- Good Ole' Gusby Teri7
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Frantic day.
: Good Ole' Gus by Teri7

I just didn't know that today might be the day that I would contribute to the demise of good ole Gus!

Got to Greyson's about the same time as always. As we entered the house everything seemed to be normal. Gus was in his kennel and Greyson was sitting at the table getting ready for breakfast that his dad had fixed for him.

I walked over to the table and sat down with Greyson to try to persuade him to eat. Of course that task is not as easy as it would seem. He still can't talk really well but he has uh uh down pat. Me, being me, decided he was going to have a nice day anyway. So I decided to get his mind off his hurting gums by bringing out an ink pen. A smile came across his face. I do know what it takes at times to make him happy. I started drawing on a piece of paper for him. I started out with a cat and dog, but decided I would try another type of animal. Not sure where I got the idea I could draw a zebra but there it was. Greyson loved it. He kept pointing to it for me to draw some more.

It was really time for him to eat some breakfast so I put up the drawing tools. He didn't like that at all. I guess you could say he had crocodile tears for a few minutes that I wiped away for him. It so happened I was walking out of the kitchen area into the laundry room/Gus kennel room. Every time I look at Gus I get so emotional. He is a very sweet and lovable puppy dog.

I always feel so sorry for him, I try to sneak him some of his food that won't be missed. Now that I have said that maybe you will understand the rest of the story. I walked back into the kitchen area to see what Tom and Greyson were up to. I dilly dallied around with them for a little bit and happened to walk back around and see Gus. You have to know that I have a really big heart when it comes to cats and dogs. We have seven girl cats at home that we love.

I walked back to the laundry area and saw Gus' box of food. Hmm? Should I or not? I remember what Tom told me about feeding him between his meal time so I decided not to, this time. Gus really look disgusted with me, like he wanted to say, "You are just a big chicken. I thought you loved me".

Aha! I looked around a bit more and saw his favorite ball close at hand. Of course the wheels were spinning in my head. I guessed if I couldn't feed him I could always put his ball in the kennel with him. Problem solved, or so I thought. That is not the way it ended though.

I walked back into the living room and got Greyson to get up with me in the recliner and watch some Sesame Street. We watched it and laughed a lot. Greyson was getting tired so I moved from the recliner and sat on the couch. In a few minutes, he was curled up with a blanket sound asleep. My little angel!

Tom walked over to me and said, "Do you know what you have done?"
I looked at him and said, No I really don't know this time. What did I do now?"
He gave me a stern look and said, "Gus ate the rubber ball. Now he will have a really messed up stomach and it might even kill him!"

That was all I needed to hear in order for me to start bawling my eyes out. I could just see my son and daughter -in-law balling me out since I killed Gus, what next.

My son finally walked in and was his usual jolly self, but me I was in tears.
The first thing he said was, "Mom, what's wrong with you?"
I couldn't talk I was crying so hard. I said, " I think I killed Gus but I didn't mean to."
He said, "Mom, look at Gus. He is fine. What are you talking about?"
I walked away still sobbing. I heard Tom and Jonathon still talking.
Finally my son walked over to me and let me lay my head on his shoulder. Then he said, "You and Tom need to get going as it might rain here."
So Tom and I gathered up our daily stuff we bring to Greyson's every day and headed home. I was just thankful that later in the night I talked with Jonathon and he said Gus was fine.

This is my story about Good Ole Gus! I do hope you enjoy it and I hope it makes some sense to you.


Author Notes
It really did have me upset. I do love that dog and the last thing I would want to do to him is be the reason for his demise. Hope you enjoy my true story. Thanks to Maddie by Barb Baker for the great art work. looks just like our Gus.


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