- A General Review of Music in Moviesby michaelcahill
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Essay-Review for Prose Potlatch Challenge
A General Review of Music in Movies by michaelcahill



In the silent movie days, an organist would sit in a pit at the front of the theatre improvising music to accompany the scenes unfolding before the audience. That is what originally constituted music for cinema.

Nowadays, almost all movies have music. They often have a theme song even utilizing the title of the movie as the title of the song. Live and Let Die, Goldfinger and The Spy Who Loved Me are three James Bond movies quickly identified by their signature songs. Indeed, the superior quality of the songs themselves elevate the movies likeability factor.
Who doesn’t get a kick out of the old thirties and forties westerns and their hokey title songs? I just howl at some of them, and it certainly sets the mood for a campy evening of popcorn and shoot-em-ups.
Of course, the theme songs are prominent and meant to be. There is other music, however, running throughout the film. I’m not speaking of musicals. That is obvious. I’m speaking of movies in general. Almost every movie you attend has music running continuously in the background. There are often variations on a familiar theme as the Bond movies where we here little snippets of familiar music at opportune times. These call-to-mind previous Bond movies and prime us for action.
Action scenes are accompanied by appropriate action music. Romance is accompanied by moving and touching music thus getting us in the proper mood.
Exceptional music can elevate a movie from good to excellent. Next time you watch “A league of Their Own”, pay close attention to the music. It is among the best music ever written for a movie, and near perfect from beginning to end. It is spot-on scene-by-scene, and breaks in to some of the loveliest heart tugging melodies at just the right moment. Watch and listen, you’ll see what I mean. Of course, if you aren’t listening for it, you’ll just feel the effect. That’s the idea.
On the other hand, poorly conceived music can drag a film down. “Avatar” is such a film in my opinion. The music is crude and detracts from the fluidity of motion the animators achieved on the screen. Again, you must watch and listen. If you watch only as we usually do, you’ll just feel a letdown that is inexplicable. Thus the power of music.
There are countless examples. Every movie you attend is an example. When it’s done well, the sound of a theme song is recognized immediately and completely immerses you into the essence of the film. If you’ve seen “Chariots of Fire” for instance, you’ll understand. I’m sure you have your own example to verify this.
Enjoy your time at the movies. Next time, take a moment to listen. That music is playing a bigger role than you ever imagined.



Author Notes

This is for the Prose Potlatch
Form is Free Form Non-Fiction 500-700 Words
Theme-A review

I would consider this a preview to a series of pieces perhaps, an introduction if you will.


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