- Sir William's love zanya
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100 word story
Briarly Hall
: Sir William's love rival. by zanya
100 Word Story writing prompt entry

Disconcerted, Sir William leafed through some of Lady Mathilde's music that lay, in neat piles, next to the piano.

An accomplished musician with catholic tastes, he mused.

Beethoven's Sonata in C minor caught his eye. A note with a red, velvet ribbon was attached to the top.

It read :

' My heart yearns to listen again to your inspiring rendition.
With all my love. Sir Ernst'.

Sir William stood agape.

'The cad,' William blurted out. 'Mathilde prefers this wastrel. Surely can't be... my sparring fencing partner is winning the young lady's heart.'

Buttoning his redingote he stormed off.

Writing Prompt
Write a story of 100 words. not including the title. Any subject accepted. Must be exactly 100 words.

Author Notes
Thanks to trailblazer101 for Awakenings


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