- Let's Hear Itby Marillion
This work has reached the exceptional level
Let's Hear It by Marillion

Let's hear it...
...For the broken-hearted,
And the beauty of their pain,
Who hide their wounds behind their armor
To deny their hearts were slain.

Let's hear it...
...For the tortured writer
Who arranges every phrase
To burn the pages like a lighter
Just to revel in the blaze.

Let's hear it...
...For the weary carers,
Ones who bend before they crack,
Who suffer silently as bearers
Of the burdens on the back.

Let's hear it...
For the scores of liars
Who deny, deny, deny
Until they're roasting in the fires
That they set...then ask us why.

Let's hear it...
...No! ignore the pleading
From the liars and the thieves
Who claim "not guilty" while they're cheating
As the poseur who deceives.


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