- A Bad Acid Trip!by Ricky1024
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted
A Sad Life.
Puncturing Reality
: A Bad Acid Trip! by Ricky1024

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.
Follows with another amazing journey.

"A Bad Acid Trip!"
(Paula's Story)
Written on January 1st, 2000
By Doctor Ricky 1024
�¿£ C. FanStory 2000 ¥¿¥
"My name is Paula and this is My Fuck*** and Worthless, Story."
"As I shot it...
"I Suddenly felt like I was gonna Throw Up?"
"And, My head fell off like a heavy boulder."
"Even to my Collar Bones and Shoulders!"
"My Blood filled up in my Body...
"Lord knows I tried to resist but it filled up like Some Sick, Infected Cyst!"
"He* wanted to Suck it Up...
"Like a Bad date and an Infected Kiss."
"Then my Nose Cracked like Lightning Bolt?"
"I then Felt the Electricity go from my Mouth and Throat...
"Lord, what was I Thinking?"
"Perhaps My life but be...
"Got the Best of Me?"
"Now what?"
"I felt as if my Ribs were cracking and my Heart was Napping...
"This Cracked open and my Whole Word Caved In!"
"Perhaps that's all You get when You Sin?"
"I lose...
"And, He Wins!"
"Lord, You can see My Heart now...
"It now Beats...
"Pounding now like a Beast!"
"From Within!"
To say the Least!"
"As the Syringe Hits the Skin!"
"Is this all You get?"
"Is this how He Wins?"
"My Veins!!!
"They are starting to Buldge?"
"My Nerves are Starting to Shake?"
"I'm trying yo take a Breath?"
"Is this my Up and Coming Death?"
"My Lungs are Collapsing now...
"You didn't See?"
"It suddenly started when the Drug Infected me?"
"My Stomach...
"My Knees...
"Satan's Psychotic Disease!"
"My Shins Snapped!"
"My Swollen of Heart...
"I took in a 'Death Breath.'
"As my Bones became Britteled as Gristle?"
"The Grim Reaper of Death is telling Me...
"You'll soon be a Wisper!"
"I'll let you Decide...
"What Happened to a Girl whom Became a Pencil?"
"Just A splot of Dot of A Stencil?"
"Yes, you decide...
"If I Lived...
"Or if I **Died?"
Approximate Word Count: 349.

Author Notes
"Paula Ann Richmond."
"April 12th, 1982"
"January 1st,
"Special thanks goes out first to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus the Christ, FanStory and Tom the Administrator, Fan Art Review and this amazing and talented artist...
'Photowhisper,' and their incredible picture...
"Her so Called Happy Life"


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