- Proclaiming Innocenceby Mistydawn
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted
Two people are being accused of crimes they didn't commit.
Travesty of Justice
: Proclaiming Innocence by Mistydawn

Brief Summary
Julia kills her first husband, Andy to escape an abusive relationship. She steals his mistress's ID and moves to Arkansas. She starts a career and a family under the fictitious name. Everything is going well until the police discover a knife from another murder in her car. She claims she purchased it from a homeless man, for her second husband's birthday. Hearing about her arrest, her second husband Bill puts a restraining order on her and then moves the kids out of the city. Julia bonds out and is awaiting trial.She's staying with her boyfriend/ Lawyer Larry.

Marty threatens to kill Larry's family if he doesn't win Vinnie's case.
Larry recently found out his estranged wife and daughter are dead. He's being expedited to New York where the murders took place.


I lift my head off the table when the door squeaks open. Looking over, I see an older lady stepping into the room. She's wearing a white lab coat that hangs well past her knees. Her salt and pepper hair is pulled into a bun, fastened at the nape of her neck. Glancing over, I see a small blue box dangling from her right hand. What are they up to now, I think as she walks towards me.

"My name is Sharon, I work in the lab. I came to do a GSR test on your hands."

"A what?" I question, unfamiliar with police terminology.

"A gunshot residue test, it'll only take a minute and won't hurt a bit. Can I see your right hand, please?"

After carefully inspecting it, Sharon takes a small object from the kit and starts dabbing it across my right hand.

"Can I see your left hand?" Sharon quickly repeats the process. "All done," she says, collecting her things.

"What's the test for?"

"We hope it'll prove that you didn't shoot the gun."

"I didn't, I swear I didn't," I tearfully reply.

"I believe you, honey," Sharon says, sympathetically patting my arm.

"Thank you."

Smiling, she walks out of the room.



I see Kirk rushing towards me as I'm weaving through the desks. We really need a bigger space, I think, glancing at the dozens of desks strung haphazardly around the room.

The city promised to expand, but then a new mayor came in, said the city needs improvements worse than we need a bigger space. Mayors like him are the reason why the building hasn't been remodeled since it was first built.

"Do you have a minute, Sergeant?"

"What is it, Kirk?"

"I just thought about something."

"Boy genius's brain is hard at work again." I laugh, plopping down at my desk.

Laughing, he continues. "There's this thing called spoofing. It's when you make a call look like it's coming from a specific phone when it actually didn't."

"So someone could've made a call look like it came from Julia's phone?"

"Exactly, the only way I can prove differently is if I check the phone's call log."

"Make sure you look into that, as soon as the phone gets here."

"I will, Sergeant."

Hearing heavy footsteps running towards me, I quickly glance up from my desk. I see a tall thin gentleman hustling through the room. His expensive gray suit and overwhelming cologne scream high priced mouth piece. I notice a pair of dress shoes in hand as he gets closer.

Realizing he's heading towards the back, Kirk jumps in front of him. "Where do you think you're going?" the detective asks.

"I heard you're charging my client, Julia Morphett with murder?"


"Where is she?"

"She's in interrogation room one."

"Tell the captain I have some evidence regarding Larry Wilson's case," he says, running past us.

Jumping up from my desk, I rush to the captain's office. I see Joe working behind his desk, a grim look on his face. I have to add to the bad news, I think, tapping on the door.

"Captain, Julia and Larry's lawyer says he has some information pertaining to their case."

"Did he say what it is?"

"No, but he said he'll be in with Julia when you're ready to talk."

"Let's see what he has to show us," he says, walking around his desk.

We see Mark and Julia discussing something when we open the door. Not wanting to eavesdrop on confidential communication, Joe clears his throat before stepping in the room.

"Just the person I want to see," the lawyer announces.

"I heard you have some information regarding Larry Wilson's case?"

"I have a few things actually. The mileage on his car doesn't add up."

"What do you mean it doesn't add up?" I question.

"The mechanic wrote down the miles on his worksheet, when Larry had it serviced last Thursday." He points to the far left corner. "If you check the odometer, it'll be a few miles more than what's printed on the sheet. Which means he couldn't have taken his car to New York."

"Is there anything else?" Joe asks, aggravated that his once solid case is being torn to shreds.

"Yes, these shoes," he says, scooping them off the table.

"What about them?"

"I'd say they're pretty worn wouldn't you?"

Joe glances at the shoes then the lawyer. "Yeah, so?"

"These are the shoes Larry wears to court. As you can tell they are rather large."

"Get to the point, counselor."

"The point is these shoes are a size 11 and the ones in the evidence room are an eight, which is three sizes too small for Larry's feet."

"Are you done with your show and tell?" Joe questions.

"For now." Chuckling the lawyer continues "What do you have on Julia?"

"We found her bracelet at the crime scene. We have a call made from her phone to the taxi company and a cabbie who claims he picked her up at the station and then dropped her back off a half-hour later. When forensics searched Larry's car they found a 22 in the glove compartment and blood on the driver's seat."

"I'd like to speak with my client, please."

"Sure thing, counselor." Smiling, Joe walks out the door.



Glancing outside, I see the snow shower has quickly become a blizzard. It'd be just my luck to be trapped with these goons, I think, watching the powdery substance accumulate. Trying to take my mind off the storm, I start running through the evidence. There has to be a way to dispute it, there just has to be. Frustrated, I lean my head against the cold glass.

"You know what I think? I think you have two credit cards issued in your name and you had someone use the spare to make it look like you were in Arkansas." Michaels says, glancing in the mirror. Jefferies was nervous about driving in the storm, so the two decided to change places.

"You want to know what I think happened?" Sitting on the edge of my seat, I continue. "I think someone used my credit card number in New York to make it look like I was there."

"Oh boy, here we go with the framing bullshit again," Michael says, rolling his eyes.

"Have your boss check the footage at the bodega and see where I show up."

"So let's say you were here, Larry, how do you explain the video of you coming in and leaving the city and what about the witness that says he saw you at the crime scene?" Jefferies questions.

"I know what happened. The witness is being paid to say he saw you, right?" Michaels, chuckles.


"I wish you would give it up."

"I wish you'd shut up."

I see Michael's sallow complexion turn a crimson red. With his teeth clenched together, he mumbles. "If I wasn't driving, so help me God..."

Smiling, I lean against the seat.



I'm working on Julia's case at my desk when I see Kirk walking towards me. I notice the perplexed look on his face as he continues reading. He's so engrossed in the report that he doesn't see the furniture in front of him. He stumbles across a small chair, the folder becomes airborne, smacking a co-worker's head.

"Hey," an officer yells, springing up from his desk.

Embarrassed, Kirk rushes towards our cubical.

Trying to contain my laughter, I quickly turn away.

"Go ahead, laugh," he says, plopping down in his chair.

"You have to admit that was pretty funny." I chuckle.

"Hilarious," he sarcastically replies.

"What were you looking at?"

"The lab report on Julia's phone. They confirmed that a call was made to the taxi company from her phone. They also found a trace amount of the victim's blood and gunshot residue on the cover."

"So whoever shot our victim must have picked up the phone afterward."

"Billy, the little boy who found the phone claims it was lying at the crime scene. He said that he's watching the officers work when he sees a guy put the phone on a rock and walk away. Billy says he tries to give the guy his phone, the man yells at him, orders him to leave, so he does."

"Can The little boy describe the guy?"

"He says he's in his late sixties. He has sandy brown hair with black framed glasses and was wearing a dark blue suit. When he sat down with a sketch artist they came up with this." Jerry hands me a piece of paper.

"This looks like our DA. I better go talk to Joe about this," I say, pushing away from the desk. A few minutes later, I walk over to Kirk.

"What did he say, Rachel?"

"He couldn't believe it at first, so I showed him the boy's statement and then the sketch."

"What did he say then?"

"He said he'll look into it."

"What does he want us to do?"

"He told me to sit tight for now."



It wasn't long before motor mouth Michaels was at it again. I try to ignore him but he just keeps going on and on about my case. I was hoping his partner would say something, but he pulls out his headphones instead.

"The way it's going the police will have a solid case against you by the time you get to New York."

"Then I'll step in and blow their theories to hell." Still not sure how I'm going to pull it off.

"You know what they say about a lawyer who represents himself." Michaels snickers.

"That only pertains to idiots who don't know the law."

"Like I was saying," he laughs, glancing in the mirror.

"You think you're such a badass with your badge and fancy toys, don't you, Michaels?"

"I can take you down without all this junk."

"Prove it, then."

"You really want to go?"


Pulling the car to the shoulder of the road, Michaels starts to open the door.

"What are you doing?" Jefferies questions, pulling the headphones from his ears.

"I'm going to take care of the smart-ass once and for all," he says, opening the car door.

"I think you're forgetting something," his partner says, glancing beside him.

"What?" Michaels asks.

His partner glances at the dashboard again.

"What?" Michaels screams.

"He's telling you the webcam is on, you imbecile."

"That's why the captain calls every time you two argue."

"Your goose is cooked now, Bro." I laugh.

"I haven't touched you."

"No, but you've threatened me. If my memory serves, your actions could have some serious consequences, up to five years in prison, I believe."

Michaels looks over at his partner, he shrugs.

"I have a feeling you're going to be in some major hot water when you get home."

"You set me up," he yells.

"Now who's the Idiot?" I laugh.

"My Captain wouldn't reprimand me."

"Are you sure?" Hearing the phone ring I continue.

"I bet that's him now."

Jefferies grabs his phone off the dash. "Hi Captain, I'll tell them."

"What did the Captain say?"

"He told me to tell you that you're lucky I saved your ass and that you will be reprimanded for your behavior."

"I told you so," I laugh.

"He told me to tell you that the car they saw coming into and leaving the city wasn't yours."

"So much for your iron clad case, Michaels," I smirk.

"I know you did this and I'm going to prove it."

"You're going to be in so much trouble that you won't have time to worry about me."

"I'll make the time, I guarantee you that."

Berryville Pd Staff
Joe the captain, married to Rachel.
Rachel the sergeant.
Jerry a detective
Kirk, a detective.
Sharon the ME, oversees the lab.


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