- Chapters 12 - 13 - 14by Begin Again
This work has reached the exceptional level
Searching For Macy
The Ice Princess
: Chapters 12 - 13 - 14 by Begin Again

Chapter 12

A tall lanky redhead stood in the shadows of the building, watching Shaker with his goons. Beads of sweat trickled down her back. Maybe she’d made a mistake telling him about the kidnapping. She’d thought he’d be proud. Instead, he'd laughed in her face.  ‘Just like Daddy, aren’t you? Thinking you got all the brains.

Trent stumbled out into the alley. His eyes were unaccustomed to the sunlight after 36 hours playing poker in a backroom. Finally, his luck had changed and he'd won big, real big. At last count, he knew he had over $20,000, enough to pay Shaker and still have a bankroll left. It felt good to tip the bartender a hundred as he gathered up his winnings. He was feeling good.

"Hey, my man, what's shaking today?" That deep rumbling voice belonged to Shaker.

Trent spun around toward the voice. Shaker and several of his goons lounged against the building. Even though he had Shaker's money, a chill ran down his spine. 'What if they wanted all the money? What if they killed me in this back alley? Who would know?'

"Shaker, I got your money. Got it right here." He started counting off bills until he held $11,000 in his hands. "Just what you asked for, $11,000." His voice trembled.

"I heard you did all right for yourself." Taking the money from
Trent, Shaker patted him on the shoulder. "Thanks. My guys wanted to rumble, but I got a soft spot for ya.” Shaker patted his chest. “My little sis might get pissed if I hurt her man.”

Trent forced a smile, but his knees felt like rubber. "We're square now, right?"

"We're square. But I need you to come along with us for awhile."

"What for?" His voice cracked. His heart raced. "You've got your money. You want more, take it all, Shaker." The wad of bills fluttered to the ground as two of Shaker's goons grabbed him. He felt a sting in his arm and then everything went black.

Shaker smiled, “You can thank me later.” 

Chapter 13

12 o'clock, Hanna wheeled the suitcase of money into the Lock Box Station. Her stubby body waddled as she approached the desk. Nervously, she looked around. She’d been told to act normal.

After obtaining the key from the desk, she searched for the correct Lock Box 181. Opening it, she shoved the suitcase in and quickly locked the box again.

Hanna wondered if the kidnapper was watching her. It made her nervous. Glancing around, she hurried out of the building to her car.

For the next two hours, nothing happened. Everyone remained at their post, waiting, watching for someone to claim the suitcase. No one went near it.

three o'clock, a teenage boy, riding a bicycle, parked in front of the station and sauntered into the building. The officer working the window watched as he strolled down the aisle toward Box 181. Taking a key from his pocket, he quickly opened the box and removed the suitcase.

“Subject has the drop.”

“Everyone hold their positions until he clears the building.”

Closing the box, the unsuspecting teenager wheeled the suitcase out of the building.

“Stop right where you are. Hands in the air.” 

The young boy looked bewildered as the officer handcuffed him and hustled him toward the squad car.

“Hey man, what’s going on? I didn’t do anything.”

“Just get in and be quiet. We’ll straighten this out downtown.

Fifteen minutes later, Max and Cappy sat in an interrogation room with the nervous young man.

"What's your name, son?"

"Mason ... Mason Williams."

"Do you know why you're here?"

"No, sir.”

Where’d you get the suitcase?”

“A lady paid me $50.00 to pick it up and take it to the Lock Box Station on 35th Street. I needed the money so I said sure."

"Who's the lady?"

"I don’t know her name. She just asked if I wanted to earn some quick cash. I told her, hell yeah."

"Do you know what's in the suitcase?"

"She said it was family heirlooms that belonged to her mother."

"Didn't you think it was strange she had you take it from one lock box to another?"

"Hell, I didn't care if she wanted me to throw it in the river. I just wanted the cash."

"What did this lady look like?"

The sketch artist started drawing the woman he described. Max and Cappy stood watching, knowing Macy’s chances of survival were getting slimmer by the minute.

"Yeah, yeah, that's her. Man, you're cool. Drawing that picture from what I told you."

Max and Cappy rushed to the table to get a look at the picture. Max stopped cold in his tracks. He recognized the face.

"That's the woman I saw at O'Neal's apartment.” Max slammed his fist against the wall. “The bastard kidnapped his own child. When I get my hands on him, I'll kill him."

"Calm down, Max. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Are you sure it's her?"

"As sure as if she was my mother."

"That's all I needed to hear."

Cappy raced from the office, yelling into the radio, ordering every available squad car to
1254 Milton Place. "Proceed with caution. A young girl's life is in danger."

Chapter 14

Waiting outside the apartment building, Reilly was out of control. Tears streamed down her face. Crazy thoughts raced through her mind. 'Oh my God, Trent, have you stooped this low, kidnapping your own daughter? Why? Why would you do this?'

Confirming that everyone was in position, Cappy gave the okay and the SWAT team stormed the apartment door. A woman's scream echoed into the street. Reilly almost fainted. She leaned against the squad car and prayed.

'Dear God, take my life. Please, just let Macy be okay. She's just a baby.'

The wait was unbearable. Finally unable to control her fear, she screamed, "Somebody, pleeeease tell me what's happening? Did they find Macy?" No one answered.

A woman officer put her arms around Reilly, trying to console her.

“What’s happening? Can’t someone tell me what’s going on?”  She pleaded for answers.

The crowd roared and Reilly’s head snapped toward the building. Max stood in the doorway with Macy in his arms. She shoved through the crowd, running toward them, crying and laughing at the same time.


"Oh baby, are you hurt? Did they hurt you, Macy?"

"No, the woman just screamed at me. I was scared, Mommy, really scared."

"I know, honey, I know."

Clinging to each other, they climbed into the squad car. Max got in on the other side as they brought Sherrie out in handcuffs. Reilly turned her head away, hiding her rage from Macy.

She forced herself to speak calmly, "Was ... was there anyone else there, Max?"

He could see the pain in her eyes, "No, only Sherrie."

Reilly wrapped Macy tightly in her arms, kissing her over and over. "Mommy loves you, baby. I'm so happy you're safe."

* * * * * * ** * * * * * * *

At the same precise moment, another team of officers raided a gambling hall on the south side of the city. Cappy had received a tip about
Trent. He had a solid alibi for the last three days. He'd beem gambling and winning for a change.







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