- A visitorby zanya
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Chapter in novel Briarly Hall
Briarly Hall
: A visitor by zanya

Squire Alfred and Lady Betsey reside at Briarly Hall. Neither of their adult children Lady Mathilde or Lord Airdale have so far produced an heir. Both have other interests.

The April morning dawned sunny with a distinct hint of warmth. Squire Alfred laced up his riding boots. Daxon, his favourite stallion would need a good workout this morning, since he had recovered from his fractured hock. As equerry Harry led Daxon from the stables, he still had the remnants of a limp.

How his son, Lord Airdale loved Daxon, when he first started riding at 17 or 18 years old. Airdale was not keen on horse flesh at first, yet, became quite the horseman when he mastered the art.
If Airdale were here we could canter across the moors like we used to do, Alfred mused to himself. A feeling of sadness pervaded his soul. He hadn't noticed equerry Harry approaching.

'Squire', Harry began, Daxon is up for it today. The hock may be a little tender yet'.

Squire made no response.

'Squire,Sir, are you well today,?' Harry enquired.

Squire Alfred , caught up in his reverie, took a while to respond.

'Quite well, equerry,' he replied, 'and waiting to feel the warm air of April on my countenance'.

Lady Betsey sat in the needlework room, busy with her embroidery. Raised voices caught her attention. Looking up from her needlework, she saw her husband canter off into the distance on Daxon.

Settling back into her comfortable armchair, she concentrated on her needlepoint.

Briarly Hall, she thought to herself, was filled with silence. Only the occasional sound of the servants' voices from downstairs disturbed the  stillness.

She remembered vividly, how different it was, when she visited her friend, Lady Lucas, in Scotland, just before Hogamanay. The pitter patter of tiny feet of Lady Lucas's grandchildren and their peals of laughter from the nursery, brought life to the ancient walls. Would similar sounds ever resound within Briarly's walls, she wondered.

The morning wore on.

Lady Betsey heard the crunch of carriage wheels drawing up on the  cobblestones.
She heard the clang of the bells of the entrance door. There was an urgency to the sound.

Next came the scrunch of  the Butler's leather shoes, walking urgently towards the door.

The hinges of the great door creaked as it was  opened. Soon muffled voices were heard. 

Lady Betsey deciphered  a female voice speaking in  a foreign accent.
'I am Lady Letexia, I can speak to Lady Betsey?'

Just then the butler burst unceremoniously into the needlework room.

'Lady Betsey, apologies for my hasty entrance, but there is a foreign lady at the main door requesting to speak to you. Shall I inform her that you are indisposed? She is quite insistent'.

Lady Betsey's  eyes widened as she wrapped her shawl around her shoulders and prepared to meet the visitor.

The young woman, Lady Letexia, was of sallow complexion and slim build. She held a child of about ten months in her arms.

Her young companion was unable to communicate in english but waited protectively by Lady Letexia's side.

Lady Betsey's  gaze fell on the baby with its dark hair and olive skin swaddled in its layette.

Before she had time to reflect on the best possible action, Lady Betsey felt compelled to invite the two young women and the baby into the morning room.

'Senora,' Lady Letexia began. ' Sorry to arrive without letter first. But my business is urgent.'

Lady Betsey stiffened visibly at the sight of the slim young woman and her infant. Clearly she was of aristocratic origin, both by her demeanour and her dress.

'Shall I call  the butler to serve tea in the morning room?,' Lady Betsey asked.
'Tea, Senora..caffe also? Acqua for the baby ?'.

Lady Betsey noticed how slim the young woman was. Her beautifully crafted, bottle green, great coat hung around her small body. Her wrists, portruding from her fox fur muffler appeared small and fragile.

Her young female chaperone smiled politely, keeping a watchful eye on the infant, still sleeping peacefully.
'We return to Italy soon.not much time...' Letexia began.

Lady Betsey demonstrated patience and forbearance with the young women in front of her, who seemed to be sharing a secret burden.

'Senora,' Letexia continued,' he has your eyes, you see when he wake'.

Lady Betsey moved uncomfortably around the room. 

'I am sure he is a beautiful baby, Letexia,' Lady Betsey continued.

'Si Senora,' Letexia continued,' we... return to Italy, Milan tonight'.

The two young women stood up, wrapping their coats around them. Letexia's cough was worsening. Her young chaperone reached for a phial of liquid in her pocket, handed it to Letexia who broke it open and drank in one draught.

'Please', Lady Betsey continued, 'lie down on the chaise longue will feel better'.
Letexia wrapped the baby comfortably in his swaddling clothes and handed him to Lady Betsey.

'Please, Lady Betsey ',.. Letexia said,' take good care of Giovanni, ..his father Lord good Nonna to him..he is my treasure..I am ill...dying.'

'Please..please Letexia , you are welcome to stay here ..we can help you..'

Letexia's companion guided her mistress to the waiting coach.  With a deft crack of his whip the coachman urged the horses forward. Soon they  disappeared  from view.

Lady Betsey stood dumbfounded in the morning room, holding a sleeping infant. Within minutes the infant had woken up and was wailing  loudly.

Butler Eames rushed into the morning room and was beside himself when he saw the crying infant.

'Lady Betsey..maa'm,' he began, 'shall I call Mrs Goodwood to assist you, after all she has years of experience as nurse here at Briarly.'

Lady Betsey was unaware of the butler's presence as she cooed and soothed the infant back to sleep. She moved to the chaise longue and positioned herself carefully beside the window where rays of sunlight streamed through the window pane, illuminating the infant's tear-stained face.

Butler Eames watched the scene unfold from the door of the morning room and was entirely bewildered.


Author Notes
Nonna: Grandmother (Italian)
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