- Our Brookeby Lulube
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Get Well, Brooke!
: Our Brooke by Lulube

I hear that our very own, Brooke
is not feeling all that swell
I hope it's not too severe
or complicated
I'm praying that soon she gets well

She's a lover of the yellow
infamous, invading weed
The dandy-lion, you guessed it
and this I know
Can grow six feet tall from one seed

She can reach out to children
with colorful chosen words
Creating wonderful pictures
of her wisdom
Through all animals and birds

I know there are fanstorians
and multitudes, becoming a fan
That hold our Brooke, endearingly
in their hearts
All throughout this glorious land

Get well, our BROOKE

Author Notes
This poem is in response to Joy Grahams poem for Brooke, who is in the hospital

dandy-lion is spelt this way for Brooke's benefit because I don't feel the same way as Brooke does about them. I have gardened for others and pulled out thousands upon thousands of dandelions.
I tell her they are okay, as well as buttercups and morning glory, if they are all together and half way up a mountain in some meadow.


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