- Rachelby aryr
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Learning more about Rachel, as they wait for Gray.
My Brothers' Keeper
: Rachel by aryr

Rachel was lost, rescued by Daniel and the wolf Gray. Gray was injured, required surgery and Rachel and Daniel waited.

The idea of a glass of wine was too appealing, so they ordered white with their

breakfast plate specials. They sipped as they waited.

"I like Smyth and the way you described the spelling. My last name is Whetung, I

don't think we got around to names yet."

"So where do we go from here? Oh, my parents are Robert, but he goes by Bob

and Suzette who is called Sue. There are partners at the ranch."

"What do you mean partners?" He asked.

"Well, years ago, he was a veterinarian with a great practice and she was in advertising and liked to volunteer. They got married and of course we all came along. They continued like this for several years, I think I was about nine when they wanted a change. After many family talks, because they liked to include us, they decided on farm that would help others. Oh great, breakfast is here."

Their plates included toast, scrambled eggs, hash browns and several stripes of bacon. They dug in, after the aromas made them realize just how hungry they were. When the plates were empty and had been removed they switched from the wine to hot tea.

"Anyway, Dad sold the business and the house, and we moved out of town to a farm. We stayed in the same area. It wasn't enormous, I think about twenty-five acres. There were two barns, three separate corrals and a chicken coup. The farmer was planning on retiring and he threw in the chickens and four cows. Now you have to remember we were all green horns." She laughed.
"Oh my God," he chuckled, "Talk about the blind leading the blind."

"My dad invested in four horses and two Shetland ponies, with the idea of horse rides for disabled and abused children. Of course, my mom had her own ideas which swayed towards a small petting zoo. They had worked for many years and saved, they had made a profit from the business and house sale and they had both inherited from the death of their parents. Financially they were set. So, the 'Smyth Ranch' was created. The business side of life was named 'Beautiful Attitudes'. Dad kept his vet license active, so he could provide health care for the animals and mom managed the advertising. It was surprising that in less than thirty days, things were flying, and it hasn't slowed down. Dad's older customers still preferred to have his services and even their children do the same." Rachel couldn't help but smile.

"I am surprised that you three kids were not roped in. Helping on the farm would have been a great opportunity, I would imagine."

"Oh, we were, trust me, we were. While living at home, before we went away for college and university, everyone was given both chores and duties. My chore, taking care of the chickens and the eggs, and when in season I was to manage the garden. My job on the weekends was to supervise the small children and the petting zoo. We had choices of goats, lambs, piglets which were really dwarf pigs, usually two of each. And we had some cuddle animals such as hamsters, kittens, bunnies and puppies. All the animals were neutered, so there was adequate population control." She smiled as she recalled the animals.

"Let's get back, he should be waking soon, if he is not already awake." He settled their bill as she waited by his side and then they walked hand in hand back to the animal hospital. The sun was rising, and the clear sky promised a beautiful day.

Harold greeted them, "He's awake, it has been about twenty minutes. He is not happy, but he is behaving. He has had some water and some dry kibble. I know that was probably an insult, being fed dog food, but it was better for his tummy. I'll drive you guys back to the airport, then its bed time for me for a few hours."

"Thanks. Yep that's him yipping. He must be ready for home. Is he able to walk?"

"He's walking fine, I took him out back, but he does have an occasional limp. Oh, here's Dr. Peters."

"Hey Daniel, Rachel. It looks like he is ready to go home. And about the limp that Harold mentioned, there were no breaks, but the bones were bruised so there is going to be tenderness. The limp tends to become prominent when there is a pretty lady around. So, Rachel, you can expect limping." He laughed after he explained.


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