Something's Fishy by Dean Kuch
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence. Warning: The author has noted that this contains strong language. ![]()
The door slammed, echoing down the long hall. Other than the aforementioned questions, the thing that terrified Mark most about his current, unusual situation was that he was unable to move a muscle; he couldn't convince his rebellious body to muster so much as a slight twitch. He couldn't manage to make any noise either. Not a single, solitary sound. He couldn't be dead, could he? No, that wouldn’t be possible, would it? The dead no longer heard sounds. They didn't experience cold, sadness or fear. They ceased to sense heat or sorrow. However, Mark was more than aware of the hard, cold surface he was laid out upon. He could make out specific words and parts of phrases being spoken by the as yet unidentified parties beyond the barrier, too. Things like— “ She's so young— severe head trauma... he crushed his sternum, poor guy”— were being tossed about. Questions raced through Mark's tormented brain like a cheetah on amphetamines. What or who were they talking about? Why was he unable to manipulate any of his extremities to perform the slightest of bodily functions? There was also the unsettling, terrifying little matter of a total lack of any light whatsoever... “Doc will be in about one in the morning to do the zipper cuts on him and the gal. He wasn't none too happy about being woke up at 10:00 pm, neither. But, that's what they pay the old morbid bastard for, right?” “Yep, sure is, Ray. You know what they say, though. No rest for the wicked. Doc gets the two for one special on his plate tonight. Guy ran down some broad right outside her own front door, they said. Nearly cut her pretty little head clean off...” Mark was able to discern that both of the voices he was hearing were from at least two men. There was some further shuffling about, more banging around. It all ended with the tell-tale 'CLICK' of a door latching shut. All was abruptly replaced with deafening silence. Mark drifted off to sleep. He was awakened again by the loud, far-off slamming of a door. He listened intently as the tap-tapping of approaching footsteps drew nearer. There was a slight shuffling—just outside of where he was— as if the individual were deciding whether or not they wished to take a peek inside after all. Mark screamed internally—in his brain— where only he could hear it. Hello...please, somebody help me. I'm here! Let me out of... Instantly, the enclosure was flooded by glaring, bright-white light. Mark was briskly slid beneath its source. The movement of the uncomfortable bed he was on came to an abrupt, unceremonious clanking halt. He was staring up now into the face of the man above him. Dressed in some sort of white lab coat, his latex clad hands forcefully pried open Mark's mouth to peer inside. It all came rushing back to Mark instantly, like a rogue tsunami. Puffer fish, that was it! Something was wrong with the fish... He'd been on his way to meet his mistress, Glenda, in her condo uptown. Mark called his wife, lying to her about a business meeting and a deal that had suddenly popped up. On the way, he'd decided to grab a quick bite at a local sushi bar. When was that—this afternoon—yesterday? He watched as the man disappeared from his line of vision, returning with what appeared to be a small recording device. “The time is one-forty-two am, Friday, October 31, 2014. I am forensic's pathologist William R. Randle. Subject A is a 47-year-old male Caucasian, Mark A. Rice, identified by his Florida operators license...”
“...massive head trauma and extensive hemorrhaging along the left side of the face. Probable cause of death unknown due to extensive external injuries. Sternum and rib caged crushed from impact of the steering wheel upon collision...” DEATH? No— I'm alive! See, I'm as alive as you. There's been some mistake, a horrible misunderstanding... Mark heard the unmistakable sounds of a second metal slab being pulled from its refrigerated enclosure. The man's raspy voice chimed in once again... “Second victim, subject B, is female. Caucasian, age 32, Glenda A. Watkins, identified by Orange County Police offices at the scene. Cause of death, massive blunt force head trauma, resulting from automobile collision. Time currently one fifty-seven am. Now making 'Y' incision on subject A to further evaluate damages caused by the accident...” Summoning up all the strength he could muster, Mark directed all of his energies towards his left hand. Oh, dear god, please, please! Get away from me! I'm alive, you idiot! My fingers, see? They're moving! Damn you man—look...LOOK! “Was that...Nah, couldn't be," the old man muttered. "Just a reflex action. Too many late, late shows playing tricks on me, I'd wager.” Randle's soft humming filled Mark's ears now, followed closely by his own internal, hysterical screaming. The whining of a breast plate saw echoed throughout darkened corridors...
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Dean Kuch
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