- my last wordsby shelley kaye
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Contest Collage
: my last words by shelley kaye
    A Secret Contest Winner 

a secret - member-created contest - fictional letter - please see announcement


    my dearest mikal....

      i love you with all my soul. i will watch over you and i hope you find love again. i wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, i wish it could have been a longer life.

      i do need to tell you something. a secret i held inside of me from the day we met. i always wanted to come clean.... i almost did twice. i'm sure you'll remember those two times when i tell you my secret.

      before i begin, i must say i am your katrynna. now and forever. and i do love you. i was just always so scared how you would react if you knew the truth. the truth about who i was before.

      i was not born katrynna. i am not an orphan as i led you to believe. my parents and brother and sisters did not die in a car accident. the truth is, my family disowned me. they kicked me out and told me to never come back.

      they did this because they never knew me - the real me.

      you see, my birth name was kevin. i was born a male. i always knew something was wrong. i hated being a boy. it was not right. god made a mistake and put me in the wrong body. when i was 17, i came out and told my family. they shunned me. when i was 18 i tried to kill myself. i went into the hospital and got help. at 19, i changed my name and started living as a woman. when i was 21 i finally completed my physical trans. surgery.

      and then when i was 24, i met you. love at first sight. i wanted to tell you. but i was scared. i'm sorry. please forgive me. i love you. always have and always will.

                        your katrynna

Writing Prompt
You have been told by doctors that you have an inoperable tumor and you are dying.

Write a letter to your loved one to be delivered after your death. The letter contains a shocking secret. The secret is not your illness.

No limitation on length.
A Secret
Contest Winner

Author Notes
a secret - member-created contest - fictional letter - please see announcement


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