- Mt. St. Marriageby 11:17
This work has reached the exceptional level
a satire on wives and the institution of marriage
Mt. St. Marriage by 11:17

"Just line up, all you wives and and jump right into the volcano Mt. St. Marriage. Step up now. Not happy in your marriage, you say? Why, you must sacrifice yourself to save the family. If you don't jump, EVERYONE in your family will fall apart, they'll literally go to pieces and it will be ALL YOUR FAULT! Not only your own family's demise will be on your hands, but the fall of the whole nation as well. I mean, just imagine what would happen if we didn't have a healthy flow of wives sacrificing themselves, their autonomy and all into Mt. St. Marriage! If wives developed a sense of self-worth and refused to jump, well, it'd be a disaster, a catastrophe! I mean the whole dang volcano of marriage would blow its top and all because of a bunch of selfish wives who refused to conform and follow their roles! So, come now, you wouldn't want to be the cause of all that now, would you? Of course not, that's the spirit. Just repeat after me, "My happiness does not matter. I no longer count. My job is to ensure and secure the happiness of those around me even to my own detriment."

Ah, very good, now step right up...uh, no, no, no, don't look down...just a leap of faith into the unknown...that's it. What's that? The heat, you say? Oh, heh, heh, heh! You needn't worry so about the autonomy killing fiery flames you see reaching upward. Oh no, the guilt-laden black smoke will suffocate all of your sense of self before you even meet those flames. There, there, it'll be okay. Wives have been doing this for centuries, so you see, it must be the only way. Society and all religions do support these sacrifices into Mt. St. Marriage. You don't really want to anger God AND become the scorn and downfall of society, do you? No, no, I didn't think so. Well, let's get on with it. You needn't hesitate any longer. After all, your family, God, society, and your country are counting on you to give UP your all, so jump already! Let's get this sacrifice under way! There's really nothing to think about unless you're one of those deviant kind. You know, one of those self-centered, morally corrupt, abominations and a disgrace to all truly feminine women... Listen to me, don't be a Lilith, be an Eve, because we all know what happened to Lilith! Remember, you hold EVERYONE'S happiness and well-being in YOUR hands. Now, JUMP!"


Author Notes
Written in a bout of frustration with society's expectations of wives/women. Funny, I pictured a short portly fellow dressed in 1940/50's attire speaking in my mind.

Sadly, wives in unhappy and even suffocating marriages are still largely expected to sacrifice ALL for the sake of the marriage...of the family unit, especially when children are involved. Even if this be a stifling or even detrimental environment for her and the children, she feels pressure to tough it out. Guilt and self-deprecation keep many women in bad situations.


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