Dream Searcher
Come here,my darling, why the tear?
There's not a thing that you should fear.
You're safe and warm and you've been fed
So come and snuggle in your bed.
Hush baby there's no cause to weep.
Angels are watching as you sleep.
So dream your dreams as you recall
the wonder of the things you saw.
for you have so much more to learn.
Exciting things you'll soon discern.
A bird that's singing in the tree.
The buzzing of a bumblebee.
A vine that to a trellis clings.
A butterfly with gauzy wings,
that lands upon a flower there
and on the one that's in your hair.
You learn in dreams, you'll sort it out,
you'll learn what life is all about
and in your dreams you can explore
the mystery behind the door.
(c) April 25, 2012