- Lions and Tigers and Bearsby Roxanna Andrews
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What would I do if I owned a wild animal
Lions and Tigers and Bears by Roxanna Andrews

If I owned a wild animal like a lion or a bear, I would build a cave like cage and make sure he had good care. I'd have to get a second job to feed him, I am sure. Because these animals eat a lot and can cause quite a stir. His dish I would be sure to fill and fill and fill, as I'd never want him to look at me like I am his next meal.

I think my wild animal would be a bear, as those big lions they do give me a scare.

Yes, a bear would be my first choice and I would entertain him with my lovely voice. I'd call him Goldilocks, just for the fun of it. If he knew the whole story, I'm sure he'd have none of it. I think I would want a cub, not a grown animal, no way! Little cubs are oh so cute and we could run and play.

The cave cage would be in my big backyard. I'd build a high fence so jumping it would be so very hard. I'd keep my animal safe and my neighbors too, for that is the responsible thing to do. I'd make sure he was exercised well, bathe him often so he wouldn't smell, get him a license to keep me out of jail. Not a driver's license, of course, for a bear cannot drive. Just the thought of it, makes me break out in hives.

I'd train him to wave and sit when he should. In the winter he'd wear a jacket with a fuzzy, furry hood. Then he'd hibernate and I wouldn't see him for a while, but when he awakes I'm sure he'll greet me with a smile.

Yes, a bear would be the right animal for me. If you don't see me for a while you might come by and see, if I'm still on this earthy plain, as raising a wild animal is really quite insane. You just never know what they might do.... on second thought I think I'll just visit the zoo.

Author Notes
I thought I'd rhyme it just for fun.


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