- Chapter 11, part 5by barbara.wilkey
This work has reached the exceptional level
More information is revealed.
Savannah Love
: Chapter 11, part 5 by barbara.wilkey

Paige was raised in Boston and inherited an antebellum house. Cash was hired to restore the house to authenticity. South vs. North as these two attempt to find love.

Paige continued studying the brooch and touched the stone. "Turquoise is believed to be a holy stone and is used for getting rid of negative energy. Its color is supposed to be a symbol of happiness and to increase a person's self-confidence. I find it very interesting that women gave this brooch to the young ladies marrying their sons." She sighed. "I wonder why Bradley wanted us to find this now."

"And where did the tradition get broken and why?" Mary Pat hugged Billy Joe.

Cash rubbed the back of his neck. "You guys aren't falling for Paige's ghost stories, are you?"


A crime scene member walked into the bedroom and gawked at Paige. "Is there a problem? We heard noise. The others sent me up to check."

Cash answered the man, "Nope. Business as usual."

Still eyeing Paige, he asked, "Ma'am, everything all right?"

"Of course. We've had a stressful day and just having some fun."

"Nala and I need to get busy picking up this room." Mary Pat bent to pick up a drawer. "Billy Joe, can you and Cash put the mattress back on the bed? I'll take care of the bedding."

"Cash, wait." Paige paused, until the investigator was out of hearing range. "After my bath, I want to see who Alice and Bradley's son married. His name was Bradley James or James Bradley. He was named after a Southern general."

"Maybe General James Longstreet?" Cash smiled.

"That's it! I wonder where the passing down the brooch stopped."

Nala stood beside Paige. "You need to get your bath taken and more appropriately dressed. That investigator can't get his eyes off you. Mr. Cash, take that man with you." She helped Paige into the bathroom and shut the door.

Morgan stood and barked. Nala cracked the door just enough so the young pup could enter.

Paige sat in bed and sighed. The room's almost back to normal. She thumbed through Alice's diaries until she found the correct time frame of James' marriage. Since James was an only child the brooch had to be given to his wife. When Cash entered, she glanced up and asked, "Did Nala get home safely?"

"I went in the house with her and made sure everything's okay." He glanced at the hallway. "I think Mary Pat's a little shaken up. Billy Joe and her have the bedroom across the hall. I'll be downstairs. Will you be all right by yourself?"

"That's a silly question. Of course, I'll be fine. I have my trusted guard dog." She petted Morgan's head and he rolled over for a tummy rub.

Cash chuckled. "He looks vicious." He turned to leave. "See ya, in the morning."

"What's wrong?" Paige sat up straighter and watched. Who grabbed Cash's arm? Billy Joe's probably acting up again. Why didn't anybody answer? Moments later, Cash was shoved into the room. "What's going on?"

"It seems our friends think I'm needed in here to keep you safe." Cash's cheeks flushed bright pink.

Morgan wagged his tail and scooted closer to Paige, giving Cash more space.

"I swear that dog understands English."

"He just might." Paige smiled and glanced at the diary.

Cash sat on the edge of the bed and removed his boots.

"I found it!" Paige leaned closer and pointed. "Right here in Alice's diary." She read aloud, "I hope Bradley makes it back in time for James's wedding."

"Bradley can't make it to his son's wedding. He died before James was born."

"Shh." Paige swatted Cash's arm with the book. "Behave or I won't share anymore."

He grabbed his arm and grinned. "Continue. I'll keep most my thoughts to myself."

"Would ya'll stop fightin'? Mary Pat needs her beauty sleep," yelled Billy Joe.

"I do not, but quiet down, I want to hear what Alice wrote," answered his wife.

"Mary Pat, are you ready for me to continue?" Paige waited until she heard her friend, then read, "I went to the Wilkin's house the morning of the wedding and gave my future daughter-in-law, Ann, the brooch my mother-in-law had given me. The smile on her face was delightful."

Cash ran his fingers through his hair. "Wait! Stop! Did you say Ann Wilkins married James Bookman?"

"I didn't say it, Alice said it." Paige glanced at the pages. "I'm checking to see how many children they had. I hope Alice tells me."

Billy Joe laughed and walked into the room. "Ya got to be joshin' me?"

"Again, I'm in the dark. What's going on?" Paige sighed.

Mary Pat followed her husband into the room. "Cash's last name is Wilkins."

"Your mom's done some family tree work, right?" Billy Joe glanced at Cash.

"She started genealogy about a year ago. I don't know how far she's got." Cash glanced at his watch. "It's too late to call tonight. I'll check with her in the morning."

"It looks like James and Ann had three boys, Isaiah, Elijah, and Ezekiel. Two daughters, but one died; Abigail survived. The house and business was passed down through Isaiah."

"This just gets more exciting and more exciting, but can't do anything tonight. I'm going to bed." Mary Pat walked out the door.

"Me too. Wait up." Billy Joe followed his wife.

After they left, Cash, asked, "Is it okay to turn off the light?"

"I guess. I get my cast and crutches tomorrow. After that, I can research some more." Paige was silent for a while, then said, "Cash, I've had a stressful week. Can I have a hug?"

"Sure." Cash scooted over and put his arm around Paige. She put her head on his chest.

Morgan crawled on top of Paige and lay half on her and half on Cash.

"That dog's too big to be sleeping on you. When he's grown he'll weigh a good eighty pounds."

Morgan got up and turned so his rear-end faced Cash.

"But he's only a puppy now." Paige turned the dog around and petted him. "Good night, Morgan. Good night, Cash."

"Good night." Cash kissed the top of Paige's head.

"Cash?" She looked up at him, waited for him to respond, and kissed his cheek. "Thank you for everything."

"Just done what any self-respecting Southern boy would do." He gave her a squeeze.

Morgan snarled, wagged his tail, and wiggled between them.

"I think someone's jealous." Cash laughed.

"Does he have any reason to be?" asked Paige as she rested her head on Cash's shoulder and patted Morgan's head.


Author Notes
Thank you Google images for the photo of a chocolate lab puppy. I thought Morgan needed top billing again. Thank you for reading and reviewing. This is the end of chapter 11, next week I'll begin chapter 12. My chapters are divided into usually 4 parts. If you haven't read my previous posts, you'll be confused with this post. This is not meant to stand alone. I appreciate you sticking with me.


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