- 'Prologue'by Ricky1024
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My thoughts on this subject and the first chapter!!!
: 'Prologue' by Ricky1024
Artwork by MKFlood at

"By Dr. Richard Edward Smrkovsky
Slam-poet of Laureate"
and Writer of all subjects
from movies, to children books,
songs, plays, and this my newest
book #260

"This book based on horror and my thoughts from reading amazing books,
watching amazing and incredible stories and listening to accounts on
death, suicide, and addictions will amaze and stun you! Be prepared to
be scared out of your WITS!!!
Thanks and enjoy this first piece written recently a dream called....

"Dreams or Nightmares Can Come true and Happen to You!"
<><><><><><><><><><><><>Copy write Fan Story 2014<><><><><><><><><><><><><><>

"As I just awoke from my nightmare, a strange and deranged one...
So real to my daughter Dana...
I was on a trip with my high school {me and about 30 students]
all friends except...
"In the dream or nightmare it seemed we went to strange places like
a party in a strange house!
We traveled to Crete and I and I dug in the sand and found US. gold
"In Crete!'
{About five}.
Thinking nothing about it, I was in class and competing in a poetry
writing contest for state honors and my teacher told me...
"You are now a senior Richard and you are going to go to college!"
All of my students will! Why don't you try?"
{I hated poetry and my mother, Florence had no idea of my poor grades}.
"I actually dropped out in 1972 at the age of only 16."
"The next day, I was grown with my two most amazing and beautiful step-daughters 'Nikki and Kyle Erin!'
{My mother who now unfortunately lived with me and now old and nasty}
"You quit school and now your with that woman with two children!"
"I was watching the news and trying my hardest not to listen to Flo
the news said that John F. Kennedy had just been shot in Dallas and
was dead!
Shot in the head!
Now I was in the 60's!
My mom said that you have been missing a lot of school lately!
[I quit bitch!
'Your going to have to join the Navy just like your father Edward if
you quit Richard!'
So I fell a sleep and dreamed of those gold coins in the sand in
Crete and meeting a pretty girl someday...
The coins went in my pocket and the gold dust came of on my pennies
and I thought that that was odd..
There also was this strange, gold, statue of an evil, demon!"
"Strange, deranged, and odd as this may seem, remember this is a dream
turned nightmare!
So now, I was back at my house and married with my wife Carolyn Ann
{the 80"s} and I showed her the five, gold, coins and that evil-demonic
It was "Insidious" a winged demon that resembled SATAN!!!
It had it's arms down, wings open, and sharp-dagger like claws on it's shoulders!
Thinking nothing of it, I remembered the coins and laid the statue down
on the kitchen table."
"My mother went to bed and that is when it came to life!!!
She was screaming as if in a nightmare so I woke her up!
It started to
curse in some strange language as if possessed!
But it liked me?
I told it to calm down my mother won't hurt you...
It seemed to understand me!
It even repeated my words!
I realizes it was scared and was in a strange place and a strange
It reminded me of a dog {a pug} with a pushed in nose and a tail
but part human."
"It also like Nikki and Kyle who now were about ten and twelve
{this is the 80'snow!}
Suddenly, there was a knock at my front door and it was Aubrey
[my first grand daughter}.
{Kyle's second daughter} now she's grown!
Stranger things to come!!"
"Suddenly, there was a knock at my door and it was my second grand- daughter, 'Aubrey!'
When she came in the demon dog-human ran out the door still scared
to death!
{This remember was a creature from thousands of years ago}.
It ran over to Aubrey and smelled her, dirty, diaper and ripped it
I remember Kyle saying...
'Fred kill that damned thing!'
So Fred grabbed a spear on the ground and penetrated it's heart!"
"The next morning there was a news report of a demon-like creature that attacked a baby and was killed.
More on this amazing but strange story at 10:00 PM. on Action News!
This is Brad Pitt reporting here in New Jersey!
The End.

Author Notes
Special thanks goes out first to God and Satan {this is horror!} Then Fan Story and Tom the administrator, Fan Art review and this amazing artist and friend 'MK Flood" and his cool pic "Drogon!"


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