- Cerebral thinkerby DALLAS01
This work has reached the exceptional level
No place here for the heart and gut.
Cerebral thinker by DALLAS01
Acrostic Poetry writing prompt entry
Artwork by eileen0204 at

C alibrating
E ach and every bit of information
R ecalibrating-
E diting in the far recesses of the
B rain where the thinker's true nature
R esides.
A cademic meanderings un-
L eashed, unencumbered by the heart.

T actical solutions
H over on horizons where
I ntuition has been
N ullified by the turn of a
K ey, locking it out of the
E quation-
R eason ascending.

Writing Prompt
Write an acrostic poem. Acrostic Poetry is where the first letter of each line spells a word, usually using the same words as in the title. See an example in the announcement.

Author Notes
Thanks to eileen0204 for the perfect artwork.


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