- Traveling at the Speed of Fright!()by Ricky1024
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted
My Life in flames!
Puncturing Reality
: Traveling at the Speed of Fright!() by Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.
"Traveling at the Speed of Fright!" (A)
Written on October 11th, 2018
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright C. Fan Story 2018
"All Rights Reserved"
"I'm now traveling at the speed of Fright! "
"But, there's no place like Home!"
"Home on the Range where the Pain, Misery, and Depression shall play!"
"Where seldom is Heard nothing but a Cursed of Word...
"And, my Sullen Heart...
"Too just Breaking...
"Forever aching...
"All day...
"Ah, I'm arriving now at my Destination and it will be my...
"Third Time...
"Hold on a second...
"And, Tight!"
"Three moments later...
"I'm on the 'River Scythe,' as 'The Grim Reaper of Death!'
"Places two, gold, coins...
"One at a time...
"Over my eyes...
"Let's check it out?"
"One at a time...
"As they fall upon the boats floor...
"Look what I have in store?"
"Look over there?"
"It's Bin Laden being beaten and tortured by another Muslim?"
"What a Sin?"
"Maybe a relative or two?"
"Relatively Speaking?"
"Another poor Saul?"
"Oh, looky over there to the West?"
"It's old Atilla the Hun?"
"And, he's beating and Hitting Adolph Hitler!"
"With a Cat of Nine Tales!"
"Guess that's his last Life!"Bloody Fuc**** Mess!"
"Perhaps Atilla will Hang on a Post...
"His head but this is my post!"
"One sexing later...
"Okay, here we are at...
"The Gates of Hell!"
"And, there's that Old Man again!"
"Okay Ricky, Two Coins please?"
"Thank you and "The Master"
Is waiting!"
"Thanks for nothing."
I thought.
"Ricky, take a drink of "Hemlock Tea?"
"It's good as should be?"
I reply...
"I'll pass."
"I got enough Foul thongs shoved up my ASS!"
"Upon entering the Streets of Hell!"
"My Old Buddy?"
"Oh, you again Priest!"
"To be Continued...

"Traveling Within The Perimeters of Hell!"(B)
Written on October 12th, 2018
"I'm now traveling within the Perimeters of Hell!"
"But God, why is all well?"
"Well, what the Hell is that Smell?"
"Don't ring a Bell?"
"From the color, could it possibly be someone's Gel?"
"Jello from Hello?"
"Hello, is anybody listening to me?"
"Are you just stupid and Mellow?"
"Am I a Lucky Fellow?"
"Or, is this something from...
"Rather have a plate of ice creme and Nabisco's Vanillas?"
"But God, it's starting to stink so bad ..
"And, it's the color of Yellow!"
"Out of Luck!"
"Friar Tuck it!"
"What the FUC*It?"
"Go instead, and Kill a Duck it!"
"It smells so bad must of been hit by a Mack Truck it?"
"Just my Damned Luck it!"
"Call me, 'Friar Tuck it!"
"Better Duck it?"
"It's that Mack Truck it?"
"Would you just Pluck IT?"
"Better Duck it!"
"What again?"
"Can't Duck, stuck now in the Muck?"
"Better Ruck it?"
"What the FUC* is Ruck?"
"Maybe you have been hit b6 another Mack Truck it?"
"Can't answer cause your stuck in the Muck?""Guess then you ran out of Luck Mack?"
"Oh Well, guess another soon going to Hell?"
"Guess it's no longer just me?"
"Oh, tour new here, and what's your name?"
"William Tell!"
"What about Ben and Teller?"
"Heard he wasn't much of a Lucky Feller?"
"He's performing in a Cellar?"
"With, Old Teller?"
"This is even getting to much for me and I Luke to Rhyme!"
"But, I still got to rhyme it!"
"Teller tell me?"
"Well Ricky, I found William Tell in that Well!"
"And, he went straight to Hell!"
"You see Ricky, he fell!"
"Fell Tell?"
"Yes Ricky, Straight Down that Well!"
"Oh well, that as well explains him here in Hell!"
"Guess he will be sitting down here for a Spell...
"What Tell?"
"He won't be sitting a Spell?"
"Still down the Well?"
"Because he forgot 5o Spell!"
"Spell what Tell, HELL?"
"No, he was put under a Spell?"
"He'll put you under a Spell?"
"Me or you, Tell?"
"Tell, Me, You, Teller, William, or Speller?"
"Old Yeller?"
"No Spelling!"
"Thought I got me a dog named Old Teller!"
"To take to Hell Here?"
"Tori Spelling or Speller?"
"Anyway you put it?"
"It looks like I'm soon to be a...
"Lucky Feller?"
Approximate Word or Rhyme Count: 750.

Author Notes
"Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ."
"Fan Story and Tom the Administrator."
"Fan Art Review, this Amazing and Talented Artist, 'jgrace,' and their Picture, "Incoming"


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