- what happens from here?by Johnny-artist
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Rose Press made an offer~ Jisher Barton performed.
Children of destiny
: what happens from here? by Johnny-artist

O the melody of Fisher's sobriquet had for winging about. Where as Mars himself prized durations to drift. Ones which relaxed a diligent soul's quest. Such journeys be likened to a birth's grant. Do match to a gentle couple's joy.
To awaken and harmonize around was timely. As the space cadet took off for others boss.
As so with some- appreciable hipness. Be appraised by some- undoubted fellows.
There was much befitting delight rational.
A mutual gratitude invaluable would so find. Those that beheld a personable crown's benefit. A compliment of cheer for. For such bestowed a sui generis honor's escape. A sweetness and light which escorted each one~ as due... as memorable.

Owning arousals of a probative nature~ such recipients of occasion knew. But didn't know as well. Conforming to comfortable ideals reasonable~ rewards would come. Come from apropos maturation's gift of a distinguishable kind.
And when for for like a shepherd's affair~ Fish man kept a watchfulness.
There be such festive- natural inquiries of feeling. Like the custom for a weekends lift. Like a water hole's refreshment to answer.

Those settleable preppies enlightened did read in. Such understood that the world doesn't revolve around a person.
So while craving a piece of the pie~ to grasp the pragmatic approach should. Would somewhere favorably return some.
Cherishing their righteous fill. Those thirsts be quenched too.
When to realize those great Spirits' touch. As with a touchable apotheoses' manageable friendships sure.
Something as for when. When to proceed from lightsome sensitivity. As with lovable disciples nurtured before the Christ.


With discernible standards academic~ there be tight- admittance practices proud. A noble reputation be amplified for the academy.
Any certain dealings with the public~ like acceptance for prospective students could hover. A high honor could endearingly apply. And after being notified~ a feasible entry... one might handle such a bargain. One to be truly more kindled for. Kindled for one's approach- advancements and upkeep.
Those to flourish from with a certain amount of trust.
To currently content an approach with an effective- humble leverage. To figure in the import of being honest~ being cool.
Those advancements with explaining a form of inherent valor. To nurture and be nurtured.
Upkeep~ as for the advantage of consistent development can spring. Spring forward with virtue~ an immortal.

Rose Press' techniques of win do shine. To those victorious preppies~ illuminations with highlights would for a pastime's praise.
Happiness to reap from uprightness' glory.
To fill in space with time's requirements.
As for from an outreach's would so~ there be a discipline's fellowship.
To acquire some some history of bountiful beatitudes. For as there be choice memories which are built upon a trust. Being kept so like a rose pressed in a book. A book that lasts a lifetime from the heavenly Father's cost.
To bring some attention to the everlasting values of existence on Earth an explanation~ a waygoing... a purification.

What about the ethical passages with those preps who celebrated with prize and mo?
To toke where the academy's officials accepted those basic invites sociable. There were even those of the faculty who winged it~ huvin about. As when connecting with a smoke tobacco~ one could to enlarge the advantage. An arousal for one's nature for a consistent pleasure.
Those credible answers individual~ from the Providers' purpose to do so.
When playing it by ear~ the idea came by a way of destiny. To go with one's delectation of happiness. A way of crossing those bridges of certain desires when one gets there.
To possess some purpose with such contacts of relation would kick in. The Someone out there upheld for~ when it called for... yea or nay.

The prepster would wonder~ be as a forecast. One~ for a last year in high school... simple and outstanding.
He wasn't timid to the unknown. Nor would the younger set find their star to be unfamiliar with social graces. Having a lot on the ball~ impressive were the sporadically owned dominance's of genius.
But what be really- somewhat bothersome to the devoted Mormon~ as having physical impairments. Such acquired before an enrollment of hope~ an enrollment with revelation.
To perform feats of wonder~ Mars man took steps in directions... old and new. Ones where troubles were abated. And~ worries with self-pity were not wallowed in at all.
The Lands' beyond~ those assistants as angelic company took notice. Being in the care of Rose Press Academy.

As a senior more plans would for future endeavors~ convincingly be to suitable kinds. The closing chapter of 1977~ graduation. The bicentennial year~ the fall semester. And before registering into the academy~ a final destination as with the class of 1975?
To come about some. A cleansing of his wounds some. Such for those tomorrow's wholesome endearments.

Being of a mature age and foreseeing the game~ Fisher would acquire the now. A winning streak did so advertise a complement. To gain from incomplex analyses. There be no problem with alarming debates. The academy's personnel thought the investigator to be a shoe in. Being cared for~ as touring with a fantasy of sorts... throughout his stay. Be a student's reserved delight of fancy.
As to value a reliable education~ would have for beholding how those others did theirs. It be there for the obtainment of a nearby cause. An easy yoke of progress was the purposeful offer.

Those escortive soul's declaration perceived the beaner's potential. When as being a genuine rise. Like a neon sign that casted out colorful advertisements dazzling. 'What's doin- ' was the invite.
Now~ even those unknown spectators watchful had for sincere concerns. It was a blessing to be noticed for the sake of sociality. To view the works of artists would so.
Fish's injuries~ as such... would be summoned in his favor. And integrity~ along with general good looks... had for the attraction of others. Being modest enough~ for those admirations were a befitting estimation. When to perform a response~ cool- casual and smooth... where a swelled head be not so.


To be guided at the institution~ reviewing mathematics- reading and writing etc... as elapsed before. Before an debut from such guileless calls offered. Ones to explore from with a reasonable pride. In order to capture a new day. A reasonable pride~ floating about with the flow of love and instruction.
For purposes of developmental conditionings~ when to brush up with related materials.
This should bring one an advantage. To use available texts could~ could with essential confidence win... win as with 5 Testimonies as given.
To be maintained~ as with a studious zeal. One~ to be more taught from. For learning can be pretty darn interesting. Not half bad for the most part anyway~ as placed... when unencumbered... with assurances and advents.
As for hummin?~ to give due attention to the reliable information. And discard the other with an appropriate regard.
To figure in the reputable founts~ the rebirth of known gestures historic. As realizations of the cultured intellectuals might perform for. As from a heart's labor of love~ will as so achieve as much as such.

To inhabit a promise~ a favor from the Lands beyond. As for nourishing a bygone thought.
When to meekly review~ to gather stones. Such be benefits from the Way. Much like the discovery that the Godhead first created the spiritual~ then the natural.*
The Lord Messiah confirmed an encouraging generosity. A prehuman's world~ a prophetic utterance. One that was so arranged for good works. An ageless kindness for all. With so as a faith~ being as beforehand prepared. Being saved from an unfailing grace.**

The only begotten Son as so reveals~ such as an understandable- prehistoric welcome. So after their kind.
While embracing the bosom of Eden~ each single pathfinder contented the project of the Deities. "Then God saw everything that He had made~ and indeed it was very good."*
And with those dismissals from paradise~ a zeal to congregate... no far remnant.
As the evening and the morning are loyal neighbors~ moreover were all those grasps on innocence.
As for such winning departures~ explorative and passionate would for joy.
The Bridegroom will betroth a virtuous bride. Such as as for courting~ we be ones to inherit the kingdoms of royalty. To match with a divine ceremony.**

As there be an emphasis upon an individual's mission~ to greet a certain Yon's intelligence. One to foster health and to heartily absorb~ as for soulish exchanges.
There be this~ a transparent dome of ancient... an avenue for earthly inquiry. For with some beloved suggestions~ as an ambiable whisper... an ambiance to own. Such when nearby spirituality be entertained with a moderate dedication's apparel. Those collective purposes rose~ a gain made to be impressed with.


O yes~ a topic of importance... the male concern. The dude wasn't overly involved with a genitalia's wealth. So there be no fare leading to troublesome thought. Those trips to the shower room?~ being real with lightsome concern. A beautiful body was owned~ others likewise... as with respectful regards of optimism.

Fisher exhibited a kingly beard's judgement. Such other charms?~ just as devoted. For as much being observed as a strapping youngster was he. With so on occasion~ germane compliments were inserted. And had a ready witness.
Appearance and presentation~ as being a crowned and an effectual combo. Ones to ride for for a trade.
While occupying an apparent discretion~ candid fellows would admire the majestic reputation. A perfectionist not so~ where looking good and delighting in the immediate surroundings would hit some. To hit the campus was the mellow- explorative man's inquiry. One~ from a flawless soul's nature before the Heavens... for the Divine and with so.


As 2 roots of greed~ as 2 selfish and excessive desires... would have one's health deprived.
To know familiar limitations and breathe for~ to take in availability's variety. Where with a lifespan's moderation to continue on with some.
I personally adhere to the thought and/or practice that one can hit extras. Like being more
festively content. One may want more of something something longed for for due. This isn't being lustful or an instance of a shortcoming. Be as being normal and healthy welfare.
As for one's welfare with procuring enjoyment?.. a nature to be satisfied. Satisfaction as being a part of all our lives. Appreciation mounts some for who we are. And where not getting what one deeply desires can be an actuality booomer. But banking on an appearance of gain and the like~ are as such as much as so around the corner.

As obstacles to be confronted by to overcome~ as to endure where both maybe requisites. To take care and to see nurture unfold~ like for the love of a little lamb. And one can wait through some bothersome hardships. Just as being contrasted to the delicate yoke with a flower.
O.K.~ existence has been laboriously misunderstood throughout the ages. With some predetermined chances befitting~ one can appreciate and enjoy invention. Such be the offers of encouragement and the like. A way of bringing substantial balance with what happens from here type of deal.

When prudently using knowledge and understanding~ one's life will uplift.
One to catch more worth~ like the rising above of prosy self-regard. As being real with the problematic~ an appeasement due.
Fisher's manhood would expect not so~ as with an hopeful character's redemption. Being known as a seer of the Godhead who knew various masterpieces of faculty. Such sure and unbroken benefits followed through. And were put on the shelves of remembrance.


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