- Utopian Dreamby Cogitator
This work has reached the exceptional level
Understanding is the key
Utopian Dream by Cogitator
Artwork by Fractalized at

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." Albert Einstein.

Every action we take is to achieve some goal. That goal must first be imagined before we can bring it to fruition. Whether it is to take our morning shower, go on a vacation, walk the dog, or any number of other objectives, we must first envision them with imagination.

To reach any objective, it is the result we must describe first, not the actions we take to get it. There is a myriad of methods to achieve any goal. Goal achievement is a three-part system that resembles a recipe. All systems have the same three components -- Input. Process and Output and all systems have to be connected to be valid. Just like creating a delicious meal, we have to imagine the finished product, gather the ingredients, and put them through a sequential process. So it is with imagining Utopia.

We prioritize our goals by their value or meaning, to our lives at this time, at this place, under the current circumstances. Goals are actually prioritized as to their value MINUS the effort required to achieve them.

Every life form is busy in every moment activating itself on its number one priority as dictated by the individual's value system. There are no exceptions to this rule. Everyone reading these words is spending time on their number one priority at this time, at this place, under these circumstances. If your tea kettle calls you or your smoke alarm goes off, you will be distracted and address your new number one priority. Most people seldom address their goal valuation but it will eventually be essential to do so in order to create a sane and safe Utopia.

What would a Utopian society mean to humanity?

Utopia is a kind and gentle place. There are no homeless people in it. It is an egalitarian society where no individual is ignored. There are many examples of imagined Utopias in history from Plato, Thomas More, and others. The Hippie movement in the 1960s created a number of communes intended to provide solace to the weary by ridding themselves of the corporate world and decadent objectives.

There is one major difference between those ideals and the one we are able to create today - Technology. In Utopia, technology is the slave of humanity, rather than the other way around as it is today. To achieve that reversal, the existing ruling class must move aside.

Everything humans believe and value is based upon agreements among themselves. They form groups that communicate and bolster beliefs and values they desire to hold as true, or real, and live their life according to the mandates of the group(s) to which they want to belong. This is the basic herding instinct of social animals - which we are. In Utopia, there is only one group and it is all-inclusive.

Splinter groups are created by "Group-Think," or Collective Consciousness of their members.

When a laboratory technician wants to see the development of a culture, he places a "seed" in a petri dish containing agar and watches the development. This is similar to placing an ism in society and watching how it affects the population. Cultures separate themselves by agreeing to trains of thought that differentiate them from other groups. Their behavior is governed by the indoctrination of dogma into their group-think. This dogma is also called a tenet -- (French for "to hold,") or ism. Today's society has too many isms that create separation instead of unification, like racism, sexism, Fascism, etc.

Indoctrination: The process of teaching a person or group to accept a set of beliefs uncritically.

"The United States is unusual among the industrial democracies in the rigidity of the system of ideological control - 'indoctrination', we might say - exercised through the mass media." Noam Chomsky

Mass media indoctrinate people and groups through a relentless bombardment of confusing messages. They spout isms to program underdeveloped minds into doing things that serve the masters. In the UK, programming that uses flash ads (microseconds of the message to influence the subconscious) have to place a warning at the beginning of the show. How could that do any good if the show gets watched anyway?

Communicating ideas and ideals is not easy. Accuracy of the messages being exchanged necessitates agreeing on the meaning of the programs being downloaded into the brain.

"Wisdom begins with the definition of terms." Socrates

Fascism: An authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization. If we watch the North Korean army marching in locked, goose-stepping order, we can visualize what Fascism may resemble.

"Fascism is capitalism in decay." Vladimir Lenin

Racism: Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior. Not much more need be said after watching the news.

"Racism is man's gravest threat to man - the maximum of hatred for a minimum of reason." Abraham Joshua Heschel

Sexism: Prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex. Again, the current news broadcasts surely make us more aware of this ism.

"I mean, what is racism? Racism is a projection of our own fears onto another person. What is sexism? It's our own vulnerability about our potency and masculinity projected as our need to subjugate another person, you know? Fascism, the same thing: People are trying to untidy our state, so I legislate as a way of controlling my environment." Gary Ross

Patriotism: The quality of being patriotic; devotion to and vigorous support for one's country. Any government who thinks exclusion from the rest of the world is a good idea needs to be analyzed for insanity.

"Heroism on command, senseless violence, and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of patriotism - how passionately I hate them!" Albert Einstein

"Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism." George Washington

Anarchism: Belief in the abolition of all government and the organization of society on a voluntary, cooperative basis without recourse to force or compulsion. Self-control and self-governance are both necessary to be an anarchist.

"Anarchism means all sort of things to different people, but the traditional anarchists' movements assumed that there'd be a highly organized society, just one organized from below with direct participation and so on." Noam Chomsky

Communism: A theory or system of social organization in which all property is owned by the community and each person contributes and receives according to their ability and needs. This can work only if money is eliminated. It is the natural order of things. Once people start amassing money to gain power over others, they become slave masters.

"The theory of Communism may be summed up in one sentence: Abolish all private property." Karl Marx

Humanism: A rationalist outlook or system of thought attaching prime importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters.

"For humanism also appeals to man as man. It seeks to liberate the universal qualities of human nature from the narrow limitations of blood and soil and class and to create a common language and a common culture in which men can realize their common humanity." Christopher Dawson

Humanitarianism: The promotion of human welfare.

"Humanitarianism consists in never sacrificing a human being to a purpose." Albert Schweitzer

Capitalism: An economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state. All businesses and corporations should be owned by the employees to make capitalism desirable.

"Capitalism is against the things that we say we believe in - democracy, freedom of choice, fairness. It's not about any of those things now. It's about protecting the wealthy and legalizing greed." Michael Moore

An ism in a computer is a program, or application (APP). When downloading an APP into a smartphone, we inject it with a train of thought intended to perform a specific function or process when we touch the icon (trigger) for that application. Indoctrinated isms activate humans that same way.

Social stratification is normally based upon social standing or class. Many would use money as a measurement stick to define the strata, but there are other definable social strata. We can define strata in terms of intellect, emotion, leadership and other elements. If we want to impact a progressive change for Mother Earth and her inhabitants, the most important social ladder to climb is Understanding. (Stop standing under the ladder in fear -- walk to the other side and start climbing!).

There are only three elements to our perceived universe -- Time, Space and Understanding. In general terms, the left hemisphere our brain receives waves of energy and segments those waves as frequency, thereby creating our concept of time and number. The right hemisphere receives the same waves, but interprets them as amplitude, thereby creating our concept of space and Point of View. Like an AM/FM (Amplitude Modulation and Frequency Modulation) radio receiving the very same energy waves, we tune into what we consider important and/or entertaining.

The kindred spirit that exists in all life resides forever in the time we call Now and the space we call Here. Spiritually, it is always Here/Now, always has been and always will be. Death does not exist in the Here/Now. From this Point of View, we project our thought energy outward (like a radar beacon) and receive the echo of those energy waves. If we sense something in that echo we do not like or understand, it is because we either sent out incomplete or incorrect thoughts, we are misreading the echo, or both. Truth, and truth only will clear up the messages. Of the three elements defining our universe (Time, Space, Understanding) we can only do better through better understanding.

In Utopia, competition is replaced by communication, collaboration and cooperation for the benefit and progress of the whole. There is no room for individual ownership, power or greed. The prevalent isms of a sane, safe and healthy society are anarchism, humanitarianism and communism working in concert.

After the basic needs of human existence are satisfied, most people desire freedom and love. Freedom of expression, freedom from fear, freedom of movement, understanding and growth underpin Utopian society. Children are regarded as seeds destined to blossom into their purpose for being rather than be trained to become wage slaves. Traditions, superstitions, false beliefs and values are replaced with the understanding that we are all threads in the fabric of Universal Consciousness. Development of the arts and sciences in young minds is the objective of education. To "educe" means to develop or make something appear. To access the power we all possess when connecting with the Universal Consciousness is the goal of Utopian education.

Utopians know that Mother Earth is the provider of our sustenance. Respect for our mother is a primary concern for all her inhabitants. There is no waste nor pollution in Utopia. There is no usage of her resources for the purpose of destruction, decadence and frivolity. The quality of life has nothing to do with material things or toys to occupy idle minds. There are no polluted streams or poisoned atmosphere in Utopia. Cities which have become like skin cancer upon her face are replaced with common sense, self-sustaining communities that harmonize with her Nature. These communities would be connected by technology that is available today.

Utopia is achievable without violence or coercion. It can be attained by the removal of false ideas and false isms. It will sprout when those who support the ruling class turn their attention to those being ruled. After all, the only reason the ruling class has power is because we allow them to take ours.

Music has the ability to bring people and their thoughts together. The anthem of Utopia is John Lennon's song "Imagine." The message of the lyrics imply that the way to "live as one" is to eliminate the isms of organized religion, politics and money. It may be that Yoko's influence, probably based upon Eastern philosophy, had an impact on John. Buddhism is not a religion, but rather a way of living. The Tao is the path to enlightenment and is analogous to the path to Utopia. The Tao's eventual goal is Oneness, just like Lennon's Utopian lyrics.



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