- New Life by scongrove
This work has reached the exceptional level
Sins of Chaos/A Novel of the Breedline series
Sins of Chaos
: New Life by scongrove
Book of the Month contest entry

If you enjoy tasteful, heartfelt romance, you'll love this chapter.

Previously . . .
Now that Apollyon has fallen for Yelena after he kidnaps her, she begins to have feelings for him as well. But, his uncontrollable lust for human blood and savage behavior he was born with could be too much for her to bear.

When Apollyon visited the room he kept Yelena prisoner, their emotions took over. Before their passion went too far, Apollyon suddenly felt weak and fell to the floor unconscious. Distraught, Yelena panicked when she discovered Apollyon wasn’t breathing.

After Apollyon’s sister Electra heard Yelena’s cries for help, she was shocked to find her brother clinging to life. While Electra went for help, Yelena stayed by Apollyon’s side, praying he’d open his eyes.


Meanwhile, after Mia told her twin sister Eve the news about her pregnancy, she was nervous about telling Jem. Would he be happy about the news, and was he ready to become a father?

Continued . . .     

As Yelena waited for Electra to return, she was getting desperate. She couldn’t get Apollyon to come around, and his skin was getting colder by the minute.

She put her hand to his cheek. “Apollyon! Apollyon! Can you hear me?”

Apollyon bit back a groan. He tried to open his eyes and found his lids too heavy to lift. His lips twitched as if he was trying to speak. She put her ear down to his mouth. The air was coming out alarmingly weak, but she couldn’t make out what he was trying to say.

“Damn it, Apollyon!” she cursed in a subtle accent. “I can’t understand vhat you’re saying.”

On instinct, Yelena bared her wrist and brought it to her lips. As she sank her fangs into her skin, blood came out in an obliging rush. Filling her mouth with her own blood, she leaned over Apollyon and pressed her lips against his. When the red liquid flowed from her mouth and into his, Apollyon’s tongue did not respond.

“Apollyon,” she whispered. “Please, drink.”   

Frantic prayers fell from her lips in Russian. And then she cried out and pressed her body against his. “I vill not let you die!” Yelena sobbed, burying her face in his hair. “Do you hear me?”

As Apollyon’s tongue finally moved, he got a taste of her blood and swallowed reflexively. Like a balloon inflating, his skin filled with life and his senses came alive.

She felt his body jerk. “Apollyon,” Yelena said as she lifted from his body.

He opened his eyes and licked his lips. “Yelena,” he caught his breath. “More . . .”

She hurriedly placed her wrist to his parted lips. And then he started to drink with great, urgent pulls of his mouth. The wet sound of his sucking, and the knowledge that she was giving him life gave Yelena a feeling of warmth and exhilaration.  

“What the hell are you doing?”

With her wrist at Apollyon’s lips, Yelena shifted her eyes away from him and looked up at Electra. Her anger flared, and Yelena seemed to sense the electrical surge in Electra’s body. As she came forward, she dropped to her knees and grabbed Yelena’s thin arm, but she resisted.

“My blood is healing him,” Yelena said, refusing to remove her wrist.

She narrowed her glimmering eyes. “That can’t be,” Electra growled. “You’re not human.”  

Electra was about to open her mouth when she felt a hand grab onto her arm. As she looked down, fury was shining in Apollyon’s golden eyes.

“Don’t,” he managed to get out.

“B-but, brother, please,” Electra said, her voice softening as she looked between Apollyon and Yelena. “Callisto will have a human for you soon.”

“Leave us,” he demanded.

Electra nodded in silence and got to her feet. Before she left the room, she glanced over her shoulder and gave Apollyon one last look. Then she sauntered out.

When the door slammed, the sounds of her boots echoed as she pounded them angrily down the hall.

Apollyon released Yelena’s wrist and licked it sealed. As she started to pull her hand away, he grabbed it and brought it back to his lips. He kissed where the wound had been and said, “Marry me.”

At a loss for words, she drew in a sharp breath. Her jaw dropped. “I-I . . .”

With her mouth agape, he saw her fangs, and they were beautiful to him, pearly white and sharply pointed. He remembered the taste of her blood and the instant sensation he got from it. He couldn’t understand how, but the purity of her succubus blood had brought him back from near death. He’d come to this place with his sisters for human blood to strengthen their powers but found something far more precious—a deep connection to the woman who held his heart. In the chaos of his life, facing his demons and the uncontrollable lust for blood, Yelena was his light in the darkness.  
Apollyon reached up and pulled Yelena against him for a moment, just hugging her. She could feel his heart pounding as he held her. She knew they were bound to be trials and growing pains in the process, and she would help him as much as she could. But she needed him to change for her to do so.

Yelena had fallen for Apollyon in such a short time, and a part of her still felt like she’d betrayed Zeke. He’d always been there for her when she needed him. Not as a lover, but as a friend, the closest one she’d had, someone dear and precious to her.  

“Yes,” she whispered against his chest. Then, she pulled from his embrace and put her hands on his cheeks. “I vill marry you.”

He briefly closed his eyes and smiled. He spoke in his language and then said, “I love you, Yelena.”

When she moved to straddle him, he stopped her and sat up. Yelena could sense precisely how much Apollyon desired her by the way his eyes lingered on her mouth. Finally, he gently positioned her on her back and poised over her, his strong arms supporting his weight above her. As he leaned in to kiss her, his long hair fell around her, mingling with hers.  

Yelena’s trembling hands came between them as she reached for the front of his shirt, but he didn’t have the patience to wait for her to unbutton it. Apollyon lifted up and ripped the material off his body, popping the buttons and sending them scattering across the floor.
Anxious to feel his warm skin against hers, Yelena peeled her nightgown off and tossed it aside.

When his eyes met her delicate, flawless skin, he let out a hiss and quickly shrugged out of his pants and everything else he was wearing.
Apollyon had a spectacular body, all strong and perfect.

Growling, he covered her with his body. She gasped at the warm sensation and wrapped her legs around his hips. Apollyon used what was left of his self-control to pull back and study Yelena’s beautiful face, following the lovely line of her neck down to her full breasts.

“You’re so beautiful, Yelena,” he murmured, his amber eyes exploring every inch of her, glowing with desire.

Her eyes pleaded. “I vant you.” She tunneled her fingers through his hair as fire invaded her. “Please . . .”  

Apollyon dipped his head and captured her mouth. Yelena responded with all the passion and urgency that seized him, parting her lips and inviting him within. As his tongue teased and tasted hers, he slowly entered her body with his.

Yelena threw her head back and tilted her hips as pleasure scalded her, heating her blood. Moaning, she reached up and clutched his shoulders with desperate hands. His body felt warm inside of hers as he moved in a slow rhythm until ecstasy exploded within her.

Crying out, she rode the wave as Apollyon continued to move, prolonging her climax. When she whispered his name, he lost it. He came apart while she held him. Yelena’s hands, like little feathers, smoothed up and down his back. He shook almost uncontrollably and went suddenly weak.

As he rose above her, his expression was of devotion and full of longing. Yelena loved the way he looked at her. She loved the feel of him above her, his weight pressing down on her, his heat surrounding her. She loved him.

He leaned forward and reclaimed her lips with a soft, gentle kiss. As he withdrew and looked into her eyes, she whispered, “I love you.” 


After Mia left Eve’s room, she went back to her and Jem’s bedroom, deciding to shower and change into the new nightgown she’d bought before Jem returned from the meeting with the Covenant. It was black silk trimmed in black lace, with a slit up the thigh. She was saving it for a special occasion, and what she was about to tell Jem definitely counted as one of those particular moments. Mia smoothed her hand over her flat belly, a flutter of nervousness welling up from inside. She had only to look at her nephews, Arius and Tidus, and she was filled with fierce yearning for her own child. Now that Jace and Tessa were parents, and Steven and Abbey were expecting their first child, hopefully, Jem would be excited about having a baby too.  

Twenty minutes later, she went back into the big bedroom, her still-damp hair combed out and hanging down to her hips. She was pulling it back into a ponytail when the door opened and closed.

“Hello, sweetheart,” Jem said, his eyes roaming over her face and then down her body with a look of desire.  

For a moment, Mia just stood there, unable to make her mouth work. And then finally she found her words. “Hi, honey.”

Jem closed the distance between them and pulled her into his arms. “You look beautiful, Mia,” he murmured. As he pulled back, he arched one eyebrow and stared at the silk material that meshed to her body like it was made for her. “I’ve never seen this before. Is it new?”

“I’ve been saving it for a special occasion,” she said.

“Oh?” His lips formed a smile. “What’s the occasion?”

Mia glided her fingers through the long strands of her ponytail and looked down. Her entire stance signaled that she was nervous. She didn’t immediately answer, and that worried him. Mia was usually blunt, never one to mince words. And yet she seemed to be having a hard time expressing herself.

“Mia, look at me,” he said in a gentle voice. “Is something wrong?”

As Mia looked up, her crimson eyes were huge against her pale skin. She shook her head, and a tear squeezed from the corner of her eye, alarming him.

His brow furrowed. “Talk to me, honey.”  

“Jem,” she said faintly. “I-I’m pregnant. Almost four months pregnant.”

He stared at her in complete silence as he processed what she’d just told him. And before he managed to open his mouth to speak, a big grin formed his lips. A baby, he thought. God, he couldn’t even wrap his mind around the fact that he was finally going to be a father. Nothing had prepared him for the reality of Mia becoming pregnant with his child.

“A baby,” he said in awe. “Our baby.”

There was clear relief in her eyes, and her shoulders drooped downward as if she’d been tense until his reply. Had she been afraid that he wouldn’t want a child?

She swallowed the knot in her throat. “Will you go with me to get a sonogram? I have an appointment with Helen next week.”

“Of course I’ll go, sweetheart. I’m going to be there for every doctor’s appointment. There’s nothing more important to me than you and our baby.” And then to her surprise, Jem angled his head and pressed his lips to hers, devouring her mouth in a hot, breathless kiss.

Mia sighed into his mouth and melted into him, her body going liquid. She reacted instantly, wrapping her arms around his neck as he deepened the kiss.

“I’m so happy,” he murmured against her lips.

She pulled back and felt like an idiot for worrying. “With everything going on, I wasn’t sure how you’d react.”

He frowned as he stared down at her. “Oh honey.” He reached out and smoothed his thumb over her cheek, wiping away her tears. “You’ve made me the happiest man. I can’t wait to have a baby with you.”

Joy flared in her eyes and relief. “When do you want to tell the rest of the family?” she asked.

“You haven’t told anyone yet?”

“Other than Helen, my sister’s the only person I’ve told.”

“We’ll tell the rest of the family later,” he said, reaching for her hand. “First, I want to make love to my sexy, pregnant wife.”

Mia squeezed his hand. Her smile was as wide as a mile, and it was the most beautiful sight he’d ever seen in his life.

“I want you, Jem,” she whispered seductively.

Her words sent a shiver through his body. Then he pulled her back into his arms and covered her mouth hungrily, as though he were starving for her.

“Bed,” he said between kisses.

“Yes,” she whispered back.

Jem swept her into his arms and carried her to the bed, just as he’d done many times before. But this time, he was gentler. He laid her down like she was a delicate piece of glass in danger of shattering. He settled in next to her, their mouths so close that he could feel the soft puffs of her breath. He angled his head and moved in, pressing his lips to hers.

Mia let out a little moan and kissed him back. The sound made his body come to life. His pulse ratcheted up, and his blood ran hot in his veins. He wanted her with an intensity that verged on pain. 

Jem slid his palm to her belly and splayed his fingers over her still-flat abdomen. He looked down, marveling at the thought that his child lay beneath his hand. She held a part of him.

“It’s incredible to know there’s a tiny life inside of you,” he said. “And it’s a part of us both.”

Mia cupped his jaw in her palm and stared up at him, her eyes wet with tears. “I’m betting we’d end up making a beautiful baby.”

He smiled. “If she’s anything like her mother, that’s a guarantee.”

“She?” Mia questioned. “How do you know it’s a girl? We might be having a boy.”

“I don’t know,” he said, smoothing his hand over her belly, feeling the slightest beginnings of a rounded curve. “It’s just a guess.”

He leaned forward until their foreheads touched and their noses brushed together. “I love you, Mia,” he whispered softly. “You’re everything to me.”

“I love you, too,” she said breathlessly as he kissed her long and deep, his mouth moving sweetly over hers.

Jem took his time, lavishing tender affection on every inch of her body. After making love, the two had stayed in bed for the last hour simply enjoying being together and making plans for the future. Mia had never felt so loved and content than she did at this moment. Her dreams of having a family had finally come true. 
To be continued . . .


Author Notes
NOTE: This is not part of the chapter. A reference for terms and characters, especially for new readers:

BREEDLINE - A species of humans that have the ability to change from human form into a wolf. They are not like the old legend of the Lycanthropy myth. Breedline species can shift into their wolf at will. The moon has no power over them. They do not pass their ability to other humans with a bite or scratch like the Lycanthropy myth.
The Breedline gene is passed down to offspring that are born identical twins. Although they live among humans, their species must be kept secret.
In wolf form, they have super-strength, speed, and heightened senses. Compared to humans, Breedlines have tremendous advantages when it comes to health. Their bodies heal fast and are not subject to illnesses or diseases. The only thing that slows their healing process is silver. It is their kryptonite. Besides old age, a silver bullet to the brain is the only thing deadly to the species.
All males change into their wolf at the age of eighteen. Females do not go through the change until they make love to their Breedline bonded mate.

BREEDLINE TWINS - Identical twins that are born from either one or both parents of the Breedline species. They have a strong, unbreakable bond from birth, are born with telepathic abilities, and have the power to sense the other's emotions or injuries. In some cases, the bond between twins is so strong that if one dies, the other twin may pass on, especially if they don't have a mate.

BREEDLINE BONDING - The male Breedline spends their life in search of their bonded mate. When the male comes in contact with her, he instantly feels a simultaneous, desirable attraction and she becomes the most important thing in his life. He is there to love, protect, and cherish her until death. Once they are mated, they bond for life. It is possible for them to have more than one mate in their lifespan.

BELOVED - A word used by a Breedline to express the bond to their mate.

DOUBLE BONDED - In some cases, male Breedline twins bond with the same female but one will carry a stronger bond. Usually one of them must sacrifice for the other twin.

BREEDLINE COVENANT - The Breedline species must live within the boundaries of a Covenant, which is only formed with their species. The Covenant is governed and ruled by a head council. The council keeps their laws in order and oversees the species population.

THE BREEDLINE QUEEN - Over centuries, the Breedline Covenant is ruled by a true queen. If there is no queen living, the Covenants are governed by an appointed head council until another one is born. A Breedline queen is born once every one hundred years. Her massive stature, black fur, and red eyes are the queen's trademarks. Her alpha wolf has twice the strength, speed, and size of any Breedline. The queen is expected to rule over all the Breedline Covenants where she will be respected and obeyed by all Breedline. This is their absolute True Law.

THE QUEEN'S RING - This ring has been passed down to all Breedline queens for generations. When the new queen places the ring on, it instantly shifts in size to fit her finger.

TRUE LAW - All Breedline Covenants have an ancient book of laws. If either sex disobeys the Breedline laws, they can be shunned, or no longer protected by their Covenant. If a Breedline takes another life out of revenge, or evil - other than protecting their life, and the life of another - they will never have the ability to shift back into human form and cast out as a rogue wolf.

ROGUE WOLF - A Breedline shunned by their Covenant for taking another life out of revenge or evil and forced to live as a wolf until death without the ability to change into human form again. Some rogue wolves form into packs, which can be dangerous for other Breedline species.

RED (BLOOD) MOON - When the full moon passes through the amber shadow of the earth, producing a midnight eclipse visible across North America. So begins a lunar eclipse tetrad, a series of four consecutive total eclipses occurring at approximately six-month intervals. This incredible light beams into the heart of earth's shadow, filling it with a coppery glow and transforming the moon into a great red orb. During this time, all Breedline species that are mated have a strong desire to create an offspring. This is also a time when Breedline females are more fertile for the conception of twins.

CHIANG-SHIH DEMON (Kiang shi, a.k.a. Ramael Arminius) - An ancient demon that inhabits the body of a Breedline fetus before it's born or during a Breedline's death. It continues to take the soul over the natural lifespan of the child, or the deceased Breedline. When the demon possesses a fetus, it breaks the bonding and telepathic abilities of their twin when they are born. If the demon possesses a deceased Breedline's body, it must do so before the soul passes on. If the soul is not intact, the body will soon die.
In most cases, the Chiang-Shih demon will take the life of the other twin, even before their birth. The twin that is born with the demon will bring only evil to whomever they encounter. Their sole purpose is to gain full control of another soul and seek world domination.
There are two ways the demon is cast from the soul it possesses: by its first-born son, and the Angel of Mercy, Zadkiel. The Beast is the only one who can kill a Chiang-Shih demon.

THE BEAST - He is the second born son of the Chiang-Shih demon. When provoked into a rage, he will shift into his Beast instead of his Breedline wolf. The Beast is an enormous, dangerous two-footed creature that has wolf like features. One bite has enough venom to kill the Chiang-Shih demon and leave the soul of the person the demon possessed unharmed.

SHADOW WALKER (a.k.a. Shadow Figure, or Black Mass) - The perception of a patch of shadow as a living, humanoid figure, particularly interpreted by the Breedline as the presence of a malevolent entity. When a Breedline species dies and does not pass on to the other side, they are left to roam the earth as a shadow of themselves - a ghost. They will not pass on until they have settled unfinished business before their death.

ZADKIEL (Tzadqiel, a.k.a. 'Righteousness of God') - The archangel of freedom, benevolence, and mercy, and the patron angel of all who forgives. Breedline species tradition considers him to be the Angel of Mercy.

SUCCUBUS (a.k.a. CREEPERS) - Creatures that search for and feeds off the blood of the Breedline species. Creepers are skilled at extreme sexual pleasure, and the ecstasy they create is exceedingly intense and highly addictive. They cast off a scent that hypnotizes Breedlines into overwhelming sexual urges. They use their human-like bodies and beautiful features to control and influence their thoughts.
They have the ability to reach into the Breedline's mind during sleep, casting a spell of dreams about sexual contact or intercourse. One much less obvious manifestation of Creepers is nightmares - realistic, graphic, terrifying nightmares that rob the Breedline of sleep. Over a period, it can lead to severe fatigue and depression, leaving them emotionally and spiritually drained. Death can occur if they ultimately take over the Breedline's body.

HALF-BREED - This species is born with the genes from both Breedline and succubus. They can bond with either a full-blood Breedline or another half-breed. They cannot change into the Breedline wolf, but they do need blood from them to survive. With the power to hypnotize, most Breedlines have minimal respect and credence toward the half-breed species.

WICCA (or Wise One) - According to the Breedline species, a Wicca is the goddess of magic, witchcraft, the night, moon, ghosts, and necromancy. A Wicca is also considered to be a demonic spirit. It is unclear to the Breedline if they act under the orders of the devil, or they are simply not understood and treated as outcasts. They can do white magic (good) or dark (evil).

KATAKO (a.k.a. Lucas or Dark Shadow) - He is the Chiang-Shih demon's offspring that is born both Breedline and Wiccan. After one year, the Katako develops into an adult with the mind of a child, without reaching full maturity. It has the power to appear translucent, or become completely invisible. Being born half-Breedline, it can shift into a wolf and transform, or mimic another creature with the power to instantly travel from one place to another. Their true purpose of creation is to bring forth the souls stuck in purgatory by using one drop of its blood. Tessa Fairchild - the Breedline queen - destroyed the Katako in battle using the deadly venom of her Breedline wolf.

GOLEMS (a.k.a. the Death Army) - Evil creatures created by dark Wiccans with the power of necromancy. By releasing the souls of demons stuck in purgatory, the Wicca can give them the ability to shape into a creature that is made from earth. These creatures have various qualities, such as mass strength, enormous stature, and the power to consume their victims by saturating them with mud.

GUARDIANS (a.k.a. Spirits of the Forest) - They originated during the Middle Ages with the purpose of protecting all creatures, especially the Breedline, from the destruction of any creation made by a dark Wicca. They can stay invisible with the power to move through any barrier and over any distance instantly.

THERIOMORPH - This species is born with the genes of a Breedline, but cannot change into a Breedline wolf. They shape shift into an enormous black panther. They possess powers of mind manipulation and random visions of the future. They must use the drug dopamine to suppress their urges. Their eye color shifts into a bright lavender when their Theriomorph nature takes over. The Breedline see them as a threat to their species.

ADALWOLF - A species that has the power to shift from their human form into a beautiful creature, twice the size, resembling half man and half wolf. Born with super-strength, they can move from one place to another in supernatural speed. Their eyes take on the appearance of two shimmering diamonds. With the power to regenerate their own cells, an Adalwolf will stop aging at thirty. The moon has no power over them. An Adalwolf is immune to silver. They can bond with any species.

LUPA - The ancestors descended from the old legend of the lycanthrope, except the moon has no power over them and it cannot be passed on to others like a virus. It is passed on through genetics to the female offspring, known as a she-wolf. This type of creature shape-shifts into a therianthropic hybrid wolf-like creature, and is considered dangerous... cursed.

Yelena Smirnov - A full-blooded succubus from Russia. She is in charge of security at the Cat Club. She is bonded to Apollyon, who was taken by the battle angels along with his fraternal twin sisters, Callisto, and Electra.

The Fury - Three fraternal twins created by an evil German scientist named Dr. Hans Autenburg. Using his own DNA, he mixed it with three other species: A Breedline, an Adalwolf, and a powerful Wiccan. He placed three embryos inside the womb of a full-blooded succubus, named Sonya Hothburn. Taken against her will, Sonya was forced by the mad physician into surrogacy. After their birth, she was forbidden to see her children.
All three were created to destroy the Breedline species and dominate the human world. The first born was called Apollyon, meaning 'destroyer' in Greek. It was also the name of the angel-prince of the infernal regions, the minister of death and author of havoc on earth. He has the strength of ten men, and the power to dematerialize, taking others with him, from one place to another. He can transform into a creature that resembles an Adalwolf, and a vampire-like hybrid. The second born was called Callisto, meaning 'most beautiful.' She has the power of a shield, protecting herself and others from harm. The last child was named Electra, meaning 'the shining one.' She has the power to conduct electricity from her body, using it as a weapon. Inheriting their species instinct and extraordinary power, their thirst to kill became uncontrollable. As they grew up, the Fury became more and more unstable and unruly. With an insatiable hunger for human flesh and unmanageable powers, they became a hindrance to the physician. He had no other choice but to drug and imprison them for all time, each one placed inside a sarcophagus in a state of deep slumber to be forgotten forever until they were set free by their mother.

Zeke Rizzo - He is a Breedline, born with a curse of a sin-eater, and the owner of the Cat Club. When coming in physical contact with another person, he has the power to see inside their past, experiencing their worst memory. A simple handshake seems like nothing to an ordinary person, but to Zeke, it is unbearable. Without the ability to stop it, he is also the worst case of karma. If anyone angers him, an unfortunate accident can fall upon them.

Mia Blackwood - She is a half-breed and Jem's bonded mate. Abandoned at birth and raised in human foster care, she later finds her twin sister, Eve.

Eve - She is a half-breed and Sebastian's bonded mate. Growing up in human foster care, she spent her entire childhood abused until Sebastian saves her. Scorned from her past, she lashes out in anger, living a life of crime later to discover her twin sister, Mia Blackwood. After realizing the Chiang-Shih demon possesses Sebastian, Eve clings to the past in hopes of reuniting with her beloved. Now that Sebastian is finally free of the demon, she has trust issues, worried he has an alternative plan for their sons.

Jem Chamberlain (a.k.a. the Chosen Son) - He is a Breedline species and Jace's twin brother. He carries the gene of the Chiang-Shih demon that gives him the power to create a portal and a force of electric energy used as a weapon and other powers he discovers later. His bonded mate is Mia Blackwood. He's an IT engineer and the drummer in the band Chaos.


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