- Spheres of Past Livesby Ricky1024
This work has reached the exceptional level
My thoughts on The Subject of Spiritually.
Puncturing Reality
: Spheres of Past Lives by Ricky1024
Artwork by avmurray at

Follows with another Amazing Journey.
"Whence Life Was a Blessing From Above?"

"Spheres of Past Lives"
Written November 13th, 2018
By Doctor Ricky1024
"All Rights Reserved"
"Life is cast and just passed existence to come."
(Theology 41.24)
"Lurking within the 'Immortal Heart' lies Life!"
"While existing within the 'Unknown and InHumane Heart?'
"Lies Death!'
"So reviewer, Come now with Me!"
"On My Personal Quest!"
"And, great Patience Ye Shalmeth need?"
"For you must pass through?' 'The Veil of Forgetfulness!'
"Now Damn it!"
"Stop complaining and take this test!"
"Sorry, Ricky."
"Okay, have you ever felt like you lived?"
"Like once before?"
"Or have you decided that after somebody had possibly almost took you away and you...
Mmm"You have a 'Life Threatening experience?"
"And, as a result?"
"You temporarily left your Mortal body?"
"And, have you almost died and was living in wait for an opportunity for a Human Donation such as a Heart and lung?"
"Well then?"
"Now come with me and take my hand?"
"So that I can offer to you FanStory arevi
"And, take You to my very, very, Special place!"
"Now follow the light!"
"The Amazing Light!"
"And, now reviewer?""
"You should look the.first, to the left and then to the right!"
"Got it?!'
" Okay, now what do you see?"
"Blackness everywhere?"
"Now up ahead?"
I asked.
"I see light but not yellow but ah...
"Red instead?"
"Yes and it's touching me!"
"Now what?"
"Keep going to the Green and then Yellow and finally to...
"Do you see?"
"See the color Blue?"
"Yes Ricky Brilliant Blue!"
"But why Ricky do you ask?"
"Because that means that you're dead."
"But why Ricky?"
"Why did I die?"
"Well that's another story or subject to come."
"Let's just say sometimes 'Shit hits the Fan.'
"And, it happens to the best of us...
"Most of the rest of us...
"This you need now to understand."
"So now smile!'
"Because your on my Son Jason's turf."
"And, Heaven is calling!"
"Wow Ricky!"
"Am I now a Celebrity?"
"Well believe it or not?"
"I used to hear that all the time and the answer is yes!"
"And know reviewer?"
"Are You okay?"
"Yes Ricky."
"Then now take a ticket from that guy. they call...
'Saint Peter.'
"And, that's what they call...
'The Pearly Gates!'
"And now?"
"My name is Ricky and yes yours is Bill.'
"l need your name?"
"And lastly?"
"When I was on Earth?"
"The place of all 'Human Kinds birth..
"I too had to follow and touch the color of Blue."
"Gotcha Ricky."
"Am I still...
"Recovering from an illness Ricky?"
"Yep but that's okay."
"Just give me a call in the morning reviewer or after you come down with your new Life?"
"But in the meantime?"
"You may think I'm out of my head but sorry to saythis to you but you and me?"
"We now are still *Dead?"

Author Notes
"To pass away, perish, die."
"On March 31st, 2003 and unfortunately for me."
"My son Jason Richard was in an accident."
"A Car Accident and as a passenger?"
"Diven by a young man named Brian Cole?"
"In a Ford Mustang that was raced at Atco, New Jersey?"
"And Yes, A boy who was mentally ill and out of his mind."
"And yes, on the medication called Effexor."
"And, as a result?"
"They had to extract Brian with?"
'The Jaws of LIFE."
"While a Fireman was smashing the window to pull my son out."
(Jason was Comatosed)
"They were both put on gurneys and loaded in a helicopter."
Brian was conscious and alert and in the helicopter on the way to the hospital?"
"In Atlantic City, New Jersey?"
"My son had a Heart Attack and of course they brought him back."
"And to learn more about 'Organ-Tissue Donations.'
"Simply contact my dear friend Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with...
'The Gift of Life.'
"Philadelphia, Pennsylvania."
"At 1-800 DONORS-1."
"and thanks from the bottom of my Broken Heart and my son Jason's Donated Heart...
"Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ, FanStory and Tom the Administrator, Fan Art Review, this Amazing Artist 'avmurry,' and her Incredible Picture...
"Diving into Another World"


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