Miracles : Miracles - Chap 8 by Begin Again |
"Danni! Where's Matthew?" Eleanor's voice was sharp as it cut through the air. Her expression spoke volumes.
"Good morning, Eleanor." Danni took a slow sip of her coffee, then showing her annoyance with her boss, she added, "And to answer your question, your guess is as good as mine." "What do you mean? Hasn't he come into work this morning?" "Nope. And these phones haven't stopped ringing." Danni set her coffee down and glanced at the phone in Eleanor's hand, shaking her head. "Don't bother calling. I've tried at least ten times." "When's the last time you heard from him?" Danni sighed, her eyes darkening with a hint of guilt. "Yesterday. We had a fight." "You and Donatelli? About what?" "He's been grouchy lately, moping around because of Jenna — what with her not seeing him and all." "Well, I guess she had her reasons, but she should have told him." "Exactly! So, yesterday, she stopped by, and he blew her off. Tells her he's too busy." "Maybe he was—" Eleanor said, trying not to take sides. "Busy polishing his bruised pride." Danni leaned back in her chair, frustration mounting. "Anyway, she left in tears, and I climbed all over his case. I told him he better get his butt over to her office and make things right."
"And did he go?" Eleanor mused. Had he seen Garth? "Yeah, he did. But it must not have gone well. I get this call — he's all snappy, saying he wasn't coming back to the office." "Did he say what was wrong?" "Something about finding her in Garth's arms. He said he wasn't doing it again. Told me he was going to drown his misery with a few stiff drinks." Danni's gaze grew distant, the memory still fresh. "I haven't heard from him since." "Danni, something's wrong." Eleanor moved about the room, showing a side of her that rarely happened — nerves. "You aren't telling me anything new. I'm visible to the world now and stuck in the office doing his job." "No, Danni, I feel it. Something's wrong." "Wrong, like real bad, wrong?" Danni swallowed hard. "Oh, Eleanor, you don't think —" "I do, but I just don't know what yet." Eleanor sighed. "But first, I think I need to go to Jenna." "Jenna? I thought the two of you did Margaret's memorial this morning. Everything went okay, right?" Danni chuckled. "Margaret didn't get the last laugh and blow her ashes in your face, did she?" "Danni! What a horrid thing to say." Eleanor snapped. "Whoa! Eleanor, I was just trying to make light of a sad situation. I'm sorry." "No, I'm sorry, Danni. I guess even we can have regrets. I didn't realize how hard Margaret's death has been for me." "You were with her at the end, Eleanor. She knows that, and it meant everything to her. You'll have that joyful reunion as soon as she transitions. Who knows, maybe she'll become one of us." Eleanor smiled, but her eyes told Danni her thoughts were somewhere else. "Go to her, Eleanor." Eleanor jumped when Danni touched her arm. "What?" Eleanor sighed. Tears glistened in her eyes. "I've made a terrible mistake." "I could feel it when you entered the room, but I thought it was because of Matthew. But it's Jenna, isn't it?" "Yes, I owe her a big apology, but I don't know if she'll forgive me." "Mothers aren't perfect, even ones as terrific as you. Go to her. She needs you." "You know?" Eleanor's face had a look of surprise. "Not really, but I am a detective, after all." Eleanor laughed. "And a good one, too!" "Thank you." Danni picked up the phone while she addressed her friend. "Go to Jenna. While you're busy making amends, I will make some calls and see if we can track down our wayward boy." *****
Sitting beside the bed, Miriam watched the wounded man. She was surprised that she felt drawn to the stranger. Her fingers toyed with the edge of her apron as her thoughts darkened. The bandages she'd applied were already dark with blood. Treating her animals' wounds had been simpler—this was different. She knew he needed more help than she could give. His breathing was shallow, with a slight wheeze each time he exhaled. Her fingers brushed over his badge, tracing the letters as though they might offer answers. "What in heaven's name did you get yourself into, young man? Must've been mighty important to almost cost you your life." She dipped a cloth into the cool water basin and carefully wiped the dried blood from his cracked lips. His eyelids fluttered, and his gaze met hers. Miriam leaned in, her voice soft and soothing. "Don't try to speak. You're safe here. Just rest." His lips parted as if to respond, but no sound came. Instead, his eyes shifted, focusing somewhere beyond her shoulder, drawn to the light filtering through the small window. Beneath the bruises, she saw an unexpected glint of something — fear. "Please," she urged. "Wake up." She frowned, then murmured, almost to herself, "Who are you? What happened out there?" His eyes flickered back to her, a haunted look settling over his face. When he finally spoke, his voice was weak, a mere whisper. "Who —" Her breath caught. She picked up his badge, holding it close enough for him to see the letters etched in metal, hoping to awaken some memory. "I think this belongs to you." Matthew's gaze remained distant and unreadable as he stared at the badge as if it were foreign and unfamiliar. Silence settled between them, neither knowing what to do, and then Matthew slipped back into a deep sleep. *****
Rebecca entered Jenna's office, stopping short when she saw her sitting at her desk, clearly distressed. "You took the test?" Rebecca murmured. Jenna nodded, her hands trembling as she looked down at them. "And?" Rebecca's voice was barely a whisper. Jenna swallowed hard, lifting her gaze. "It was positive." "Does anyone else know?" "Garth — and my mom." Jenna's voice faltered, her eyes filling with tears. Rebecca's eyebrows lifted in surprise. "You told Garth before Matthew?" Jenna sighed, rubbing her temples. "I didn't plan to — Garth stopped by. He found me crying, and I just broke down." "Oh no," Rebecca said softly, her eyes drifting to the roses she'd found in the trash. "These were tossed —" Seeing the roses, Jenna broke, covering her face as a sob escaped her. In the doorway, Eleanor appeared, her face softened with regret. "Jenna." "Mom, please — not now." Jenna's voice was muffled through her hands. Eleanor stepped closer, her tone gentle. "I came to say I was wrong — and I'm sorry." Jenna looked up, and the walls around her emotions crumbled. She burst into tears, and Eleanor was at her side to hold her in an instant. "I have to talk to Matthew," Jenna sniffled. "I don't want him hearing this from anyone else. I need him to know —" Eleanor's face darkened. "I'm afraid that's going to have to wait." Jenna pulled back, eyes wide with concern. "What do you mean? Did he say he didn't want to talk to me?" "No, he didn't," Eleanor replied softly. "Then why can't I see him? He saw me with Garth and probably assumed —" Jenna's voice broke. "Rebecca found roses in the trash. He must have come by to apologize and saw Garth holding me. He probably drew all the wrong conclusions. I need to explain what happened." "Yes, you do," Eleanor said, her voice tinged with sorrow, "but — I don't know how to tell you —" "Mom, just say it. What's happened?" Eleanor took a steadying breath, meeting Jenna's gaze. "Matthew is missing. No one's heard from him since yesterday." Jenna reached for her phone. "He can't be missing. I've got to talk to him." "Don't bother. Danni and I have tried too many times to count. I even went by his place in case he was ignoring us, but his car wasn't there." "That doesn't make any sense. Matthew wouldn't just take off. He's got to be somewhere, holed up, probably sleeping it off." "Danni has an APB out on his car, but so far nothing. And she's got people checking hotels and motels. I also believe she said she would be contacting Garth to see if his crew might give us some help." "This is all my fault. I should have told him months ago." "Should of — could of. It won't change anything." Rebecca tapped on the door. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but I've got an appointment with the lawyer in fifteen minutes. I'll cancel if you need me to stay." Jenna's tear-stained eyes looked at Rebecca. "No, Mom's here, and I'll be fine. Go — find out what he has to say." "Okay, if you are sure." Eleanor hugged Jenna tighter. "We're good. We need a little mother-daughter time anyhow." Jenna smiled at her mother and nodded. "Yes, go, Rebecca. Maybe you're a millionaire or something." "Yeah, right." Rebecca laughed. "He's probably got an old bill from my parents and wants me to pay it." "I don't think so, Rebecca. I'm feeling some good vibes coming from you." "That would be a first in a very long time. Well, I better go so I'm not late." She waved goodbye and hurried out of the office. *****
"Good afternoon, Miss Stillwell." Phillip Henderson greeted Rebecca as she entered the offices. "My secretary is running an errand. I thought we might sit and talk in the library. It's much sunnier." "Of course, that's fine by me." Rebecca couldn't imagine why she was here, and she had better things to do. Phillip's office had a refined, old-world charm that was almost comforting, but today, it only amplified Rebecca's sense of unease. The library was lined with dark walnut shelves stacked with leather-bound volumes and the occasional gleam of gold lettering. Tall windows allowed sunlight to pour in, casting warm light over the polished mahogany table and the plush armchairs that seemed to invite conversation. As she followed Phillip inside, Rebecca tried to keep her tone casual. "If this is about an outstanding bill." Phillip held up a hand with a small smile. "No, no, nothing like that." He gestured for her to sit, settling across from her with a steady gaze. "I don't understand," she began, smoothing a crease in her skirt. "My parents' estate was settled years ago. I don't see how —" Phillip paused, carefully choosing his words. "Miss Stillwell, do you know of any family in Italy?" Rebecca's brow furrowed. "No, I was an only child, and all of my relatives passed before I was born. My parents never mentioned anyone." He glanced down at his notes, then back up at her, his eyes narrowing slightly. "You're referring to your adoptive parents, correct?" Rebecca froze, the word catching her off guard. "Adopted?" She forced a small laugh, though her voice was tinged with nerves. "I'm not adopted. You must have the wrong person." "You are Rebecca Stillwell," he continued gently, "and Patrick and Lucille Stillwell raised you?" "Yes, they are my parents." She was starting to feel defensive, her heart pounding. Why was he asking her this? Phillip slid a crisp document across the table, along with a few yellowed sheets that looked like they'd been carefully preserved over the years. "This is your birth certificate," he said quietly. "And a research paper — about your biological family. Your birth mother was Angela Giordano. She gave birth to twin daughters and placed both up for adoption." Rebecca's breath caught. She barely managed a whisper. "This — this can't be. You've made a mistake." She stared at the birth certificate, her eyes fixed on the mother's name — Angela Giordano. Then she picked up the other birth certificate, which supposedly belonged to her sister, Alyssa Giordano. She tried to remember — "Had there ever been an offhand comment, a forgotten photograph, something that hinted at this hidden family? Nothing came to mind, only mass confusion. "You're telling me I was born Rebecca Giordano, and I have a twin sister?" Rebecca paused to breathe, then asked, "Where is she? Shouldn't she be here, too?" "Unfortunately, she died of cancer two years ago. You are Trevor Cascio's only remaining ancestor." Overwhelmed, Rebecca stood to leave. "Thank you, Mr. Henderson. Please excuse me, but I never expected any of this, and it's a lot to digest." She started toward the door. "Wait! Please sit down. I know you've got many questions, and I hope our research might help you. But the adoption was only part of why I asked you to come here today." "You mean there's more? I'm not sure I can handle any more surprise ancestors." "I promise, I don't know of any more living ancestors, but you have inherited the family home." "A home? I inherited property — here in this community?" "Yes, at one time, it was considered quite the estate with vineyards — vines imported from Italy. I've not seen the property, and I'm told it's been abandoned for many years, but there is plenty of land." Phillip placed the papers back in his folder and looked her in the eyes. "If you want answers, Ms. Stillwell, I'd suggest visiting the property. Sometimes, the past has ways of surfacing in unexpected places." He stood and extended his hand. "It's a lot to take in at one time. I'll have my secretary contact you, and we can transfer the deed and finalize a few other details next week. Maybe by that time, you'll have had a chance to visit the property." Rebecca stood, her legs trembling. "Thank you for your time. You've certainly given me a lot to think about." She shook his hand and left the office. Outside, she stood staring at the sky, asking, "How did this happen? I don't even know who I am."
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Begin Again
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