- Chapter 3, Part 2by barbara.wilkey
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Paige and Cash continue their walk.
Savannah Love
: Chapter 3, Part 2 by barbara.wilkey

Paige was raised in Boston and inherited an antebellum house. Cash was hired to restore the house to authenticity. South vs North as these two attempt to find love.


Paige smiled. "Guilty as charged." She walked over and picked up the book she had looked at. "It seems when Major General William Tecumseh Sherman ..."

Cash took a step back and raised his arms crossing his two pointer fingers in a cross. "Don't say that name in these parts. We invited him and his troops down for a picnic and we're still trying to clean up their mess. I wish Lee had won at Gettysburg."

"Don't tell me you're still fighting the Civil War?" Paige studied him to see if he was teasing.


"Not no more, the North's sendin' their purdiest women down here givin' our Southern Belles a run for their money. Us poor Southern men don't know which way to turn," Cash said in his deepest southern drawl.

"Are you saying I'm a distraction?"

"No, ma'am, you became an honorary Southern Belle when you moved in this house. Now we can say Savannah has the purdiest Southern Belle living in the purdiest house in Georgia. Don't be surprised if the Mayor and City Council put your statue in the courthouse park." He winked at her.

She shook her head. I was warned about sweet-talking Southern gentlemen. She released a deep breath. "Anyway, when Sherman made his march to the sea and stopped in Savannah, rumor has it Alice, the baby, Bradley's two younger brothers, and the servants hid in some tunnels under the house." She chewed on her lower lip. "Do you think there are really tunnels?"

Cash shrugged his shoulders. "Wouldn't surprise me. This ol' house probably has hidden doors and rooms. If the house is haunted, any idea if it's one of the former owners?"

Paige shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. I guess it's possible, or maybe a total stranger." She smiled. "What happened to that Southern accent?"

He grinned, "It comes and goes," and turned toward the door. "I probably need to get home."

As they stood by the front door, Paige glanced to her right toward a body of water. "Is that the Atlantic Ocean?"

"It's the Savannah River. I don't need to rush home. Wanna walk down and see it?"

"Isn't your mom expecting you?"

"Man, you women talked about everything, didn't you?" He took off his cap and slapped it against his thigh. "I don't live at home. Since Mom had a heart attack, I eat dinner there so I can check on her. Tuesday nights she plays Bingo at church. Wanna take a walk? It's probably a good five blocks."

She tilted her head and smiled.

Cash opened the front door. "Let's go."

After Paige locked the door and slipped the key into her jeans pocket, they walked toward the river.

As they walked, Cash pointed out the different squares and historical sites.

When they crossed River Street, Paige bent down and touched the smooth-shaped stones. "This is cobblestone."

"I think it's original." He smiled, then pointed toward a small building. "You won't find this place in the tourist books, but I'm hungry. Would you like a burger and fries?"

Paige turned her head as she glanced at her hands. "I forgot my purse."

"I can afford a couple of cheeseburger baskets." Cash took her hand as he led her toward the building. "It doesn't look like much but it has the best burgers in Savannah." He held the door for Paige.

A young waitress seated them. "Hi Cash, what would you like to drink?"

"Karen, is your tea fresh?

She nodded. "Two teas coming up."

Within a few moments, Karen set the glasses in front of Paige and Cash. "Do you need a few more minutes or are you ready to order?"

Cash smiled at Paige. "Wanna try the cheeseburger basket?"

"Of course, two cheeseburger baskets, please."

Karen looked toward Cash, winked, and grinned. "They'll be right up."

Paige glanced around the restaurant. "I like the Southern decor. Oh look." She pointed toward a painting. "Is that a real pirate?"

"I'm sure it's just any ol' pirate. Robert Louis Stevenson is supposed to have met the real Captain Flint at the Pirates' House before he wrote Treasure Island."

"Really?" Paige sipped her tea, "ugh," and wiped her mouth. "What's this?"

Cash laughed. "I guess you aren't used to Southern tea."

"It's sweet." She wrinkled up her nose and closed her eyes.

"Here you go." Karen placed two red baskets each filled with a cheeseburger and fries in front of the couple. "I hope you enjoy."

"Karen, could you get the lady some Northern tea?" He grinned and winked.

"You sure?" Her eyebrows rose.

"She's from up north and has only been here a few days."

"I'll be right back." The waitress left and within a few moments returned with a replacement tea. "I had to threaten to horsewhip the cook to get him to brew straight tea."

"Thank you. I have to threaten my remodelers the same way." Paige took a sip and grinned. After Karen left, Paige twirled a French fry in some ketchup. "Aunt Paula told me Blackbeard was around here. There's even a small island named after him. Wouldn't it be cool if my house was haunted by Blackbeard himself?"

Cash took a bite of his cheeseburger, chewed, then set it down. "There's no proof that he was ever in Savannah."

"But there isn't any proof he wasn't," she interrupted.

"I guess that's true." Cash grinned. "Blackbeard is notorious for being ruthless. Legend says he shot a sailor in the leg during a card game just to remind him and the crew that Blackbeard was in charge. I don't think you want him haunting your house."

As the couple left the table, Paige noticed Cash left a large tip. I wonder why? It's obvious they know each other. I wonder how well?


Author Notes
Thank you, Google Images, for a photo of the pirate Blackbeard. Brian and I vacationed there in 2004. I fell in love with the city and my muse decided I should write about it. I hope soon you'll be able to understand where my first two posts of this novel fit.
Thank you for reading and reviewing. Errors in dialogue are intentional.


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