- Chapter 27 A Willing Heartsby barbara.wilkey
This work has reached the exceptional level
Noah asks Sami's dad a question?
Willing Hearts
: Chapter 27 A Willing Hearts by barbara.wilkey

Can Noah rescue Myra, shut down the human trafficking ring, keep Sami safe, all while protecting his heart? Or did the love of his life appear in front of him.

Noah and Sami met 32 days ago.


Holding hands, they headed toward the pond. Noah stopped and faced Sami. "I know you're worried about our future. I promise to do everything in my power to make this work."

"I believe you." She exhaled. "You're every woman's dream."

"I think you're confusing me with Mateo," injected Noah.

"You're handsome, sexy, and compassionate. When you commit to something you go all the way. I believe you'll do that with relationships too."

"I don't share my feelings. I'm bossy."

"You are bossy." She smiled. "If that's your worse fault, it's not a problem. We'll work through it."

He chuckled. "Thank you."

"As for not sharing your feeling, you've gotten better."

"Around you." He took a deep breath. "It's safe around you. As for commitment, you're right." He avoided eye contact before his eyes met hers. "I'm working on something. I don't want to say anything and get your hopes up in case it doesn't work. If it does, things will be better. Can you trust me a little longer?"

She reached up and kissed him. "Of course."


Chapter 27 A

Noah parked in Sami's apartment complex's parking lot and scanned the area. It appeared to be safe. "Sami, you're home. Tomorrow Bob and Jose will return your car. Hopefully tomorrow or the next day you'll have a wrist communicator." As she nodded, he opened his door, walked around, and then opened hers. "Go on upstairs. I'll bring your luggage." He checked his ringing phone and exhaled. "As soon as I take care of this."

Sami and Jasper made it halfway across the parking lot, before a car pulled next to her and a man rolled down the driver's side window. "Sami, I'm glad I finally caught you. Wait just a minute. I'll park."

She continued to the sidewalk. Noah, please hurry.

The man caught up with her, and she asked, "Marc, how did you find me?"

He held out a bouquet of daisies. "These are for you. At the restaurant your sisters stonewalled me, but a customer helped me." He pointed at the stairs. "It's hot out here. Let's go inside. I'm sure you can fix us something to drink. We need to talk." He nodded toward the large dog. "What's that?"

She refused the flowers. "Jasper, my dog."

"Since we're back together, I'm sure you can rehome him."

"We're not back together, and I won't rehome him."

They were on the second-floor landing, when Noah caught up with Sami's luggage in tow.

Marc glanced at him. "Sir, you can leave the luggage here. Sami can bring it inside once she has the door unlocked. You can leave now."

"Noah's staying." Sami set her jaw. "We're together."

"What? When have you ever fallen for all muscles and no brains?" He forced the flowers into her hand. "Here."

"Marc, I'd like to introduce..." She turned and saw Noah's back as he started down the stairs. She started after him. "Noah!" She threw down the flowers and hurried. "Noah?"

At the bottom, Sami fell. "Achoo. Ooouu!"

Noah ran toward her ending his phone call and knelt. "Sami, are you all right? What happened?"

"I'm fine. I missed the last step."

He helped her stand and did a quick scan. "Are you sure you're all right? You hit hard."

She swiped debris from her hands and knees. "Maybe a few bruises."

Marc walked to them, holding the flowers. "You dropped these. You always were clumsy."

Noah's eyes narrowed.

"I fell because I'm allergic to those flowers. My eyes teared up, and I sneezed instead of catching the bottom step."

"You're not allergic to them. They're your favorite," said Marc. He offered her the flowers again.

"They're your mom's favorite. Mine are...."

"Peonies," said Noah. "She's allergic to all flowers in the aster family."

She turned and smiled at Noah. "Thank you."

"How would you know?" asked Marc.

"I listen to her."

"She talks all the time. I can't..."

"I refuse to allow you to insult Sami." Noah gritted his teeth.

Marc's eyes narrowed. "I don't know who you think you are. I'm Sami's boyfriend. We're back together."

Sami glared. "We're not back together. Noah and I are a couple and that's not changing."

Noah put his arm around Sami's waist. "You had a chance with Sami. She's not interested."

"You can't speak for Sami. Let her speak for herself."

Sami's glare continued. "I've already told you Noah and I are a couple. I have no interest in getting back with you. The best thing that happened was when you broke up with me. I realized I never loved you, I was in love with being in love!"

"We were good together."

"We were never good together."

Marc pointed a finger at Noah. "You're with him?"

"I am. Goodbye." She took Noah's hand. "Let's go inside."

"But, but, but..."

Sami turned. "This conversation is over."

Inside her apartment, Sami asked, "Noah, why were you leaving?"

"I wasn't. I got a phone call."

"I thought you were upset because Marc was here."

Noah kissed her cheek. "No. I remember you telling me there wasn't any chemistry. He's not a threat."

"You're right."

Jasper nudged his way between them.
Roughing up Jasper's ears, he said, "Now this guy's a real threat."

"You could be right." Sami inhaled. "You don't mind having him around, do you?"

"I heard Marc suggested you should rehome Jasper." Noah faced Sami and held her hand. "I'd never ask you to do that."

She swallowed. "Thank you."

After a lingering kiss, Noah said, "Don't let that guy get in your head. We're nothing alike."

"Very true. Thank you for listening to me."

"If he bothers you again, let me know. I'll take care of him."

"Legally or almost legal?"

Noah chuckled. "I plead the fifth but promise he won't be a problem." He glanced around the room. "Is there something pressing you need to do, or would you like to visit your parents?"

"I'd like to see my parents. I'm pretty sure Dad's at work. Mom should be home since she broke her hip."

"Call your dad and see if we can drop by. Then we'll visit your mom."

Sami's brown eyes shone brightly.

Noah pretended to cover his eyes. "Your eyes are so bright they're blinding me."

"Stop it." She giggled and shook her head. She clicked her dad's number. "It's ringing."

After a few moments, she said, "Dad, I know you're busy, but could we come by for a few minutes?" She listened. "Thank you. We're on our way." Again, she was silent. "Yes, Noah's with me. 'Bye."

Noah parked at the construction site and grinned when Sami rushed from the car, not waiting for him to open the door. When he caught up with her, he said, "I would've opened your door."

Through her smile, she said, "I know, but I got impatient."

John walked up. "Sami being impatient, say it isn't so?" He hugged and kissed her cheek. "I've missed you, Sweet Pea."

Sami returned the hug. "I missed you too."

When the greeting ended, John shook Noah's hand. "Thank you for returning my daughter."

"I'm sorry it wasn't sooner."

"I trust you did the best you could." John looked around. "I wish we had some place to sit and visit, but there really isn't a good place."

"Daddy, don't worry about it. I just wanted to see you. We'll have plenty of time to visit. I plan on being around often."

"Why don't you and Noah come to Sunday dinner?"

Sami faced Noah, when he nodded, she said, "We'll be there. Is it still at the restaurant?"

"It is. Since it's closed Sunday's it's just easier. There's more space. Our family keeps growing." John removed his phone. "I'll let your mom know there'll be two more mouths to feed."

"We're going there next..." Sami smiled at Noah. "Too late."

"Yes, Sami's right here." John listened, then handed Sami the phone. "Your mom wants to talk with you."

While Sami took the phone, Noah motioned for John to walk with him. They were out of Sami's hearing range, when Noah said, "I'd like your permission to ask your daughter to marry me."

John replied, "I know you love Sami. When the two of you danced together on Father's Day, I could tell by the way you look at her, your eyes give you away. I also know she loves you. You've proven you'll keep her safe. I'm concerned about your job. You're busy day and night and it's dangerous. How often will Sami be left alone or worse, a widow? In a marriage you need to be together, or you'll grow apart."

"I'm working on that. Sami deserves to be my priority. I have something in the works. I won't propose until it's finalized. Sami will always come first."

John offered his hand. "Then you have my blessing."

Noah gripped the offered hand. "Thank you. It means a lot to me. I know Sami will feel the same."

Sami joined them a few minutes later. "What are you two up too?"

"I was just thanking this man for keeping you safe," John said.

She leaned over and kissed her dad's cheek. "Okay." Sami smiled at Noah. "Ready to visit Mom?"

When Noah indicated he was, they said their goodbyes until Sunday.

When they walked up the sidewalk, Laura, Sami's mom, stood with the door open. Sami sighed. "Mom, are you supposed to be standing?"

"Yes, I'm supposed to be as active as possible. I'll heal faster that way." They hugged. She smiled at Noah. "Welcome, I'm glad you're with Sami. Thank you for all you've done."

"I'm sorry I had to take her away."

"I'm glad she's safe. Let's go inside." Laura turned and pushed her walker into the living room and asked, "Sami, before you sit will you get three glasses of iced tea?"

"Sure will." She went into the kitchen.

When they were alone, Laura lowered her voice and said, "I understand you want to propose to my daughter."


Sami Martinez - Twenty-five-year-old high school teacher, who's working to find a kidnapped teenage girl.

Noah Taylor. - Homeland Security team leader, who works in the Human Trafficking department. Alias - Trey Morgan

Jose, Bob, & Sarah - Agents who work under Noah. Bob and Sarah are married.

Laura Martinez - Sami's mom.

Jasper - Sami's Great Dane, a large breed dog.

Myra Rodriguez - Kidnapped teenage girl whom Sami was close to.

Julia - Teenage girl, who was friends with Myra and Sami works with.

Big T - Neighborhood pimp; not a friendly person

Numerous Team Members - They will show up periodically but not really important to the story, except they're there.

Chen - Charles Henry Edward Nichols - Human trafficker and into some really bad stuff.

Chief Galvin Baldwin - Noah's supervisor.

Marc - Sami's old boyfriend.

Mateo Enrique Aguilar de Pereira - a very close friend of Sami's; a rich playboy

Juan Pablo Enrique Aguilar de Pereira - Mateo's father


Author Notes
Thank you, Google Images for a photograph of a construction site.

Chapter 27 is a long chapter and is divided into three parts. A lot happens on Sami's first day back to normal life. This is the first part of Chapter 27. It's around 1500 words.

As I'm sure you already know, I made changes as I posted. This time I added to the post, hoping to make things clearer. I hope I did. Thank you for your help. I appreciate all reviews.


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