- Making Plansby Mistydawn
This work has reached the exceptional level
Granny figures out how she'll continue her killing spree.
Granny's Revenge
: Making Plans by Mistydawn

Matilda just lost her Grandson to a drunk driver. 
Granny is getting ready to kill her fourth victim when a group of people stumbles out of the bar. She flees, leaving one victim alive. She tries to stop a drunk in the park. A cop sees what she's doing and arrests her. She talks herself out of trouble then fakes a heart attack to avoid an arrest. The investigation is quickly going cold for the Berryville detectives.

Granny decides to have a little dinner before she returns to the facility. Try as she might, she couldn't get the drunks out of her head. I can't sit here and do nothing when I know those morons are killing innocent people. She then recalls how close she came to being thrown in jail. I'll just have to be more careful so it doesn't happen again. Damn government anyhow, always infringing on our constitutional rights. What's next, freedom of speech? Censorship already has a big jump on that.

A  boisterous voice blares through the diner. She turns to see her waitress yapping as she swings her hands through the air. Some need that privilege taken away. Granny snickers, as she picks up her cup. She recalls her morning in the park as she sips her coffee. The camera did save me from going to jail but, it would've been the opposite if I stuck to my plan.  

Seeing her look over, the waitress grabs a coffee pot and heads her way. "Would you like a refill?" she asks.

"No, I'm fine, thanks. I couldn't help but notice how upset you were a few minutes ago."

"Oh, that." She laughs. "I was complaining about the damn drunks that always comes in here. One is so rude and obnoxious that no one can stand him. And his god awful smell, I feel nauseous every time I get near him. He's not the worst of them; we have a group that comes in who's twice as bad as him."

"Do you get a lot of drunks in here?"

"Practically every night, it starts around nine and continues until sunrise."

Granny glances at her watch. I have an hour until show time. "I think I will take a refill and a piece of that apple pie."


The sergeant and two of his detectives are steadily working on their list of suspects when their captain walks over to their desks. "Joe, detectives it seems they can only spare a few undercovers for our stakeout tonight; so that leaves us with a few bars."

"Which ones do you want us to take, Captain?" Joe questions.

"The Rocking Pig and Legends Saloon are left. I'll let you decide how you're going to split it up."Patting Joe on the back, he heads towards his office.

"Rachel and I will take Rocking Pig; Jerry you and Jeff take Legends."

"For not liking someone, you sure pick her as your partner an awful lot, boss," Jerry smirks.

"I just figure you two don't want to pair up with someone who's so inexperienced."

"So, by choosing her, you're taking one for the team?” Jeff questions.

"As your Sergeant, I feel it's my duty to show her the ropes, train her right, the way I did you two."

"Are you trying to convince yourself or us, sir?" Jeff smirks. Everyone at the station knows Joe has a thing for Rachel, but he's too stubborn to admit it.

Jerry chuckles. "So, which is it, boss, us or you?"

"Do you two really want to be cooped up with her for hours at a time?"

"She can't be all that bad, boss."

"Listen to her talk nonstop and then tell me that, Jerr.” 

"Who are you talking about?" Rachel asks as she walks towards their desks.

"Ah... Um, my Aunt Martha, she goes on and on for hours and says nothing at all.” 

"People like that are so annoying. It's the main reason why I don't listen to our president's speeches or any political crap."

Joe looks over at Jerry and smiles. "Tell me about it."

Let's see if you can worm your way out of this one. "It's funny you never mentioned her before." Jerry chuckles. 

"Yeah, why is that?" Rachel asks.

Joe glares at Jerry. Smiling Jerry crosses his arms as he leans back in his chair. "Ah, Um, we're not really close; don't talk, but once every few months."

"That's a shame," Rachel says.

"A real shame, you should remedy that before it's too late, boss. You know, be a sport, take one for the team." Jerry laughs.

"Yeah, take one for the team." Jeff chuckles.

"You two just mind your own business."

"You better ask her while the asking is good, boss."

"I would if I felt differently, but I don't so drop the subject, alright."

"Someone needs to wake up and smell the coffee." 

"That's for sure, Jerry," Jeff chuckles. 

"What's going on, guys?" 

"Nothing, Rachel." Aggravated, Joe turns towards Jerry and Jeff. "I'm not taking advice from you idiots. So drop it, already."

 Jerry glances towards his family picture. "You never know how much time you have, boss." He tearfully strums his finger around the frame. God, I miss you guys.

Joe looks over at Rachel. "I hope you don't have any plans tonight because you and I are going to Rocking Pig."

"That's not a very romantic first date, Joe and besides, the way you asked me just now, I'm not too sure I want to go." She turns her back to him.

"It's not a date, Rachel... "

"So I'm not pretty enough for you? That hurts Joe, that really hurts."

"That's not what I mean, Rachel."

She spins back around. "Then exactly what do you mean, Joe, hmm. That I'm not smart enough or classy enough for you? I'll have you know there are plenty of men out there who want to date me, plenty. I just hoped one of them would be you." She pretends to cry as she turns away.

"I... I, oh, please don't cry, Rachel."

"How can I not when you broke my heart?" She sniffles.

"You want a romantic date, fine we'll go."

"I'd rather date Godzilla than go on a sympathy date with you." 

She starts to walk away; Jeff grabs her arm to stop her. "He was trying to tell you about your stakeout at the Rocking Pig."

Rachel smiles as she turns to face them. "Captain already told me. I had you guys going for a minute though, didn't I?" She laughs.

"That was cruel, Rachel, really cruel," Joe says.

"I just wanted to show you that you're not the only one who can pull a fast one around here." 

"Have fun on your stakeout, boss." Jerry walks out the door. Jeff starts to follow.

"You might want to stay here, Jeff," Rachel smiles.

"Why, what's going on?"

"You'll see." Laughing, Rachel turns towards the window. They watch Jerry climb into his car. A second later they see him darting towards the front door.

"That fat boy can run." Rachel laughs.

"What did you do to him?" Joe chuckles.

"Watch and learn." Rachel laughs again.

"Boss, boss, you have to help me, you just gotta," he says, as he tries to catch his breath.

"Why, what's going on Jerry?" 

"There's a skunk..."  Joe laugh. "You had something to do with this, didn't you, boss?"

"It wasn't me, Jerry, I swear," Joe says as he holds up his hands.

"I sure hope stinky didn't spray your car." Laughing, Rachel walks out the door.

Granny sees it's ten minutes till nine when she glances at her watch. I better get things set up before they wander in. Grabbing her purse and cane, she heads to the register.

"How was everything?" the cashier asks.

"Great as usual." She glances at her watch and then the lady’s slow pace. "Can you please hurry; I want to leave before those drunks come in."

"I wish I could leave too." The hostess rings up her order.

"It's ok, I've got this." Her waitress says as she walks across the room.

"Are you sure?" Granny asks.

"Positive, go on, get out of here before the stampede hits."

"Bless you." Granny starts to leave when another thought occurs to her; she turns back around. "I have a feeling tonight won’t be as bad as you think." Smiling, she waddles towards the door. She no sooner steps outside when a solvent man runs into her.

"Hey, watch where you're going, lady," the lush says, as he shoves Granny to the ground.

You're going to pay for that. She grabs her cane and whacks him in the back of his legs. He tumbles face first to the sidewalk. "Didn't your mama ever teach you to keep your hands to yourself?" She starts to smack him again when she notices a camera on a street light beside them. Damn cameras ruin all my fun. "You're lucky we're on camera." She smacks him again as she heads towards her car.

Granny, the killer lives in assisted living. She lost her son, daughter in law to a drunk driver. Being severely injured, she's there for the additional rehab.
Matilda lives in assisted living. She just lost her grandson to a drunk driver.
Marge, Matilda's friend.
Liz and Lisa nurses at the facility.
Nancy, nursing assistant

Berryville PD
Joe, Sergeant
Jerry, Detective
Rachel, Detective
Jeff, Detective
Kirk Forensic analysis
Sharon, Medical Examiner



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