- School Dazeby Mastery
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Stirring up some memories.
School Daze by Mastery
    Through the eyes of a child Contest Winner 

We're spelling words today. Only four more kids have to spell a word before lunch. The smell from the cafeteria comes in through the door. It smells so good. I'm getting hungry, and I look at the clock hanging on the back wall. We'll go to lunch when it says eleven-thirty.

It smells like we're having spaghetti today. That's my favorite. I'm glad when the bell rings for lunch, and we all line up outside the lunchroom. There's stacks of little glass bottles of chocolate milk sitting right by the door. Mrs. Paige shuuushes us to make us stop talking, and everything gets quiet. Another class is getting in line behind us.

I was right, we are having spaghetti but that yucky green Jello for dessert, too. We're only allowed to have one bottle of milk, or else I would drink more. I like chocolate milk the most. Some days it isn't there, and we have to drink stupid white milk.

Charles Smithfield is sitting at the other end of my table, and he sticks his tongue out at me again. It makes me mad, so I'm going to get him when we go outside.

We have recess after lunch, and we get to go right out to the playground until Mrs. Paige says it's time to go back to the room. Charles is on the teeter-totters with Billy West, and he begins yelling stuff at me.

"Hey, Jimmy, I get to do the erasers. I'm going to do them every day from now on--Mrs. Paige said so. Nah! Nah!"

I hate him for saying that. I want to punch him, so I walk over there real slow and wait 'till Billy's end of the teeter-totter is down, and I yank him off his seat. When I do, Charles flies down and hits the ground awful hard. "Baaang!" It makes him scream real loud. I'm glad, it feels good to get him back. Everybody looks at Charles. Then, all the kids are staring at me.

Mrs. Paige comes up behind me. "James! Did you do that? She grabs my shoulders and shakes me. "What in the world did you do that for?" She's screaming and runs to Charles to help him up.

"Charles was teasing me, Ma'am."

"Is that any reason for you to hurt him like this? She points. "You go report to Mr. Gladden's office, young man-- right this minute. I'll be right along behind you. My goodness! Are you a all right, Charles?"

Charles is bawling like a baby. All the kids are crowded around him and Mrs. Paige.

"There, there," she says to him. He's such a sissy; it didn't hurt him that much. Crybaby. I just know I'm in trouble again. This is nothing new though, my Mom gets called up to the school all the time. I wish I didn't have to go to school anymore. Maybe someday I'll quit and fix cars instead, just like my big brother, Tom.

Writing Prompt
Write a short story (100-500 words). The story must include a child's perspective of an object or situation. The story may be told from the viewpoint of the child, or an adult.
Through the eyes of a child
Contest Winner


Author Notes
These were in days of old, but some things never change do they. Thanks GwendolynKay for picture.


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