald Nixon Kennedy Trump the Tenth.
Copyright C.FanStory 2528.
"All Rights Reserved"

"My fellow Americans...
"This Is A Time Release statement."
"From the National Justice Division and System of the Office of President."
"Good morning my fellow Americans."
"Today is only three days since you last were forced to the Callous and Engraved leftovers of the Democratic Administration!"
"And with these thoughts in mind and mind you this...
"This here President...
"Of this here...
"United States of America."
"And yes, your President...
Bill Donald Nixon Kenny Clinton Trump the Tenth...
"My Dear and Fellowed Americans...
"With Humbled of Heart...
"Mind, Body, and Soul...
"You have a lot to be thanks for as my past Ancestors...
From the Kenndys to this Here Trumps...
"Will not be Humped and Dumped as our former 'Obama Comama Fuchatrama...
'Humpty Dumpty.'
"We will not have our shells cracked Open as we tumble...
"Off My Great Wall!"
"And, I am to Walk Tall and Carry My Big Stick!"
"We here are too fanned proud and I proudly protest...
"The past Administration's statements!"
"And, I am here to assure you...
"My Fellow Compatriots...
"And bring to Thee All...
"Peace of Mind....
"Presence of Thought...
"And finally...
"Presence of Presents!"
"Gifts, Blessed Gifts that I am about to Present!"
"My Fellow American Patriots of Mind and Equality."
"Ye all fellow Americans."
"Whom have not flex our Nobel Borders and Great Nation."


"These are Horrid of Times...
"Not the Best if Times...
"But, the Worst of Times!"
"Drug Addiction is at an...
"All Time High!"
(Sorry spelled that wrond)
"Yes, Yellow Ameracans...
"Hold on a second...
(The President does a line of Coke)
"Okay, Blokes!"
"That's better!"
"And where was I now that my Febble Mind hath cleared and I almost choked?"
"We are now at the 'Crossroads of this Great Nation!"
"A Nation that hath Suffered so...
"In which hath never, ever, seen...
"Or heard such horrible statements!"
"I'm about to release!"
"I wish"to offer My and My Administrations...
"Most Humbled apologies...
"About these...
(Which were done do Callously(
"And, previously were offered...
"By the Last Administration."
"And, as my past Relations...
"Our Great Fore Fathers from the Washingtons to the Jefferson's...
(Loved that show that was my Great, ever so Great Grandpappies favorite!)
"And, Our Great Fore Fathers...
"From the Jefferson's to the Lincolns...
"The Lincolns to the Kennedys...
"The Kennedys to the Nixons...
"To the Clintons, Bush, and finally ..
"Back to the Trumps...
"Disregard those Past Bullshit Statements that we need to be FUC*** United!"
"Unfortunately, that is not to be found true."
"And, although after submitting these necessary thoughts and statements...
"Prior to this year...
"As President of the United States of America...
"I humbly and Hump on Ye...
"Mother Humpers...
"Land Jumpers...
"And because of the last so called...
"Fine and Nobel Obama Ali A Haumah Momma...
"Which Bumbled the job...
"I now must carry these thoughts!"
"And carry a Big Dick!"
"Excuse me again for a sec...
(The President now smokes a blunt and toke laced with Crack and Crocodile)
"That's better, now where were we?"
"Stick and Puncture Reality with it...
"My Fellow Bitches...
"And, all those past Ironclad Democratic Bitches...
"Mother ******* since the last Weakened Administration...
"And that post this year by that other President of United States and this Great Nation...
"Our foreskins...
"Hold on...
(The President now crushes two Rhitalyns)
(And Snorts)
"Our Past Forefathers...
"That Nobrly and Graciously...
"So sacrificed so created and served...
"With servitude and Lament...
"We must preserver and I will now block Illegal Entrance...
(As always)
"With my Great Wall...
"Entrance to Our Broken Borders!"
"No more will I personally allow those Blackened Nigg*** into this here...
"Great Nation!"
"I will continue to increase this budget, bringing it back into the black from the red!"
"Instead silly heads!"
"And, as further noted by this here President of this here United of States!"
"Of this here President of the United States of Arab Republics...
(Need a Quick One)
"Thanks Monica Lewinsky the Twelfth!"
"I have now hath legalized all Illigal Drugs!"
"Clap, Clap, Clap!"
"I know hath legalized with this pen in my hand...
"All Prostitutes and Prostitution!"
"Clap, Clap, Clap!"
(Get it?)
"And now Addicts...
"I grant Thee...
"All addictions into this Great Here Nation...
"WITH the continued of Illegal Productions, Products, and Poisonings...
"Of these here dangerous addictions...
"That now are not being regulated by the Federal Government...
"Of this Great Nation...
"Lets all Get High!"
"Clap, Clap, CLAP!!!
"And, with parting words of sorrow...
"Now Death-Regulation...
"Which before there were no profit...
"And now, I Humbly submit to Thee..
"We will be Lucky and Rich Bitches!"
"That there is...
"And, will be again...
"And Never Again Friends...
"Be crime and there is and never again will be no diseases?"
"If You paleaze...
"And, I will continue the blockage of illegals and illegal Imports from China, India, and Other Embordered Nations!"
"Clap, Clap!"
"Oh What's this Crap?"
"United we Stand and we will together, preserve."
"This here Great Nation of now Prostitutes and Drunkened Addicts!"
"I will block any bills coming forth from the Democrats!"
(As always)
"That is critical and all past Democratic Administrations that have been found to not only damage...
"But discreet and cheat our Great Nation!"
"Which was practically destroyed...
"With their hideous judgments...
"Causing World War Five!"
"Clap, Clap, CLAP!"
"And, we must now all stand together and not alone!"
"Scrub our dirty toilets and answer our Dirty friend cell phone call!"
"We all noe got Big Balls and Sticks!"
"And, we are Walking Tall Maniacs!"
"Addicted to Crack!"
"What the Hack!"
"We must prove and show to Congress that we are United In Pot!"
"Cough, Cough!"
"Open the Coffin's Lids!"
"And, jump into the Sin",
"We will win!"
"And that together...
"As a Republican Nation...
"We can make the necessary changes and adjustments to keep this here...
"Great Nation moving forward and continue to make it again...
"The Number One Power on this Earth!"
Clap, Clap, on Crack!"
"We may need to move forward with issues of the environment...
"Our future children's Education...
"National debt...
"But now my Fellow Addicts...
"That's no Important now as we Crush those Democrats and their siily beliefs again Addiction, Prostitution, and Alcoholism!"
"Say "FUC* to the Elderly and Disabled!"
"The Mentally Ill!"
"Drunk as A Skunk Drivers that Mainge and Kill!"
"Clap, Clap, Is this Shit and Crap done yet?"
"Heard That Ricky!"
"So, in closing...
"My Fellow Americans...
"Whitney Huston....
"Not Again?"
"Yes Donald?"
"Yes, I married that Bitch!"
"Cocaine, Oxycaine, and Mellow Mints paleaze?"
"Here now Hubby, let me wipe the Dribble from your face."
Thanks Lovey.
(She's Number Thirteen!)
"Yes, where was I?"
"We need to strike!"
"Blend our Forces!"
"Continue Divorces!"
"Clap, Clap!,
(Running out of Claps!)
"We need to defeat the more serious Opponents like more Irans, more Iraqs, Syrias...
"That are now still emerging over My Great Walls!"
"At this very moment as I am speaking!"
"They are crawling up and over My Great Walls and seeking!"
"Illegal immigration!"
"And, I will continue to meet the demands of all these issues that I am now Posting!"
"I will not allow This Great Nation to suffer from the Slings and Bows of Arrows!!"
"As they try to Disembowl!"
"And, shove it up our Ass!"
"Together we can become a Communist and Totalitarian State of Terrorism!"
"And, all these issues and more...
"WE will prevail!"
"As we will all face the deadly force of Nonprejudition and Religious Zealots!"
"And, Go Boldly Where No Other Hath Hone Before!"
"Wait Pres, ain't that a little to 'Trexy?"
"Shut up Ricky, this is my Address!"
"Oh Hold. On God?"
"I say to you Illegals...
"Get a FUC**** JOB!,"
"No more Welfare!"
"I say...
"More Destruction and Warfare!"
"Fore With our Great Knowledge of Weaponry we will Free this Great Nation and together...
"My Fellow Pot Headed Addicts...
"Stay strong and continue to walk proud and Carry Our Big Dicks...
"Monica our Hillary?"
"What a Rush Limbaugh or Berg?"
"And, I say these things in the name of Jesus the Christmas."
"How did I do Mommy?"
"You Fuc*** it up Son!"
"No Trump supporters were either Killed or Injured in the making of this speech!"
(I Think?)
Approximate Word Count: 1472.

Author Notes
"Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father an2 Hi2 So n Jesus Christ."
"FanStory and Tom the Administrator."
"Fan Art Review, this Talented as well as, Gifted Artist, ' Kevin Williams ,
"And, his picture...
"President Obama"


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