- My Friend, Jasper and Meby Begin Again
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Knowing the right thing to do....
Short Stories
: My Friend, Jasper and Me by Begin Again
Through the eyes of a child writing prompt entry

Rain pelted against the window. Thunder rumbled and a bolt of lightning lit up five- year-old Jamie's bedroom. Snuggling deeper beneath the covers, her tiny arms clutched Jasper, her favorite teddy bear.

"Don't be 'fraid, Jasper. 'Member last time it rained and Grams was here. She said the thunder was just the angels bowlin' up in the sky." Jamie hugged the bear tighter. "I wish Grams was here, don't you?"

A loud clap of thunder shook the house. Terrified, Jamie jumped out of bed and dashed down the hallway. Jasper's head bounced against the floor until they stopped and tapped on another door.

"Mommy, can I come in?" Dancing from one leg to another, the frightened child waited for permission to enter. "Please can I come in?"

When no one answered, she plodded back to her room. "Sorry, Jasper, Mommy must be asleep."

A crash of lightning cracked directly outside the window. A warm, wetness tricked down her leg. "Ooooh! Jasper. Mommy's gonna be mad. I peed myself." Pulling a drawer open, she pulled out a pajama bottom and changed her clothes.

The wind howled and moaned. Tree branches scrapped against the house. Grabbing Jasper, she scurried down the hallway once again.

"Mommy ... Mommy, Jasper is scared." Sniffling, she struggled to stop her tears. "Can we come in, pleeeeease?" Not waiting for an answer, she pushed open the door. Her mother was lying on the floor.

"Mommy, why are you sleeping on the floor?"

Her mother didn't answer. Her tiny fingers brushed the hair away from her mother's face. Her nose wrinkled at the red sticky substance on her hand. Her voice quivered, "Ja ... a ... s ... per, I think Mommy's dead."

Rocking back and forth, she hugged the little bear tighter and tighter.

"We gotta remember what Mommy told us to do when someone's hurt. We gotta get help."

Picking up the telephone, she carefully punched 9-1-1 and waited for someone to answer.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"Mommy's got an owie."

"Where is your mommy?"

"On the floor. Can you come pick her up?"

"Is anyone else there?"

"No, my daddy's at war."

"Can I talk to your mommy?

"No, she can't talk. Please help my Mommy."

Having dispatched a unit to the address, the dispatcher continued to calmly engage Jamie in conversation.
"Someone is coming to help right now. What's your name?"


"Well, Jamie, you are being very brave. Do you hear the sirens?"


"Can you open the door for them?"

"I'm not suppose to open the door to strangers. Mommy will get mad."

"No, these are my friends, Jamie. They are going to help your mommy. It's okay."

"Umm ... are you sure? I got 'fraid of the storm and peed my pants. Mommy's already going to be mad 'bout that."

"I'm real sure, Jamie. It'll be okay."

"Are they gonna have guns?"

"No, they don't need guns." She smiled. "You are the hero today."

Jamie hugged Jasper, "Hear that. We're heroes."

Writing Prompt
Write a short story (100-500 words). The story must include a child's perspective of an object or situation. The story may be told from the viewpoint of the child, or an adult.


Author Notes
Word Count - 500

Thank you ddglenn for the wonderful picture.


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