- The Creatorby Terry Broxson
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A voice in the night
The Creator by Terry Broxson

“Things need to change.”

The voice sounded familiar.

“I can see your confusion. I used this voice because you are a man. I thought it would put you more at ease.”

I had turned off the Thursday night football game. I think I had been asleep. I sat up and looked around, “What? You sound like James Earl Jones.”

“Yeah, he had a great voice. I can sound like John Wayne, Golda Meir, Marilyn Monroe, or someone else if you prefer."

“Wait a minute, who are you? And why are you a voice in my bedroom at 9:30 on a Thursday night?”

“I’m The Creator. I created the universe. In fact, I’m still creating the universe. There is a lot to do. And the voice thing, I know it’s a little dramatic to show up in the dark, but it’s easier to hold your attention this way.”

“It got my attention, alright, so you’re God?” 

“No, I’m only The Creator. I create worlds, and often, civilizations develop; that’s what happened on Earth. I put things in motion. Sometimes, I revisit my work. I look for ways to improve it.”

“Well, if you’re The Creator, that makes you God.”

“Humans have been an interesting evolution. You don’t always connect the dots. Your attention spans are short, causing your mind to wander. Being The Creator doesn’t make me God. I didn’t create myself.”

“So, you are saying someone else is God?”

“I didn’t say someone. Suffice to say, forces are at work.”

“Oh, like the ‘Force’ be with you?”

“Cute, but I’m not here for cute. I got a mission for you. Humans like missions. You’ll like this one.”

“What kind of mission?”

“You’ve been chosen to deliver an important message to your fellow humans.” 

“Really? Wow. What’s the message?”

“Change, you’re in charge and headed for disaster.”

“That’s the message: change we are in charge, and headed for disaster?”

“Yep, simple.”

“Okay, but what does it mean? What disaster?”

“Let me give you a little background.

“Simply stated, I conceive and implement a process that brings wonderful worlds to fruition—some begat civilizations, like Earth. When I finish one world, I move to the next. The universe is forever expanding, and I’ve places to be.

“As The Creator, think of my work on Earth as your environment––land, air, and water.”

“And you created humans?”


"Wait a minute, you're saying there is life on other planets. If you didn't create life, who did?”

“Not me. I'm not here to answer all the questions of the universe. I occasionally visit the worlds I create. It helps validate my concepts and applications. Even creators need validation.

“I love my creations. But some things don’t go the way I anticipated. The biggest problems come as life forms develop. Every life form has free will over their actions and lives. Occasionally, things run amok.

“That’s what’s happening on the Earth. I have never created a world simply to destroy it.

“Like everything I create, Earth is unique. The first three billion years went fine without problems until humans started walking around.

“Do you realize your world has spent tens of thousands of years at war that never ends? War simply moves and pops up someplace else. It's like Whack-a-Mole, only with war.

“That’s not all. Imagine my disgust when I see how you’re neglecting this beautiful place with pollution through greed, corruption, and incompetence.”

“Are you saying the Earth is about to be destroyed?”

“Look, I’m The Creator. I don’t see or know the future. But I’ve been around for a long time, and I’ve seen a lot of things. I don’t like what I see. That's why I'm here. I’m creating an experiment.”

“What kind of experiment?”

“You need to convince your fellow humans to take action to avoid catastrophe. This has never been tried in the history of the universe.”

“I’m an experiment? An old man with one foot in the grave. Who no one ever heard of, telling my fellow humans to change how we live and everything will be okay. You’re out of your frigging mind! No one will listen to me.”

“Your observation about being old is misplaced. Old has a patina that includes a perspective of knowledge, experience, and learning about truth. Old has a sense of urgency. You have Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. It will be evident when you speak.

“You are the right person to carry out this experiment. But I will tell you the real burden isn’t on you to persuade anyone. The pressure is on mankind to accept the truth.”

“How am I going to speak to the whole world?”

“You’re familiar with a Zoom call?”

“Of course, I’ve been on a few.”

“I have a plan. Everyone will hear you.

“There are two universal truths that your inhabitants must learn and apply. Sadly, it’s not like people don’t know the truth. But humans have a way of being selfish or acting like ostriches."

“What are you talking about, universal truths, ostriches?”

“Have you ever heard people need to be a good steward of their environment?”

“Duh! Everybody has!”

“Okay, that is a universal truth. I created it. It applies throughout the universe. Earthlings think that’s all fine and good, but it doesn’t apply to them individually, and they rationalize that they can’t do anything about it anyway. Universal truths apply to everyone––no exceptions.”

“Wait a minute, that sounds a little harsh.”

“There is another universal truth that is even harder for your planet. I’ll simply paraphrase it: love your fellow man. I didn’t create this one. Do humans understand this little ditty?”

“Well, it’s complicated. We are trying to get it all sorted out.”

“It’s not harsh or complicated. I created your world billions of years ago. Life grew, and humans developed. Do you really think that creation happened on the Earth so you could kill each other? 

“The big questions are:

"When will the wars stop?

"When will the hate stop?

"How will your Earth survive your neglect?

“You have two answers to choose from. Change and become the best version of your species and save yourself and your planet. Or watch the lights slowly dim and all food and water disappear until darkness consumes everything and everyone.

 “I don’t want that for Earth. It’s such a lovely little planet.

“Your message should be delivered clearly and strongly. Tell your fellow humans that the air, oceans, water, and food sources are being depleted. Renewables are being compromised. Wars are draining your resources and your people.

“The path your world is on is not sustainable. The governments and leaders of your world have let your people and planet down.   

“Change how you think about your fellow humans and your environment. You will not get another world. There will be no do-overs.”

“I don’t know, that’s going to be tough. We have all these political viewpoints. Religions aren’t helpful. They are like politicians, too many competing and can’t agree on anything.”

“You need to speak the truth. Start by saying you have a message from The Creator.”

“But if I tell ‘em The Creator ain’t God, they gonna freak out.”

“Ask everyone to imagine an Earth with clean water for all and enough food so no one goes hungry. Imagine no wars. Imagine corporations that don’t manufacture advances in weapons of destruction but breakthroughs in science, medicine, technology, leisure, sports, and entertainment. The list is long.

“Conceive and implement a world where governments will help their people and neighbors solve problems without war for the common good. Be amazed by the arts and cultural exchange that could occur without wars.”

“Think about the educational opportunities, the joy of learning, and all the wonderous things yet to be discovered.”

“It sounds great, but honestly, I don’t know why anyone will listen to me.”

“I don’t know if they will listen or not. I can only create a messenger. It may sound simplistic, but tag, you’re it!”


When I arose Friday morning and turned on my computer, I saw a message asking me to log into a Zoom call.

 A little message box in the top right-hand corner of my computer blinks––you are now connected to every screen on every electronic device on the planet.  I don’t know how all the languages became one, but they did.

I delivered The Creator’s message exactly the way he wanted. 

When I finished, a little box on the left side of my screen blinked––this message would be repeated for 48 hours. It is the only thing anyone would see for the next two days.

No political commentators nor government officials offered instant analysis. I wish The Creator had told me what to do next.

I’m waiting.







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