- A Sincere Prayerby BethShelby
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A Sincere Prayer by BethShelby
Dear God contest entry

Dear God,

I hope you are ok with me not getting on my knees and praying a more formal prayer, like Christ showed the disciples how to pray. I know you’re always listening, and you even know our thoughts, I think of you as my father, and know you are there for me, willing to strengthen me when I need your help, so I just say what is on my mind. You always help me work out any problem I have. I try to remember to thank you, but if I forget sometimes, I’m sorry. I’ll try to do better.

Lately, I’ve been thinking about all the people who have so many strong opinions about you, and they are all different. I know one day when we see you face to face, you will increase our understanding and we’ll all be on the same page. Some people feel they have never had that connection so they don’t really know you. I know you love all of us, and they don’t realize what they are missing, if they can’t feel your presence. Maybe if they could see or feel a miracle, they would recognize it comes from you.

There is a lot of distrust and hatred in this world we live in, and it's getting worse. People distrust our government, our leaders, the media, and each other. It is really hard to know what is true and what is a lie. I know you warned us it would be like that, and the only thing we can really trust is you.

Some people are saying all the signs are here for your return, but I’ve been hearing that most of my life. How can I know for sure? I also know the Bible says the evil one will impersonate you before the end, and it will seem so real many people will be fooled. That is scary. Help us to believe what the Bible says about you meeting us in the air, and maybe, we won’t trust someone who doesn’t meet that way.

Father, you know there are so many people who are suffering both physically and spiritually. You are the great healer. We know we will all endure some pain, because this isn’t a perfect world. But help us all to know what we need to do to help ease the suffering of others. It has been proven scientifically that prayer works, even among non-believers. Give us the words we need to pray for others.

I’m pretty sure you don’t ever force anything on anyone, and you leave us all free to choose. I believe you say pretty clearly in your word, that your ways are spiritual and are not to be mixed up with manmade ways. When your word said “Render unto Ceasar the things which are Ceasar’s and unto God the things which are God’s” I think you were saying Church and State are not to be combined. Help me understand if I’ve got that wrong. I know other countries have tried it, and it has always ended badly.

This world appears to be a lot different than when I grew up. People know a lot more than they did back then. Some things seem better, but mostly, I think they are getting worse. I know you’ve said we wouldn’t know an exact date when you would return, but that you would tell those of us who trust you, so we be will be ready. Please don’t let us miss out on your signs. All of us are concerned about our family and our friends, but help us to be concerned about all of your children, as well as those who are close to us personally.

If you have something special you need me to do, help me to tune into your voice so clearly, I’ll know for sure, it is what you want from me, and give me the strength and courage to do it.

Thank you for listening and caring for me. Keep me strong and help me never to doubt you.

Your grateful daughter,




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