- Eureka Momentby pome lover
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solution to wake-ups
Eureka Moment by pome lover


I go around yawning, my eyes at half mast,

Though at bedtime, I fall right to sleep.

The problem is that I wake up in an hour,

I look at the clock and I weep.


I think that it’s morning, so it’s a surprise

I’ve slept just an hour, but then,

My body agrees that it’s waking-up time,

 So I read until “sleepy” kicks in.


But that takes a good while because my books are good;

They keep the old noggin engrossed,

And I read for hours, then sleep a short while,

And, next day, my poor brain is toast.


It feels like my days and my nights are mixed up

That somehow they’re now in reverse;

And last night, it happened all over again,

The same song and twentieth verse!


I just thought of something constructive to do—

Use “wake-ups” for lucrative means:

A sure-fire sleep aid I’ll call “Sleep Peachfully”

Custard ice cream, peach brandy, sweet dreams!


Sounds good, don’t’cha think?




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