A bell sounds, a bang, sang outwards, night's silence, shatters, await fang, out darkness, I'm asleep; ears in: a tang.
A joker, a plot, its being playful, intended to fill, bent will, by legal Hill, in a bill, now a law; no freedom for: in a cage.
A lioness creeps, rips, swiftly sips approach, flips, on a concrete, by progressive, foot leap; dip to reach: her prey.
My mind, projects this wrap, map laid, plan a cap, sunrise, at dawn, revelation catch, night figure; it's an eye: trap.
Up sun's rays, twinkling down, alter, seen after her peer, sinister sight, to filter; stops actions; behold: two round balls.
My freedom, has a meal, limit room in a yard, by a seal, jealousy, in rage not a plus, denied an appeal, got a slap: ponders deal.
Liberty, an unjust, stops a fluff soul, state a legal judgment, cuff enforced, law rules, it is a muff; act stuff cat: at mocks a dog.