- Chapter 13 Bby barbara.wilkey
This work has reached the exceptional level
Noah has a meeting with Big T.
Willing Hearts
: Chapter 13 B by barbara.wilkey

Can Noah rescue Myra, close down the human trafficking ring, keep Sami safe, all while protecting his heart? Or did the love of his life appear in front of him?

Noah and Sami met 17 days ago.



"I care more than circumstances allow." When Sami started to say something, he added, "That's all I'm willing to say."


"Sami, enough!"

"All right." She grabbed the door handle.

Before Noah could stop her, the alarm sounded.

Jose rushed from the cabin with weapon ready. Bob and Sarah stood at the door weapons drawn.

Shaking his head, Noah said, "Sami forgot about the alarm system."

Sami hung her head. "Sorry." She went straight to her room.

Heading toward his room, Noah muttered under his breath, "She definitely keeps things interesting."

From behind her closed door, Sami said, "I heard that."

"I'm sure you did."


Close to noon, Sami left her room for the kitchen. She saw Noah and Bob standing next to the computer. I wonder what that's about. It doesn't look good.

Later, as they sat for lunch, Noah asked, "Bob, did Big T accept the time and place for the meet?"

"He did, four o'clock by the giraffe exhibit. Who's going with you?"

"I'm going by myself. Contact the motor pool. I want to switch out my car. I always drive the same car. It could be recognized. The motor pool knows what I like. Have them meet me in the zoo parking lot at about three o'clock. It should give me plenty of time..."

"No!" interrupted Sami as she stood.

Four sets of eyes stared at her.

She continued, "There's no way you're meeting with Big T by yourself. He's mean. It's a trap. I won't let you."

Jose grinned. "Sami, you're an important part of this team, but sorry, you don't have a vote." He took a drink of iced tea. "Matter of fact, when Boss makes up his mind, none of us changes it. He is the boss."

Sami sat. "But?" She studied her plate and fingered her fork. "Sorry." Standing again, she said, "I'll get started on the dishes." She turned toward the kitchen.

Noah sighed. "Sami, get back here and finish eating." When she continued toward the kitchen, he followed and muttered, "She doesn't listen well."

When he stood behind her at the sink, Sami said, "I messed up, didn't I?"

"Only a little. Let's talk."

"Are you going to yell?"

"I wasn't planning on it." Noah gently turned her toward him. "But I can if you want me to."

"I don't want you to."

"Good, because I don't want to. We'll talk on the front porch."

As they sat in the chairs, Noah said, "Thank you for caring."

"You're welcome. I think." She scanned the area. "When I messed up as a child, Dad would bring me to the porch, and we'd talk."

"Did you have to go to the porch often?"

"What do you think?"

Chuckling, Noah said, "I have a feeling you and your dad got to know the porch very well. Did it do any good?"

"I'm here for almost the same reason, so I guess not."

"Why do you think you're here?" asked Noah.

"You suggested it."

"True. Why do you think I suggested it?"

'Because I questioned one of your decisions."

"You did more than that. You flat out said it wasn't going to happen."


"No maybe to it. You said you wouldn't let me go."

"I used those words, didn't I?" When Noah nodded, she continued, "I didn't really mean it like that. I'm concerned about your safety."

"I figured as much. With my job, I'm in constant danger. Big T asked for this meeting because he wants us to work together to stop Chen."

"Why does he want to stop Chen? They're both bad guys."

"Chen's kidnapping Big T's working girls. His men are pretending to be johns and hiring the girls. Only the girls never return. It's hurting Big T's business. He's only taking the good-looking ones."

"What does that have to do with you? You're a good guy."

"Big T wants to team up with Trey Morgan. He heard Chen has a hit out on me. So, he figured we can team up and stop him."

"I guess I'll need to get used to you being in danger."

Noah's eyebrows shot up. "Especially if you're planning on being around for a while."

Pink glazed Sami's cheeks. "I shouldn't think that way, should I?"

"It's up to you. I could probably get used to the idea."

Sighing, Sami said, "I guess I'll have to get used to worrying."

"I wish you wouldn't worry. I'm good at what I do. There will be numerous undercover agents in the area."

"That's good. Sarah mentioned you're good at your job."

"I'll have to thank her. Would you try not to worry?"

"I'll try but won't make any promises."

Noah chuckled. "I guess that's the best I can hope for." He hesitated and then exhaled. "Will I get a hug when I return?"

"There's a possibility. It'll depend on how much I worry."

He nodded. "I see. Can you hug me in private?"

"Again, I'll try but no promises."

Noah stood. "It's getting late, and I need to get ready." He held out his hand to help her up. "Ready?"

Nodding, Sami's eyes met Noah's, then leaned her head against his arm. He kissed the side of her head. "Half a hug?" When she smiled, he said, "Thank you. I'll expect the other half when I return."

Inside, Noah finished getting ready and then walked out the door. Sami followed and leaned her head against his arm. "I couldn't wait. If you return safely, you can have a whole hug."

Noah grinned. "I'd better return. I wouldn't want to miss a hug." He paused. "Don't start dinner. I'll get something before I leave the city."

Sami watched him walk to the garage.

Sarah opened the door. "Sami, you shouldn't be out here by yourself."

"I'm not really." She pointed. "Noah's right there. I'm sure he wouldn't leave without notifying somebody."


They waited until Noah headed down the lane. He nodded as he drove past. Once he was out of sight, Sarah opened the door, and they went inside and waited for his return.

Hours later, Noah returned. Sami met him at the door then pushed him back onto the porch. Once the door closed, she threw her arms around him and held tight.

Noah nuzzled the side of her hair, sniffed her peony perfume, returned the hug, and kissed the side of her head. "I take it you worried a lot."

"I didn't hug you in front of everybody."

"True. I'm betting they know what's happening out here. Maybe we'd better get inside." He held up a sack. "I have dinner."

As Noah opened the door, Sami grabbed the bag. She walked through the door and said, "I'm really hungry, almost starving. I couldn't wait to start warming up dinner." She continued to the kitchen.

As they laughed, Jose said, "I believe it. I'm starving myself."

Walking behind her, Noah shook his head. "Any idea what I'm going to do with her?"

Bob grinned. "Boss, my vote is to enjoy it."

Nodding, Noah said, "I agree." He called into the kitchen. "How long will it take to get dinner on the table?"

"Ten minutes."

"Good. I wouldn't want you and Jose to starve."

"Neither would I."

Sarah walked toward the kitchen. "I'll help."

As they sat for dinner, Bob asked, "How did the meeting with Big T go?"

"It went well. We're placing agents in the area. When the johns pick up a pro, two men will secretly follow and hang around until the girl returns. If they don't, they'll send for backup and arrest the supposed john and return the girl. We're hoping he uses the same place so we can get numerous men at once."

Jose asked, "How will we know who's working with us and who isn't?"

"We discussed that and are still working on a good plan. So far, Big T's guys will wear a neon yellow wrist band, and ours a neon green band."

Sarah smiled. "That sounds as good as anything. I guess I need to work out a schedule. When does this start?"

"Six o'clock tomorrow evening. No rush." Noah took a bite of brisket. "This is good. I'm glad I thought of it."

Glaring at him, Sarah said, "Sometimes I could thrash you."

His eyes met hers. "Is this one of those times?"

"You know it is."

Bob and Jose grinned at the banter, before Bob said, "Sami, they're good friends."

"I've already figured that out."

"How many men do you want in this rotation?" asked Sarah.

"That's the problem. Big T has about ten working girls every night. We're supposed to take five. What I'm struggling with is if each girl only gets used once a night, we'd only need ten men, but if each one pulls eight tricks a night that's forty tricks. That's an hour per trick and thirty minutes between them."

Sighing Sarah said, "That's almost impossible." Her eyes met Noah's. "I'll figure something out."

"I have confidence you will. I'm hoping I'm not missing something. I talked Big T into allowing my guys to take possession of the men we capture. Since I'm the man they have a hit out for, he agreed."

Sami eyed Sarah. "Why don't you assign each team duo a pro? There may not be as much confusion. You'd only need ten men a night. If one girl goes out all the time, maybe another team duo could step up and help. Big T could take girls one through five, and your guys could take girls six through ten."

"Good idea." Sarah smiled. "I knew there was a reason we hit it off from the beginning."

Jose chuckled. "That sounds dangerous to me."

Noah nodded. "I agree." He glanced at Bob, send that message to Big T and see if he agrees."

Bob stood. "On it, Boss."

Sarah grabbed her plate. "I have kitchen duty and then I'll get started on that schedule."

Sami took the dish from her. "Do your schedule. I'll take care of the dishes."

"It's my night."

"Since Noah brought dinner, I didn't need to cook. Let me help. I don't mind."

Both women hugged, as Sarah said, "Thank you."

Jose chuckled. "Wouldn't it be great if everything worked out that well?"

Noah watched Sami carry dishes into the kitchen. "Sure would." He stood. "Let's go to the computer room. I have few more things to discuss and don't want Sami hearing."

"You mean Bob and Sarah's bedroom?"



Sami Martinez - Twenty-five-year-old high school teacher, who's working to find a kidnapped teenage girl.

Noah Taylor. - Homeland Security team leader, who works in the Human Trafficking department. Alias - Trey Morgan

Jose, Bob, & Sarah - Agents who work under Noah. Bob and Sarah are married.

Laura Martinez - Sami's mom.

Jasper - Sami's Great Dane, a large breed dog.

Myra Rodriguez - Kidnapped teenage girl whom Sami was close to.

Julia - Teenage girl, who was friends with Myra and Sami works with.

Big T - Neighborhood pimp; not a friendly person

Numerous Team Members - They will show up periodically but not really important to the story, except they're there.

Chen - Charles Henry Edward Nichols - Human trafficker and into some really bad stuff.

Chief Galvin Baldwin - Noah's supervisor.

Ryan Brown - All around jerk. He thinks highly of himself.

Marc - Sami's old boyfriend.


Author Notes
Thank you, Google Images, for a photo of the giraffe exhibit at a zoo. I was searching for something else, but couldn't find anything that seemed to fit. I always enjoy a good zoo.

Today's post is the second part of Chapter 13. Chapter 13 is long and is divided into three parts. It only has a little over 1600 words.

I changed parts of this post every day last week when I edit last week. I needed it just right because leads into next week's post. I can promise sparks between Noah and Sami.

I appreciate all the wonderful support you give my writing. As usual, I've changed some things as I've posted. Thank you for the time you take to review my writing.


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