- Quiz No6 by Cass Carltonby Cass Carlton
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Truth , the whole truth and nothing but the truth
Quiz No6 by Cass Carlton by Cass Carlton

If I could witness any event , past, present or future, what would it be?

It would be my birth. I was a 10lb. breech birth that was quite unexpected and the doctor ran out of the room leaving the midwife to bring me into the world. I would have liked to meet her and thank her for being there. Her name was Pat Jensen and she saved me from either serious birth injury or even death.

Did I ever do anything that got me into trouble?
What was it?
How much trouble did it cause?
Do I regret this action now or did it make me stronger?

I read the note that was sent to school to cover my sister's absence.
When the teacher questioned me, I told him the truth which was different from the note.
My father was furious, as it made the family look stupid in front of his old Army mate, the head master. He never knew I had read the note they'd written.

My sister was a lying cow then and grew up to be the same.
No I don't regret showing her up for what she was.
However I did make sure that I was never in the same situation where some one had to lie for me to get me out of trouble.

Two truths and a lie. Tell me which is which.

My sisters tried to get me put into reformatory school so I couldn't tell on them about their misdoings.

There was an old woman who lived in our neighbourhood who used to light fires where she shouldn't. I caught her at it one day and put it out before it took hold. She abused me in the foulest language where upon I turned the hose on her. She wasn't game to tell on me in case the full story came out, but she hated our family after that and made mischief when ever she could.

One night when I was about 7 years old I woke up from a nightmare about a ghost. I was really scared and then I remembered what they said at Sunday School about praying to Jesus if we are afraid. So I did and my prayer was answered. I felt every shred of fear dissolve and my heart filled with a lovely warmth. I fell asleep and never woke until bright
morning. I never forgot that night. Ever.

Have I ever been in a newspaper?
What for?
When I was 14 my mother was homeless with five dependent children and my brother in law got one of his mates to do a story about us.
Within a few days the SAHT had found us a house to live in.

Have I ever entered in a talent contest?
What was my talent?
Baking. I entered an apricot pie in a contest.
How did I go?
First prize!!

Author Notes
SAHT South Australian Housing Trust. the govt. housing authority in the 1950s
See Housing Commission or updated version Housing SA
Two truths and a lie. My sisters realized they would be in more strife than a nudist in a swarm of wasps if I got sent to reform school, so they pretended it was "just a joke". The other two events are correct.

The Artwork is a representation of Maat, the ancient Egyptian goddess of truth.
She was always present at the weighing of the Ka or spirit of the deceased person. If the balance tipped her way the soul was safe. If it tipped towards Sobek the crocodile headed monster of the underworld, they were eaten.


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