- Chapter 13, part fiveby barbara.wilkey
This work has reached the exceptional level
Cash enjoyes himself, a little.
Savannah Love
: Chapter 13, part five by barbara.wilkey

Paige was raised in Boston and inherited an antebellum house. Cash was hired to restore the house to authenticity. South vs. North as these two attempt to find love.

"You're a department head at SCAD and a bigot. I don't need the job, so I quit."

"My family was one of the first to settle this area. We own most of the land and money in this fine city."

"Not any more. You lost the money playing the Chicago commodities and the state's about ready to foreclose on the property because you're behind on taxes." Paige smiled. "Maybe I'll buy the land and give it to Nala for a Christmas present."

Dwayne lunged toward Paige. "How dare you insult my family by even suggesting such an outrageous thing!"


As Dwayne closed in, Paige stepped backward and stumbled. Her right crutch swung and hit Dwayne across the upper body. Morgan barked and snarled.

Cash ran in, as Paige struggled on the floor and Dwayne's fist aiming at her head. He grabbed Walker, lifted him upright, and repeatedly slugged him in the face.

A few moments later, a police officer grabbed Cash from behind. Cash glared at Dwayne's bloody face. "Who called the police? I wasn't finished, yet."

Faye shyly raised her hand. "I did. I knew nothing good was going to come of this."

Dr. Walker stood up straight, pulled his shoulders back, and adjusted his shirt. "As you can see, officer, I was brutally attacked."

"You lunged at me." Paige lifted herself from the floor, with Mary Pat's help.

"When I got to the room, Paige was on the floor and Walker was ready to throw a punch." Cash wiped his mouth. "Did he hit you?"

"She hit me with her crutch."

"I did not. When I stepped back to avoid you, you yanked it from me. That's how I fell." Paige accepted the offered crutches from Mary Pat. "Bottom line is, Mr. Walker stomped his way into my house without an invitation and insulted my friends."

The two officers glanced at Dr. Walker and then turned as a male's voice said, "What strange thing's going on in this house this time? Another robbery?" Detective Davis walked in and stared at the group.

"I came to clear up a few things with Ms. Swanson, and she viciously attacked me with her crutches, and then Mr. Wilkins beat me up."

"I resigned my position at SCAD because I refused to work with him after he made prejudicial comments to my friend. I think he either taped a racial warning to my door or more likely had somebody do it for him."

"Detective Davis, I'm sure you're aware of my family's standing in this fine town and you know such behavior is beneath my family."

Cash turned and walked toward the kitchen. "I need a drink."

Paige rubbed her forehead. "You don't believe any of his nonsense, do you?"

Davis' eyebrows rose.

"I heard the prejudicial comments he made to Nala." Paige glanced toward her friend and then picked up the note from the table. "This is what was taped to my front door." She handed Davis the note.

After he read, the detective studied Dwayne and then said, "I'm pretty sure you came here expecting to cause trouble. Only it didn't end the way you wanted, did it?"

Detective Davis nodded for the two police officers to follow. "Come on, Walker got what he deserved. I don't see a crime." He turned and stared at Dwayne. "I suggest you leave."

"I was assaulted. Aren't you going to do anything?" Walker followed them out the door and continued to complain.

Paige stood by Cash as he took a drink of water. "Are you doing all right?"

Cash smiled. "I never had so much fun in my life."

"Honey, you know I don't like fighting." Faye frowned.

"I know, but he's been asking for it for a long time."

"Next time let me at him, then ya won't get in trouble with your mom." Billy Joe grinned and his toothpick fell on the floor. "Paige, ya..."

"You know where I keep them." Paige watched him go into the kitchen.

"I do have one question, "Faye said. "Why do you call him Mr. Walker, when he's a doctor?"

"I know." Mary Pat's eyes lit up. "Can I answer?" After Paige nodded, her friend continued, "He's a doctor of art, not a medical doctor, and Paige does it just to be a pain in his butt."

"I don't want to give him any more power or authority than he deserves. He likes the control."

Billy Joe held up his new toothpick. "Thanks. Hey, little lady, how much of that there education do ya have? I know you went to fancy schools. Do ya have one of those doctor degrees?"

"I think I'll get some ice tea. Anybody else want some?" Paige turned toward the kitchen.

"Whoa!" Mary Pat touched Paige's arm. "Why are you avoiding Billy Joe's question?"

"I'm not. I'm just not sure why that's important." Paige glanced around at each of her friends and their eyes were glued on her. "I got my masters from Stanford and my PHD from Cambridge"

"You mean the Cambridge in England?" After Paige nodded, Mary Pat asked, "Where else have you been educated?"

"I was an intern at Musee du Louvre, whoops, The Louvre Museum."

"Besides French how many languages do you speak?" Cash downed the last of his water.

"Again, I don't know why that's important amongst friends." Paige studied her crutch. "I wonder how this crutch hit Walker. I honestly had nothing to do with it. I stepped backward to avoid him coming at me and this flew away from me."

"You're avoiding our question with another interesting point. Answer the first question, then we'll work on the second one."

"Three, French, Spanish, and Italian." Paige's eye remained on her crutch. "I didn't count English, I guess that's four."

"Hot damn! I can't even talk English right." Billy Joe studied his toothpick.

"Your English is perfect." Paige rubbed his arm. "I like hearing it. It's charming."

Cash laughed. "I never thought Billy Joe was charming."

"Billy Joe speaks perfect Southern English."

Faye smiled. "Billy Joe's English expresses exactly who he is. He's a kind, considerate, Southern gentleman, who is very loyal to his friends."

Mary Pat put arms around her husband. "Faye's right. His language does express his personality."

Paige touched Cash's hand. "Can we discuss the crutch now? I think Bradley came to my rescue and hit Walker with the crutch."

Cash's hand wrapped around Paige's as he said, "I doubt that."


Author Notes
Thank you Google images for the photo of the Confederate ghost. Do you have any idea how hard it is to find and image of a Confederate ghost? Oh my!!! Things are starting to heat up as answers are found. Thank you for reading and reviewing. My chapters are divided into usually 4 parts for FS. If you haven't read my previous posts, you WILL be confused with this post. This is NOT meant to stand alone. I appreciate you sticking with me.


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