- Runningby Catherin Elizabet Belle
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Wilderness Encounter
: Running by Catherin Elizabet Belle

"With relocation to Florida things were different----I trusted no one. After a few months I changed apartments leaving no forwarding address; the only phone I had was a cell. Withdrawing all but a few dollars each month from my bank account converting the cash to cashier's checks, I then took the checks cashing them at various banks in and around Orlando converting them to hundred dollar bills."

"I thought about changing jobs, but the pay was good and I liked working for the firm. Unlike the other times, I never quit felt safe anymore. I went to work and home. I rarely went out and never dated. I guess I had become what some would term paranoid. However, it was some three years before I noticed a silver Cadillac Escalade everywhere I, home, shopping."

"Dread overwhelmed me, this was the third time the Cartel had found me. Enough was enough. I couldn't take anymore. I went back to the apartment opened my vault and removed a deed and description of land that my uncle owned in Northern New Mexico. Looking on the internet I plotted my trip to his property, I knew there was a small cabin built 'cause he use to talk about staying there mostly in the summer. As he got older he spent more and more time in those mountains."

"In late June I placed a few essential things in a paper bag including the cash I had been saving. Loaded the car and drove to a second hand store, bought some jeans, boots, a parka. Continuing to drive around town stopping at various locations, the Escalade was always somewhere close or driving by where I was parked. Toward dark I drove to a car wash whose entrance was at the rear; paused briefly so the escalade would park waiting for me to drive out through the carwash. Fear gripping me so much that I was trembling every step of the way, I then drove down the alley and kept going out of town. I never looked back: I was afraid I would see that silver escalade following."

"When I got to Orange Park outside of Jacksonville, I stopped at a ratty looking used car dealership traded the car the feds provided for a 2006 Dodge Ram 1500 with camper shell. Using my true name of Constance Welch, and since I paid cash this dealer didn't ask too many questions."

"Driving Northwest until I was too exhausted to continue, I rented a room somewhere across the Georgia border in Tennessee. Avoiding Alabama I continued west through Oklahoma dropping down into New Mexico and Sangre de Cristo Mountains."

Reaching Cimarron, I inquire about my uncle's land at the local gas station. An old timer sitting inside by a wood stove, heard me asking about Carl Welch, "What's your interest in Old Bear?"

Laughing I walked over to where he sat, stuck out my hand "Well Sir, I'm his niece. He died several years back and left me the property. I decided to take a vacation and see what he found so enjoyable about living here. And if you refer to him as "Old Bear" then I reckon you knew him pretty well."

The old man, Mr. Cargill, gave me detailed directions and even offered to show me the way. Not being too familiar with the mountains, I took him up on it. I promised to have him back by supper time. And since it was only about noon, I figured that would work."

Mr. Cargill kept me entertained on the drive up the mountain, with tales of the adventures he and my uncle had; especially the one that earn him the name 'Old Bear'. Took about an hour to drive up the mountain to my Uncle's land. The cabin was actually better than I expected. I walked around the area with Mr. Cargill following me every step of the way, when I entered the cabin he gave out a whistle. "Well, I'll be damn, sure ain't changed much. Pretty dirty, but it'll clean up real nice."

I couldn't help but smile, they must have had some good times for him to remember the cabin and my uncle so fondly. "You visit up here a lot, Mr. Cargill?"

"Yup, when 'Old Bear' came up for the summer we spent a right smart time sitting on that there porch...chewing and spitting and spitting and chewing. Yup, He was alright."

Spitting a wad of tobacco out the truck window he ask, "Little lady, you gonna stay long?"

I wasn't sure how to answer him, I didn't want anyone to know I was here.
So I hedged, "Don't know Mr. Cargill just how long I'll stay." As we made the drive through the many species of pines and aspen I began to fall in love particularly with the isolation. By the time we returned to the store I felt like maybe, just maybe, I would be safe here.

And, Liam, I have been happy here for a little over four years; and even began to feel safe until I found your trail near my property. Then fear, no terror, hounded me night and day leaving a chill deep inside. I spent my nights sitting in a chair in the dark with a loaded shotgun; and every time I dozed I woke drenched in perspiration from fear, panic and paranoid set in.

After about a week with no sleep no rest and anxiety rising with each passing day I knew I had do so some thing or go crazy. That's when I decide to follow the trail that coming much too close to my property line and when it veered closer to the cabin. I had to find its origin and destination. None of the locals ever came this high up on the mountain, I had to know who was invading my haven. I just had to!


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