- The Marriage Merry-go-roundby Deniz22
This work has reached the exceptional level
When maintaining is winning
The Marriage Merry-go-round by Deniz22
Where is She Coming From? writing prompt entry

 "Dearest, would this be of interest to you?"

“No, and don’t call me “dearest”…not after what you pulled the other night.”

“Okay, I’m sorry. I won’t mention it again.”

“What is it?”

“I’m sorry, I’m under oath not to mention it again. Besides, a minute ago, you didn’t want to know.”

“Well, now I do. What is it?”

“Will you forgive me for what ‘I pulled the other night’ if I tell you?”

“I’ll forgive you, if you admit that it was a terrible mistake made in extremely bad taste.”

“Okay, it was.”

“And you must promise to never ever do it again under any circumstances.” 

“That I can’t promise.”

“So there you have it; you’re not REALLY sorry, or you would agree to never do it again.”

“ My heart is ambidextrous. On the one side, I can be completely sorry and ashamed for my misconduct the other night. And yet on the other, I can see myself doing it again…and perhaps even enjoying it.”

“You are impossible.”

“You didn’t think so when you married me. No, I fancy you thought I was quite “possible.”

“What do you mean?”

“You thought, as all women do when they select a mate, ‘Here is a man with possibilities. Given enough time, I can take this lump of raw protoplasm and create another ME’.”

“That’s absurd.”

“Perhaps, but I shall continue to fly my tiny, somewhat tattered flag of masculine non-conformity against the onslaughts of feminist terrorists. They continue to come, seeking our cowardly conformity…but we shall never surrender. Even though the charge be led by someone I adore.”

“I’m surprised you don’t break out into a chorus of ‘I’ve Gotta Be Me’.”

“I would, but Ol’ Blue Eyes has that one pretty well wrapped up.”

“Okay, so what was it you thought would interest me?”

“No vows written in blood? No binding oaths required?”

“None whatsoever, oh champion of male individuality.”

“I’ve forgotten what it was.”

“And so this time, you remain inadvertently true to yourself, after all.”

“Dearest, would you be interested in stopping your snickering and pouring me another cup of tea?”

Writing Prompt
Write a story that starts with the sentence: "Dearest, would this be of interest to you?"


Author Notes
round and around we men go, losing ground, I feel it so.


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