Miracles : Miracles - Chap 4 by Begin Again |
Danni breezed through the cafe tables with her takeout order for herself and Matthew. She smiled when she spotted Jenna seated by the window.
"Jenna!" she called out, making her way over. Jenna glanced up from her coffee, her surprise quickly turning to a warm smile. "So, how's it feel?" Jenna laughed. "You mean to be legally visible to the world? It's awesome, Jenna. I am so grateful that Eleanor stepped up and told the council how I could be helpful just like her if allowed to be seen." "I'm happy for you. You deserved the recognition."
Danni took a seat across from her, leaning in. "I just wanted to stop and say I'm so sorry about Margaret. That was a shock." "Thank you, Danni," Jenna murmured, her expression softening. "Has Matthew spoken with Eleanor?" "I don't believe so. He attended the parole hearing with Garth and didn't hear about it until he was back in town. I'm sure Eleanor is devastated about the accident." "It wasn't an accident, Danni." Jenna shifted her gaze to the busy sidewalk, unable to believe John Doyle wielded so much power from behind bars. Danni's eyebrows furrowed together. "I don't understand. Didn't her car crash outside of town?" Jenna nodded, pressing her lips together, wondering what she should share. "Jenna, don't leave me hanging. Why do you say it wasn't an accident?" She sighed. "Because — my mother was there." "Eleanor?" Danni's voice spiked. "I thought the initial report said Margaret was alone and lost control in the fog." "On the surface, that statement is correct, I suppose. Margaret was alone." "Then how did Eleanor —" Danni closed her eyes for a moment, then continued her thought, "Never mind." She paused. "She had a vision, didn't she?" Jenna nodded. "She did and was transported to the scene in time to assist in removing Margaret's body from the car." "It had to be devastating for her. Knowing that there's only so much she could do." Danni didn't want to push, but the detective in her wanted to know more about why Eleanor said it wasn't an accident. She trusted her and knew she wouldn't say anything unless she had facts. "What did Eleanor tell you?" "I think I should let her give you and Matthew all the details, so I don't get anything wrong, but she did find a note —" Danni's thoughts were spinning. "A suicide note?" "No, no — a note on Joliet State Prison stationery." Danni gasped, immediately understanding the importance of the note. "From Doyle?" "Eleanor says it was. It said, "Death awaits you." Danni gasped. "A threat, but how can she be sure that Doyle is the one behind it? All his mail is censored." "I wouldn't be so sure of that, Danni. According to my mother, Doyle's living quarters might have changed, but his power and the ability to manipulate remain. He's —" Jenna inhaled sharply, her eyes glassy as she connected with Danni's eyes. "He's threatened to take anyone involved in his conviction down." "From prison? When did he say this, and to who?" "This morning to Eleanor." Jenna sipped her coffee, knowing Danni was analyzing every word and the next question would be how. "Donatelli gets notified if Doyle has visitors, and except for his lawyer, no one was there yesterday or today." Jenna managed a smile. "You're slipping, Danni. Is too much physical contact taking the edge off your brain? It's Eleanor we're talking about." Danni gasped. "Duh! I really do have brain fog. She was at the prison, wasn't she?" The sudden realization of Eleanor's confrontation with Doyle was like a bolt of lightning, electrifying the conversation. "Yes, in his cell." Jenna shivered. "She confronted him about Margaret, and he laughed." "He's sick! And your mother — there's no one better than her. So Doyle was taunting her. Maybe it was just words." "Mom doesn't think so. She says we are all in danger — me, Garth, and Matthew. She came to my house yesterday morning to warn me. I've never seen her so —" "Worried? Concerned? Of course, she was, honey." Danni reached across the table, touching Jenna's hand. "Ghost or not, she's your mother and loves you deeply. She'd just lost her sister, confronted the man she believes is responsible, and not only delivered the shocking news to her daughter but told her that her life was in danger as well. That's a lot to swallow." "I know, and it didn't help that I'd had a rough night." Danni raised an eyebrow. "You sick?" "Just some stomach thing. Nothing for you or my mother to worry about." Danni tilted her head, scrutinizing her friend. "Speaking about worrying, Matthew is also at the top of that list." She softened her tone. "He hasn't heard from you in weeks. I thought things were going so well between you two. Mind me asking what happened?" Jenna chuckled. "Would it stop you even if I did?" "Probably not!" Jenna looked down, her fingers tracing patterns on the side of her coffee mug. "I've just — I've been busy. And besides, I needed some time to — get myself together." Danni's gaze softened. "Understandable, Jenna. Just don't shut out the people who care about you." At that moment, the bell over the cafe door jingled, and Jenna glanced up, spotting Rebecca as she entered. Relief washed over her, naturally changing the conversation. She waved Rebecca over, motioning to the empty seat beside her. "Rebecca, come meet a friend of mine," Jenna said as Rebecca reached the table. She gestured to Danni with a welcoming smile. "This is Danni, one of the best people you'll ever meet." Rebecca smiled politely, extending her hand to Danni, who shook it with an effortless, natural grace. Jenna omitted the minor detail that Danni wasn't exactly among the living, a revelation best saved for later, if ever. After a brief exchange, Danni looked at Jenna and said, "I'd better go. Enjoy your lunch, you two." She waved goodbye before heading out the door. As soon as Danni left, Rebecca leaned forward, her voice dropping to a whisper. "I've got news! I finally talked to the attorney, and he told me there's important information he needs to pass on." She shook her head, her brow furrowed. "I can't imagine what it could be, but I have an appointment on Friday." Jenna's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "Well, maybe it's good news! Who knows? Maybe a distant relative left you some money." Rebecca chuckled, trying to shake off the anxious knot in her stomach. "If only, except I don't believe I have any other relatives. My parents never mentioned anyone." Jenna gave her a reassuring smile. "You'll know soon enough. Sometimes, the most unexpected things are just what we need." "Now you sound like Santa Claus, Jenna. He's not leaving me a distant relative under the tree." Rebecca laughed. "At least, I don't think he is." "I'm starving. Do you mind if we order and then talk?" "No, of course not. I'm thrilled you are considering me for the position, Jenna. Moving to a new town, I thought job hunting would be a chore in a small town." "I need help, and we hit it off so well at the networking seminar that I don't see why I'd want to look any further. If you are interested, the job is yours." "I'm interested! I can't wait!" she said, picking up the menu. "Just let me know when I start." "Would tomorrow be too soon?" Jenna smiled. Rebecca laughed. "Heck, I'd start this afternoon if you wanted me to. But right now, let's order. I think my stomach is about to revolt." ***** Jenna placed her order, eyeing the menu more enthusiastically than she felt. "It all sounds so good," she told Rebecca, smiling. Rebecca chuckled. "Good, you need to eat. You've been burning the candle at both ends." But the moment the plate arrived, the rich smell hit her, and a wave of nausea rolled over her. She pushed her chair back, hand over her mouth, as the nausea intensified. Rebecca's smile faded to concern. "Jenna? Are you alright?" "Yeah," Jenna murmured, swallowing hard. "I think... maybe something just didn't sit right." Rebecca frowned. "You haven't eaten a bite. Let me take you home." Jenna started to protest but nodded reluctantly, grateful for the escape. She waved to Maurice, the owner, making a circle with her hand around the tabletop, and he nodded. He would put the bill on her tab. They were halfway to the door when Garth entered the cafe. His gaze immediately fell on Jenna, his expression softening as he approached them. "Jenna," he greeted, enfolding her in his arms. "I'm so sorry to hear about Margaret. If there's anything I can do, please let me know." He released her, and Jenna squeezed his hand. "Thank you, Garth. That means a lot." She glanced behind, expecting to see Tango. Garth chuckled. "My sidekick is parking the car." Turning to Rebecca, he removed his Stetson and smiled. "And who is this charming lady, Jenna?" "Forgive my manners." A wave of nausea rocked her momentarily, and then she said, "Garth, this is my new assistant, Rebecca." Their eyes met, and a spark of interest shot through them. Rebecca flushed slightly, but Garth returned his gaze to Jenna. "Are you alright?" he asked, concern etching his features. "You look a little pale." "Just ate something that didn't agree with me," Jenna replied, trying to sound casual. But Rebecca had noticed Jenna hadn't touched her food. "It was nice meeting you, Garth, but Jenna and I have another meeting to attend. Can't have my boss being late." They quickly said their goodbyes and exited the cafe. Garth smiled as he watched them leave, murmuring, "A nice addition to the town." ***** "Rebecca, you're the best!" Nestled beneath her down comforter, she smiled at her new assistant. "You didn't have to do all this." Rebecca entered the bedroom, balancing a tray with a thermos of steaming tea, a mug, crackers, and a fresh box of Kleenex. "Isn't that what friends are for? It wasn't any trouble." Not familiar with Jenna's home, Rebecca glanced around the room. "Can't I get you anything else?" "No, you've been awesome. I'll just get some sleep and be good as new in the morning. Thanks for the help, Rebecca." "Before I leave, do you mind me asking about Garth?" A smile crept across Jenna's face for the first time since they left the restaurant. "So, the Cowboy caught your attention, too. Most of the ladies can't resist his smile and sexy drawl." "I imagine he's got several of them hanging on his arm, then." "No, he plays it cool. He was married to the love of his life. Her name was Allie." "You said was. What woman would toss that delicious fish back into the pond?" "She didn't let go willingly. She died of cancer." "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be so cold." "You couldn't have known. It's been almost two years, but he hasn't shown any interest in anyone, and he's had plenty of opportunities." "Including you?" Rebecca teased. "No, we're just good friends. I lost my heart to another lawman." Jenna turned away and became very quiet. "Well, I better let you rest. I'm glad I could help and look forward to tomorrow." Rebecca smiled. "Thanks for the job. Now, get some sleep, and I will show myself out." The cool pillowcase felt good against Jenna's cheek, and she closed her eyes, thinking about what Danni had said earlier about Matthew. She inhaled, gently letting the air escape her lips, and murmured, "I miss you too, Matthew." Jenna drifted in the warmth of her dreams, a gentle smile on her lips. She was with Donatelli, his arms wrapped around her as they stood beneath a canopy of fragrant cherry blossoms. She felt safe, wrapped in this new love. She could almost feel his hands against her back as they swayed together, dancing to a song only they could hear. As the memory faded, a more sinister thought replaced it — footsteps, panic, running, hands ripping at her clothes, dragging her deeper into the shadows, and then blackness. Jenna bolted upright, screaming until she realized it was just a dream — a horrible memory she'd tried to forget. She collapsed against the bed, weeping until she drifted into an exhausted sleep.
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Begin Again
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