Let’s take a look at each poor girl.
They all had hair that they had curled.
They all had met one Mr. Right
and had their happiness in sight.
They thought their lives were born anew.
Those eyes he had were baby blue.
He’s handsome and so very tall.
They swooned when he would make a call.
Rosemary Jo was first to die.
She just was looking for a guy
who’d be her steady number one.
She didn’t know he had a gun.
The second victim Stella Jones,
a scientist who played with bones
was looking for a love that’s true.
She loved that secret kiss he blew.
He took each one to Kirby lake,
became a monster who would take
them all to rape upon the field.
His face had then removed its shield.
On victim three there was some sap.
He always wore his lucky cap.
He strangled her just like the rest.
Her name was Marcia Jane Arness.
The latest victim, Carol Pews
had suffered from the most abuse.
Her broken arm and bloodied face
occurred before she reached this place.
He got them all a fake ID
that they all used so none would see.
The fake addresses could be clues.
Their names would not be in the news.