- CHAPTER SIXTEEN, PART THREEby barbara.wilkey
This work has reached the exceptional level
Paige has a new problem.
Savannah Love
: CHAPTER SIXTEEN, PART THREE by barbara.wilkey

Paige was raised in Boston and inherited an antebellum house. Cash was hired to restore the house to authenticity. South vs. North as these two attempt to find love.


Paige glanced up when she heard her dog's familiar bark as the pup came running over to greet her, Nala following. "How have you been?" She hugged Nala, and then bent down and cuddled Morgan. "I missed you too."

Paige moved her head from side to side while the pup licked her face. She finally laughed. "It's good we're all together." Paige stood. "Chief Dennison, I'd like you to meet my friend, Nala Johnson."

Nala offered her hand. "Pleased to meet you, sir."


Chief Dennison stared at Nala's outreached hand, and then glanced at the people watching him. He hesitated, but accepted the hand. "Glad to meet you."

"As soon as the police are finished with my house we can go inside." Paige looked at the front door and frowned. "I hope they hurry."

"I'd better get back to the station. I just wanted to give you the update." Dennison walked down the steps.

Paige watched him remove a white handkerchief from his back pocket and wipe the hand Nala had touched. What a jerk! I can't believe prejudice is still alive and well in the 21st century. I see it is. She glanced at her watch. "It's close to two o'clock. No wonder I'm hungry. Let's get some lunch. Maybe these guys will be done by the time we return."

"Sounds like a plan. What about the mutt?" Cash petted Morgan's head.

Nala smiled. "I've already eaten. I'll stay with him."

"No, you won't." Paige's hands were on her hips. "Even if you only have something to drink, you're going with us. Morgan'll be fine in the old kitchen for an hour or so." She lifted Morgan. "Boy, you put on some weight. You're not so little anymore." Paige turned back and said, "Maybe you'd like some dessert."

"I'm full, really." Nala laughed.

Cash took Morgan from Paige. "He's too heavy for you. You'll hurt yourself. Nala, don't argue with her. Her mind's set. You'll lose."

"Ya got that right. How can I get a new toothpick?" Billy Joe's lips pouted as he eyed the front door.

"The restaurant'll have some, I'm sure." Mary Pat rubbed her husband's back and giggled. "Poor man!"

When Cash returned from putting the puppy in the back outside kitchen, they continued toward the SUV. Paige's eyes met Cash's. "We're getting a few answers but it seems small segments at a time."

"I think we're not only bein' spoon fed but baby spoon fed." Billy Joe opened the door for his wife. "Let's hurry. Cash, stop at the closest restaurant."

Paige rubbed her arms. "I have a feeling that something's wrong or will happen. I don't like this feeling."

Billy Joe studied his buddy as he drove. "Cash, ya think the police is protectin' Walker?"

"It's a real possibility and if it's true, there'll be problems getting to the truth."

Cash pulled in at an Oriental Buffet and parked. "Let's eat."

"Ya got to be kiddin'. You expect me to eat here?" Billy Joe stared his buddy down.

"You said stop at the nearest restaurant and this is it."

Paige tilted her head. "I happen to be fond of Oriental food. I hope they have General Tso's Chicken."

Mary Pat's eyes met Paige's. "Remember that time you took Nala and me to eat? What was it I liked?"

"Orange Chicken. Nala, you were fond of the Sesame Chicken."

Cash walked ahead. "It seems I made a good choice."

"Paige is citifying these females." Billy Joe's eyebrows clumped closer together. "And I don't even have a toothpick to get me through it."

At the door, the group was asked if they wanted the buffet or to order off the menu. Cash and Billy Joe stared at each other.

"Five for the buffet, please," Paige said. "And would you please point out the toothpicks?"

"Four, I'll only have some ice cream and some tea." Nala grinned.

Billy Joe rushed to get one, unwrapped it, and stuck it in his mouth. "Hmmm, much better."

As the five left the restaurant and hurried back to the SUV, Paige hooked her arm with Billy Joe's. "Can you honestly look me in the eye and tell me you didn't like the food?"

Billy Joe rubbed her on top the head. "It was okay. What was that stuff I kept goin' back for seconds on?"

"Hibachi Chicken and Lo Mein noodles."

"I guess it was eatable." Billy Joe laughed.

As Cash parked, he asked, "When do we have to return this SUV?"

"They're sending somebody tomorrow afternoon to pick it up." Paige smiled. "Look, they're packing up. You guys wait here. I'll go out back and get Morgan. I'll meet you inside." She jogged around the corner of the house.

Paige stuck her key inside the doorknob lock and her body stiffened. A hand placed over her mouth prevented her from screaming. An object stuck in her back between her shoulder blades.

Morgan's bark changed to a growl and then a snarl from inside the old kitchen. Paige heard him bang against the door.


Author Notes
Thank you Google images for the picture of an Oriental Buffet. I use a lot of dialogue, so if you don't like reading dialogue, please don't read. Thank you for reading and reviewing. My chapters are divided into usually 4 parts for FS. If you haven't read my previous posts, you WILL be confused with this post. This is NOT meant to stand alone. I appreciate you sticking with me.


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