- Down the mountainby Catherin Elizabet Belle
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Horseback in the snow.
Wilderness Encounter
: Down the mountain by Catherin Elizabet Belle

The mission neither a success nor a failure their return trip with loaded packs and additional ammo is made over the well-traveled path from Viper's to Pebbles'. Even though it's a familiar trail neither female is complacent. Moving through the forest they are ever alert to the sounds around them. About half way between the two locations Pebbles notices the tracks of a mountain lion trailing those of a deer. Pointing them out to Peeps, their sweep as they move through the forest includes branches above their heads.

The western horizon blazes with gold and reds as they reach the edge of the clearing that houses Pebbles cabin. They pause in the shadows searching the open area for anything out of the ordinary, when everything is order they move toward the cabin. Laying their packs on the porch Pebbles heads toward the barn to the whiney of Paddy and a loud snort from Diablo. Unlocking the barn door she moves inside to the delight of her mustangs. She opens their stalls and leads then out into the corral. With the two acting like young colts she burst into laughter. Standing on the porch observing the three together Peeps admires their friendship. As the sun sinks lower and lower casting the glen in shadows she returns the mustangs to their stalls providing fresh water, oats and hay. Closing and locking the barn door she returns to the cabin.

Picking up her pack entering the cabin she sees that Bo-peep has put a pot of coffee on the stove preparing some MRE's for dinner. "Thought we'd go light on the labor tonight, Pebbles. Don't mind do you?"

After chowing down the two relax while cleaning their weapons and reloading their packs. Pebbles learned the hard way to always be ready to move when the cartel chased her from place to place as she was relocated in the witness protection program. Now she isn't panicked but slow methodical and meticulous in her preparation for the unexpected. "Peeps what's on our agenda tomorrow?"

Glancing up to view her face. "Thought we'd have a short workout before dawn; then I figured you would want to work with the horses, maybe even a ride?"

Her hands go idle as she looks at Peeps. "It'll be best to keep their workout to the corral till they work off some of the pent up energy. Diablo likes to kick up his heels after being in the stall for a few days and in these mountains it will be less dangerous to my well-being."

Going back to her work. "Okay, what do you say to some sparing after exercising the mustangs?"

"Works for me." The two finish with their weapons and without a word retire to their sleeping area. Sleep doesn't come even though tired Pebbles lays with her hands behind her head; and her pistol under the pillow listening to the sounds of the night. Long years of living in fear and the training she has received with Bo-peep gives her a sense of everything around her, but also a feeling of comfort. A feeling she has not had sense the bank robbery and killing. Her eyelids begin to droop as the natural sounds of the forest and the steady breathing of Peeps become her lullaby sleep claims the aspiring warrior.

Up as the rises in the east turning the sky from ebony to gray, the birds chirping, and the breeze rustling the pine cones high in the trees. Pebbles gulps a cup of coffee and heads for the barn.

Waking at the sound of her exiting the cabin Peeps smiles. There she goes to enjoy her four legged friends, for that's what they are. Rising she dresses, grabs a cup and heads out to watch Pebbles with the two mustangs who have just entered the corral. As predicted Diablo kicks up his heels darting around the enclosure with Paddy trotting around the outer edge with Pebbles standing in the middle. After they have a brief romp she mounts Diablo bareback loping around the corral with Paddy right beside them. Surprise crosses Peeps face as Pebbles moves from Diablo to Paddy without breaking stride or dismounting. WOW! Slowing the pace she moves up to the part of the corral where Peeps is. "Wanta ride Paddy in the Corral?"


"Sure." Laughing she circles the corral returning to Diablo's back bringing Paddy up next to the corral fence. "Climb up on the fence and mount from there."

Very cautiously Peeps sits astride the mustang. "Riding without a saddle is different; how do I control him?"

"Like I said before, grip him with your knees and use the reins to direct him until you become more familiar with riding bareback." Waiting for Peeps to settle comfortably on Paddy. "Now direct him with the reins or voice as you would if he were saddled." She holds Diablo in place until Peeps has Paddy moving then falling in behind where she rides for a few turns around the corral. Pulling in front she increases the pace which immediately prods Paddy to keep up. With each turn around the corral she sees Peeps becoming more relaxed on the animal. She increases the pace to a trot maintaining the rate for some twenty minutes, slowing to a walk for about ten minutes. Dismounting she waits to see how Peeps will manage, and smiles with satisfaction when she crosses her leg over the horse slips off landing securely on the ground.

With a radiant glow on her face. "Wow, riding bareback you feel like an extension of the horse."

"Yep! Now we get to take care of them." Heading into the barn walking Diablo into his stall as Peeps leads Paddy into hers. "Now, we check their hoofs, brush their coat and mane to a burnished luster." Working side by side the two horses are groomed to perfection. Diablo nuzzles Pebbles even nipping her once until he got a gentle reprimand; then a great big hug.

Without thinking Bo-peep lays her face on Paddy's silken mane feeling the quiver of muscles underneath gasp escapes her mouth as a feeling of warmth, love, and compassion overwhelms her. She is stunned by the emotions those feelings that she had never experienced. Perhaps this is why the horses are so important to Pebbles.

Hearing the audible inhaling of air Pebbles asks, "Peeps, are you okay?"

Barely able to speak,. "Yes!" Feeling incapable of saying more, and glad Pebbles does not push her.

"Good! I don't know about you, but I'm hungry. Whatcha you say we see about breakfast." Turning the mustangs back into the corral she heads to the cabin with Peeps right behind her. After breakfast where Peeps is unusually quiet, they return to the barn for their normal workout sparing with knives and guns. Their workout is very intense, Pebbles more determined to qualify for the team. While Peeps uses the exercise to work through the emotions experienced with Paddy. After a couple of hours with sweat pouring off their bodies and clothes already soaked they take a break sitting on the porch watching the sun as it starts its western descent.

Sipping her cool drink Pebbles comments. "The nights are cool; you can feel fall in the air. We'll soon have our first snow fall." Then she sits looking beyond the clearing into the darkness of the trees where she sees a roadrunner dart across the edge of the tree line creating a sparkle in her eyes. A mere glint where before it would have created a laugh loud and clear. Yes! I have learned a lot, but is it enough? How will I know?

Both women lost in contemplation, Peeps trying to come to terms with the emotions Paddy elicited. And Pebbles ponders her qualifications to become a part of the team, Viper's team. Unaware the sun drops below the horizon setting the sky ablaze with reds and gold until Diablo whinnies, she looks up from her deep thought. Pebbles moves toward the corral opening the gate entering the corral putting the mustangs in their stalls for the night, Peeps catches up with her taking the reins leads Paddy in to the barn. With a hug and a kiss to each of her friends they step out into the cool mountain breeze with Peeps in the lead.

"Pebbles, I'll fix dinner while you shower, then you can clean up while I shower."

"Sounds good to me." As the shadows engulf the cabin they go about their chosen activities. Time slips by like a thief in the night. While Peeps bathes Pebbles cleans up the kitchen and brings in logs for the fire. There's a warm fire blazing in the fireplace when Peeps comes out. "Peeps, how about a glass of wine? It's the perfect time to treat ourselves."

"That's the best thing I've heard today." Sitting in front of the fire sipping their wine in silence, yet volumes are spoken. Honed by years of fear, trauma, and training the two have the power of keen perception; giving each one insight into the troubling thoughts wrestling around in each of their minds. In the stillness of the night basking in the warmth of the crackling fire they sleep.

The next morning, Peeps decides it's time to give Pebbles the encrypted phone King Pin left for her. "Pebbles, this is not an acceptance into the unit, only a security measure while roaming the forest."

Not even the flicker of an eyelash can be seen as she accepts the phone with only the comment. "If I have to use this, we will be in big trouble."

"Pebbles, why do you say that?"

Thinking before she answers. "Because you would be the obvious one to make any call to King Pin. So the next question. "What else should I know regarding the cartel?"

"If there is no one has told me." Taking Paddy's rein and leading her out of the stall she doesn't look back but assumes that Pebbles and Diablo trail behind.

The brisk mountain air pushes the clouds building in the north, "We'll ride for an hour going south down the mountain. The trail through the woods is fairly visible and not to overgrown. It will give the horse a good workout; and if you are agreeable we can spar when we return."

"Pebbles, I like the way you think."

During their invigorating ride they see the tracks of a puma trailing a deer, the tiny prints of field mice scurrying through the undergrowth, and the bald eagle wings spread soaring across the cloud riddled sky. True to their nature there is little conversation, both always on alert to the sights and sounds as they move through the trees and down the narrow trail. A couple hours later as they return to the corral Pebbles says. "Tell you what Peeps I'll feed and curry the horses if you will see to coffee and lunch."

"Hey, I think that is a good idea. Anything you particularly want to eat."

"Nope, I'll be in a while." Leading the animals into the barn and their stalls she takes the time to nuzzle the mane of each of her mustangs before she unsaddles them. Picking up the brush each stroke is a caress of love and devotion. Some thirty minutes passes and although their coats glisten she is hesitant to leave them, recalling they were her salvation when she first came here. The solitude was an escape but over the years before the cartel found her she grew to cherish the lack of human companionship. For a good many years humans meant not only fear but stark terror. Was she really free or is it just an illusion. "Damn it! That's why I chose to train with Bo-Peep. No one can ever hurt me again. I refuse to let them." Coming out of her reverie latching the stall doors, she exits the barn making sure the door's secure against the blustery weather.

Stamping her feet as she steps on the porch her nostrils are assaulted by savor aroma. "Something sure smells good! What's for dinner?"

Turning from the stove smiling with pleasure. "Steak, Potatoes, beans, gravy and toast."

"Well it smells too good to be MRE's so you have been in the freezer."

"Yup! There's a lot of meat in there. Where did you get it?"

Pebbles stands looking at her. Well hell do I tell her or will she freak out? Guess I better come clean.

"Peeps, its bear."

Stomping toward the front room glaring at Pebbles. "What the hell did you say?

She can't help it she doubles over roaring with laughter holding her sides. Peeps stands there with her hands on her hips every expression on her face and her posture demanding an answer. The question had never arisen because they had eaten MRE's during their intense training other than at breakfast and Pebbles had prepared most of their meals.

Trying to catch her breath from her frolicking laughter she tries to get the words out. "I said its bear meat."

"Where the hell did you get a freezer full of bear meat?"

"Well, that's a long story. Shall we eat while I explain?" Moving to the stove Pebbles prepares to dish up the dinner as Peeps stands in the big room looking at her. "Ah come on Peeps, it's not that bad. Get in here."

Finishing the meal Pebbles pours each a cup of coffee adding a touch of brandy. "Think you're going to need this."

"Yeah, I think so! Okay, I'm ready to hear this tall tale."

Over the brandy laced coffee Pebbles relates the events of the killing of the bear and the damage done to Viper as the bear charged him. How they split the meat and Viper took the skin to tan.

"Is that the rug in front of his fireplace you slept on the last time we were there?"
Grinning. "Yep! The very one."

"Well, I'll be damn!" They spend the rest of the night kidding each other about killing the bear. And teasing Peeps about her yelling 'cause she's been eating bear all this time.

Over the next couple of weeks their routine rarely varied. Several snows have fallen and the country is a covered in a blanket of white; the tree branches sagging with the weight of the wet snow. Their days are spent much the same way....working out with the mustangs and continuing the intense training honing both women's skills.

The morning dawns cold and blustery with the sun bringing very little warmth as it creeps above the tree line high on the eastern slope. The wind added to the more than a foot of snow blanketing the land makes for a brisk refreshing day to take the mustangs out for a long ride. Packs loaded and both women armed as they prepare for a mission. The plan is to ride to Cimarron for a few supplies, by horseback it will take a couple of days. Pebbles makes sure she has plenty of oats strapped to the saddle for the trek, "That should do" she comments as Bo-peep enters Paddy's stall.

"What did you say?"

Looking over Diablo's back. "Oh, nothing really, I just added a sack of oats for the mustangs."

"How long will it take to ride to Cimarron?"

Pondering the question, "With the snow here at the higher elevations it will take a while going through the forest, but I thought we would follow the road which will make for easier travel and be faster. I'd still say a couple of days by horseback maybe longer." With eyes sparkling with mirth she adds. "This ought to be good survival training."

"Yeah, but are you ready for it?"

"Peeps, I've been traipsing through these mountains for several years now in the snow. Yes, this is the first time I have made the trip to town in this kind of weather by horse. But we have a better chance of getting there on horseback than in my truck; and we do need some supplies." Pausing she watches for any adverse reaction to her comments but not expecting. She is not disappointed. "We have our thermal blankets, dry matches, kindling for a fire, jerky for sustenance and warm clothes. We should be fine."

Peeps adds, "And we are armed to the hilt."

"That we are, let's ride." Mounting they move out down the trail as the sun blast its radiant glow across the small meadow where the cabin sits. The air is cold and the globe of brilliance does little to warm the land. As is their custom there is no conversation, occasionally they motion to each other calling their attention to an animal or some beauty of this blanketed land, a roadrunner darting across the snow looking for an easy meal of mice.

As the sun moves lower in the sky dipping behind the western slope the temperature drops drastically. At Pebbles direction they move off the road into a small cluster of scrub oak with a hollow in the middle just made for spending the night. Removing the saddles and securely hobbling the mustangs they set up camp. Finding enough dry twigs to have a small fire coffee is placed on to boil. When the coffee is ready, Peeps pulls out the jerky from her pack and they sit quietly listening to the creatures of the night stirring in the darkness. After dousing the embers with snow and crawling into their bedrolls with the solar blankets around them, they settle in for the night.

Just as Pebbles dozes off she hears Peeps say. "I never thought this would be something you would do."

With a low chuckle.

"I love this forest in any kind of weather; I haven't done this often, but it isn't my first time."

The glow of the moon glistens against the solar blankets as the two sleep snuggled into their bedrolls off in the distance a lone coyote's howl echoes across the mountain, a lonesome eerie sound that lulls Pebbles to sleep with the familiar sound of the sleeping forest. Toward the witching hour the mustangs become restless and instantly the women are awake each one's hand holds a forty-five. Not moving but listening and in a few minutes the horses settle down; and the women holster their weapons snuggling back down into their warm beds.

The rest of the night is quiet across the snow covered land. As the darkness fades into the gray of dawn the sun creeps above the ridge to the left of their camp. Over a pot of hot coffee Pebbles comments, "We made good time yesterday. If the weather holds we should be at the store sometime tomorrow."


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