- Bites of Delightby visionary1234
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life goes by so quickly - looked in the mirror lately?
All Those Puzzling Pieces
: Bites of Delight by visionary1234
Oh, you are... are you? writing prompt entry

you are a little tattered
battered at the edges these days, dear
  peer into the mirror now ...
more each day, your mother looks back at you -
remember when you were almost as tall as she was?
 then, the glory-glee of fast surpassing her?

you are sometimes too busy to notice,
but your deep-voiced son is six-foot-one
and left you behind long ago -
big enough to eat you for breakfast
eternally hungry
taking life
in huge famished gulps
and wanting more
you are
a long, long way
from those days now
soft and constantly amazed
that pleasures, hidden treasures
abound in small things, found
in angel-wing clouds
shrouded in perfect blue
glowing greens of trees
reaching for heaven –
just like
coming to be
at One, peacefully
not a bad place to be
you’ll agree
feasting on life now
each flavor
in small
exquisitely creamy

Writing Prompt
Write a humorous free verse or free style poem about YOU, as though you are talking to yourself! Recommended (but not required) that you start every stanza (except your last stanza) with "You are..." . You may start your last stanza with whatever you choose. Your poem can be of any length and genre.


Author Notes
growing older has some compensations, yes?


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