- Cooked Gooseby Brett Matthew West
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Cody is questioned by Judge Stancil
Astatula (Final Edition)
: Cooked Goose by Brett Matthew West
Artwork by Lilibug6 at

Cody Schroder is a young boy headed down the wrong road. Can his guardian turn him, and his life, around in a small town where a deranged mass murderer is running loose?

Opening the door so Sheriff Daniels and Cody could pass through Janelle Lyle stated, "Judge Stancil will see you now. The last door at the end of the hallway. Good luck, Sheriff."

As Cody walked in front of Sheriff Daniels down the narrow corridor leading to the Judge's chambers he wondered if Lady Luck would be on his side that day? Not knowing what to expect once they arrived at their destination Cody hoped Judge Stancil would not make him go back to this unknown relative who had mysteriously appeared from out of the blue. But the story of his life had always been he would.

Judge Stancil sat stoically behind his hand-carved hickory desk. The first thing Cody noticed about the Judge was the crown of snow-white crew-cut hair that adorned his head.

To Cody the prominent feature presented by the Judge indicated perhaps he would consider all the facts and not render a hasty decision. Cody's future rested on convincing Judge Stancil he belonged in Astatula. Could he make the Judge listen to what he had to say?

Upon entering his chambers Judge Stancil invited Sheriff Daniels and Cody to have a seat so the hearing could begin. They did without delay. Immediately Cody saw the dreaded folder in the Judge's hand.

Anxiously he told himself, "This is not looking good."

Cody recalled the last time he witnessed a black leather folder that resembled the one Judge Stancil looked at. He was being sent away - to Astatula. Cody felt his heart sink deep inside him.

Cutting his penetrating grey eyes to Cody the Judge asked him, "How do you like living with Sheriff Daniels, Cody?"

Cody smiled broadly. That was an easy question for him to answer.

"Sheriff Daniels is the best thing that ever happened to me, sir," he unhesitatingly replied in all sincerity to the Judge's question.

Cody's response made Sheriff Daniels proud.

Judge Stancil then asked Cody, "Have you been a good boy for the Sheriff?"

Cody was not sure how to answer that one and remained quiet.

Judge Stancil continued, "Sheriff Daniels is a very busy man. He has a lot to do to protect all of us here in Astatula."

A slight pause for affect and the Judge finished his comment by telling Cody, "He does not need any foolishness out of you."

Cody sensed there had to be a point Judge Stancil was making. Waiting for its arrival he said, "I try to be good."

"See that you do not mislead me again, Cody!" Judge Stancil warned him.

"Yes, sir. I won't," Cody quickly responded.

Judge Stancil folded his arms in front of him. He placed them on top of his desk. Slowly he leaned forward. It was then he glared at Cody with a heated look that pierced through him.

"Deputy Taylor tells me you recently spent a morning in jail for vandalizing something that did not belong to you. What do you have to say for yourself about that incident, young man?" Judge Stancil demanded.

His tone made Cody understand the Judge expected an explanation for his devious actions.

Cody felt his goose being cooked to a crisp crackling pop!

"Palo Pinto here I come!" he wearily thought to himself.

Before Cody could respond to the Judge's question Sheriff Daniels pondered under his breath so he could not be heard, "Deputy Taylor? What's he got to do with any of this?"

"How did you enjoy being in jail, Cody?" Judge Stancil demanded knowing.

"I hated everything about it!" Cody responded remembering an experience he would never forget.

"Did you learn anything of value while you were there?" was the Judge's next question.

Something told Cody the Judge's questions weren't going to get any easier the more he grilled him.

Cody almost responded with, "Stick a fork in me I'm done!"

Instead he told Judge Stancil, "I learned never to do anything to go back to jail for again."

Frightened by the direction Judge Stancil's questions were leading him Cody did not know what to do so he looked at the Judge and asked him, "Are you going to send me back to Palo Pinto for what I did to that barn, sir?"

"I might!" Judge Stancil sternly told Cody pointing a warning finger at him and saying, "Unless you can give me a reason not to."

Judge Stancil's comment startled Cody.

Suddenly panic-striken Cody replied, "I'm sorry, sir. I promise I won't ever do anything like that again!"

Pausing to catch his fleeting breath a fear-filled Cody pled, "Please don't send me back to Palo Pinto! I don't want to go! I want to stay with Sheriff Daniels!"

Rambling on Cody vowed, "If you let me stay I promise I'll be the best boy in the whole wide world, sir! PLEASE!"

Judge Stancil hesitated for a moment. Watching Cody crumble he eased the intensity of the pressure off him. Noticing Cody was about hysterical he called the boy over to him.

Cody climbed out of his chair. Ever so slowly he moved over to Judge Stancil not knowing how much more he could take.

Unexpectedly, the Judge reached down and picked Cody up saying sympathetically, "Come here Cody."

He set him on his lap. He placed a comforting arm around Cody's shoulders and looked him in the eye.

Author Notes
Cody is grilled to the breaking point by Judge Stancil.

What will the end result of the hearing be?

This is Evan, by Lilibug6, selected to compliment my story.

So, thanks Lilibug6, for the use of your picture. It goes so nicely with my story.


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